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Fat Man
The Fat Man Judgeth
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Post by Fat Man »

While doing an image search on Google, I came across this rather familiar image that send cold chills up and down my spine.

I was 21 years old back in 1972 living in Las Cruces New Mexico. We had cable TV, but back them we only had 12 channels. Some of the channels were from Los Angeles California.

One Sunday evening while channel surfing, there was nothing but religious programming on and I came across a program called Dr O L Jaggers Invasion Hour in which he was preaching about the invasion of the holy spirit.

Here is a picture from one of his programs.


Dr. O.L. Jaggers

No, this fucker is not Liberace! He is Dr O L Jaggers.

He was a TV evangelist in L.A. back in the 70's. He and his wife, Mrs Velma put on quite a show. Utterly surreal. I remember they had this enormous, inconceivably garish and gaudy, "Golden Alter of Incense Prayer" that took up the entire back of the stage. Apparently, until they built this thing, based on something in Revalations, nobody's prayers ever made it up into Heaven. You could send him money and they would send you a scarf that had been laid on the alter to bless it.

This guy was a real whack job!

When I was 21 years old, I grew my hair long. Not real long, but just long enough to cover my ears and I had sideburns. But my hair was neatly combed and I enjoyed listening to rock and roll. I still like to rock.

Well, anyway . . . . . . .

I only watch him for about 5 to 10 minutes and he was ranting and raving on about rebellious young people with their long hair and rock and roll, which he called "the Devil's music" and saying that young people with long hair and listening to rock deserve to end up in jail, that they deserve to be beaten and raped!

When I was 17 years old, I was raped by an older man, and his preaching brought back some really bad memories. I immediately changed channels only to see another whack job, Gardner Ted Armstrong saying that people who shoplift should have their hands cut off.

Yeah, I remember, this was back in the Nixon years, and a lot of elderly people living in poverty were eating dog food and sometime I would hear or read about some 80 year old lady shoplifting a can of tuna. Yes, stealing is wrong, but I don't think some elderly lady deserves to have a hand chopped off just for staling a can of tuna. If I were the manager of a supermarket, I would just look the other way.

But now, getting back to Dr. O L Jaggers again . . .

He had this huge golder alter on the stage with flashing lights and spinning wheels. It was suppose to depict the alter in Revelations with the seven lamp stands. It was a real piece of work.

During his program, when it was time to pray, he would say "I shall now place my hand on the healing horn or the golden alter!" and then he would start praying for all of our lost souls.

He also played a great big white Steinway piano. Actually, I thought his singing and his piano playing sucked.

Yeah! As a child, he was a musical prodigy. He played on the linoleum!

I don't know if he's still living or not. The old croaker is probably in his late 60s or mid 70s by now.

This guy was so whacked out that he would have made Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson look like flaming liberals by comparison.

When he dies (assuming he hasn't already) I hope they bury him face down so that the harder he digs, the deeper he'll go!

He is so crooked, that after he dies, they'll either have to bury him in a "W" shaped casket, or else they'll have to turn him into the ground like a cork-screw!

He was one pompous ass!
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
Heah comes da judge! Heah comes da judge! Order in da court 'cuz heah comes da judge!

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