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Post by Fat Man »

Yeah, it keeps on getting better all the time! Doesn't it? ... newsletter
In Hollywood, drug addiction better than being fat
Kelly Osbourne talks about being shamed for her weight, not for heroin
Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 12:04 EST
By Margaret Eby

It's no secret that Hollywood is not a fat-friendly town. Gain a couple inches or get caught at the wrong angle in a photo, and you'll find yourself on the wrong side of a "celebrity cellulite" article with some inoffensive jiggly bit circled in red. Every week, the cover of magazines announce in block lettering the discovery of another celebrity's dieting secrets, a new vitamin supplement or pilates regime or juice diet that finally put and end to their weight loss struggle. It all boils down to one pretty clear message: You want that acting job? You want flattering clothes that fit? You want to avoid being trash-talked by every gossip blog in town? Then get thin, quick.

So it's sad, but not shocking that in the latest edition of Us Weekly, Kelly Osbourne says that she got more attention for her weight than for her three stints in rehab. "I took more hell for being fat than I did for being an absolutely raging drug addict. I will never understand that," Osbourne said. Nor should she. But it prompts the question: Is it more socially acceptable to have a substance abuse problem than to be overweight?

Kevin Smith's much-publicized debacle with Southwest Airlines apparently earned him much more derision than sympathy. "They're really pathetic," Smith told the LA Times about the media reaction. "I was unfairly bounced and discriminated against â?¦ They just went with the easy fat jokes."

The media, it seems, is far more forgiving of a little heroin now and then than it is of a person with a couple extra pounds (and Osbourne, even at her heaviest, was far, far from unhealthy). While Hollywood doesn't outright condone drug use, it seems like common practice to look away when your star actress is doing rails of coke and then profess to be shocked, shocked when she ends up in rehab. The truth is that drug abuse and the public scrutiny of celebrities' bodiesâ??which, thanks to her famous parents, began for Kelly Osbourne very youngâ??are not unrelated. Go to rehab or even jail, and you might get your career back, or at least a reality show about it. But have a slice of pizza now and then, and you'll get nothing but wisecracks about your thighs and an invite for "Celebrity Fit Club."
Well, I should have seen this coming years ago!

I mean, like, really!

Back in 1969 when I was in high school, I wanted absolutely nothing to do with the drug scene. I was being harassed by a couple of dope-dealing scum-bags who trying to sell me some drugs. They would not leave me alone.

So I went to my student counselor and he advised me to just turn them in.

That turned out to be a big mistake.

The harassment was even worse after that. I went into my art class one day to find that some painting I was working on were destroyed. I even recieve death threats, so I had to leave school.

After that, as I had mentioned so many times before on these forums, I had an emotional and mental breakdown and spent three weeks in a psych ward where patients were beaten and one night I was raped.

Also, we were given all kind of pills to control our behavior, so I had all kinds of drugs forced on me against my will. I was even harassed just for being too fat.

So, drugs are OK, but don't eat too many goodies!

I guess I'm worse than a drug addict because I'm fat and I love to eat too much!

Also, I'm a pervert because I'm attracted to larger women who are nice and plump.

In the meantime, the ACLU and NAMBLA of working together for legislation that would lower the age of consent in the USA and eventually repeal all the age of consent laws so that all the wealthy old pedo-perves who smell bad can butt-bang little children.

Yeah, being fat and enjoying food is now a crime.

But someday it will be OK to do drugs, and butt-fuck little children!

God bless America!

ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
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Post by sparkle »

If being fat was a crime, most Americans and Puerto Ricans would go in prison. Fortunately, there is not such a stigma now. One of my sisters is a big girl. It doesn't bother her, but heart disease does run in our family and our father had a heart attack and is overweight, so I don't want her to have more risk from overweight or drugs. She is my baby sister and I don't want her to die before me. Here is a picture of me and her from the summer 2008.


I've never been around drugs that much, but it does seem they are ruining the world. Money is corrupting for many people and they will make unwise choices like cocaine. U just have to let people fall, I guess.
* I always had hopes of being a big star. But as you get older, you aim a little lower. Everybody wants to make an impression, some mark upon the world. Then you think, you've made a mark on the world if you just get through it, and a few people remember your name. Then you've left a mark. You don't have to bend the whole world. I think it's better to just enjoy it. Pay your dues, and just enjoy it. If you shoot an arrow and it goes real high, hooray for you.*
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Post by i_like_1981 »

I hope your sister does not have to face any severe health risks. You look happy on that photo. I hate to see people torn apart when they love each other, although I guess I never came to fully appreciate how strong bonds between two people can be. It is important that you have at least one very special person in your life; someone who you care about, love and can fall back on when you need them. It makes you more of a person to know you can appreciate "affection".
Drugs are a real problem in the world. And Hollywood is one of the places where they cause the most damage. Look at what they did to once-great stars like Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley. But sadly, I don't think their destructive ways will ever be halted. A person can go from being free of them to helplessly dependent on them without even realising it. It is frightening, but although you can withhold drugs from addicts, in Hollywood the "addicts" will have enough money and contacts to ensure they get them. Drugs make people sneaky, desperate and untrustworthy and by the time you find out what your "hero" has become, it is too late for them to be helped.

Best regards,

Bernie Rhodes knows don't argue.
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Post by Fat Man »

sparkle wrote:If being fat was a crime, most Americans and Puerto Ricans would go in prison. Fortunately, there is not such a stigma now. One of my sisters is a big girl. It doesn't bother her, but heart disease does run in our family and our father had a heart attack and is overweight, so I don't want her to have more risk from overweight or drugs. She is my baby sister and I don't want her to die before me. Here is a picture of me and her from the summer 2008.


I've never been around drugs that much, but it does seem they are ruining the world. Money is corrupting for many people and they will make unwise choices like cocaine. U just have to let people fall, I guess.
Your sister looks fantastic. You're both attractive.

But, no, I don't think your sister is too overweight. She looks fine.

She doesn't look overweight at all.
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
Heah comes da judge! Heah comes da judge! Order in da court 'cuz heah comes da judge!

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Post by sparkle »

She is a beautiful person inside and out and I love her and am proud of her very much. Thanks guys. :)

She is a far cry from obese, but I don't want to see her weight become a lifelong struggle or see her experience pain or suffering because of it. It would break my heart to see her get diabetes or heart disease. I don't want her to experiment with hard drugs either! Is there another choice? :P

1981, I was watching television once, and u are right. This woman said she was addicted to food, and that no matter what u are addicted to, all addicts are liars. It truly destroys the human spirit.
* I always had hopes of being a big star. But as you get older, you aim a little lower. Everybody wants to make an impression, some mark upon the world. Then you think, you've made a mark on the world if you just get through it, and a few people remember your name. Then you've left a mark. You don't have to bend the whole world. I think it's better to just enjoy it. Pay your dues, and just enjoy it. If you shoot an arrow and it goes real high, hooray for you.*
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Post by i_like_1981 »

sparkle wrote:1981, I was watching television once, and u are right. This woman said she was addicted to food, and that no matter what u are addicted to, all addicts are liars. It truly destroys the human spirit.
I wish it could be so easy as to just tell them to "stop it, it's hurting you". But there comes a point when the person becomes more than just keen on the thing they want the most, they actually can't live without it. It could come in any form. Even seemingly-harmless things like food can become just as lethal as drugs or alcohol when abused. It's all a matter of how far you take it, because when it goes too far, not even the intervention of other people can be enough. Addiction can never be fully stopped, only prevented as best as people can.

Best regards,

Bernie Rhodes knows don't argue.
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