All These People Against Fat Man

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All These People Against Fat Man

Post by sparkle »

He will not bother u if u do not bother him. I understand he is not ur ideal person, but I think deep down he has a good heart and wants to make meaningful online friendships, not to fight and be hurt. I think if u give him a chance, u may even like him. So please stop upsetting him. It's not worth hurting anyone.<
* I always had hopes of being a big star. But as you get older, you aim a little lower. Everybody wants to make an impression, some mark upon the world. Then you think, you've made a mark on the world if you just get through it, and a few people remember your name. Then you've left a mark. You don't have to bend the whole world. I think it's better to just enjoy it. Pay your dues, and just enjoy it. If you shoot an arrow and it goes real high, hooray for you.*
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Re: All These People Against Fat Man

Post by Fat Man »

sparkle wrote:He will not bother u if u do not bother him. I understand he is not ur ideal person, but I think deep down he has a good heart and wants to make meaningful online friendships, not to fight and be hurt. I think if u give him a chance, u may even like him. So please stop upsetting him. It's not worth hurting anyone.<
Thank you Sparkle.

Yeah, I know I'm kind of weird.

When I was a teenager, while all the other guys would be scoping out the slender chicks on the beach, I found that I was attracted to much larger females.

That's just the way I am!

I know that in today's society, a guy who's attracted to fat women is considered a pervert.

But I happen to like chubby women, chubby ADULT women!

And I also happen to be perfectly comfortable being a fat person myself.

If that makes me sick in the head, then so be it!!!

OK . . . . . am I really a pervert?

Well, let's see now . . . . .

Right now we have the ACLU, the American Civil Liberties Union defend NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association.

They are fighting to have the age of consent laws lowered across the country and to eventually abolish the age of consent laws.

Right now, the legal age of consent in the USA is 18 years and in Canada it's 16 years.

How low do they want to go?

How about 15, or 14, or 12, or 10?

How about even lower, like 6 or 4 years?

Yeah, we have a bunch of rich old men, rich old NAMBLA pedo-perves who would like to butt-bang little children, and the ACLU is helping NAMBLA to eventually repeal all the legal age of consent laws.

Also, anybody who speaks out against pedophiles and pedophilia, the ACLU will have them charged with a hate crime.

So, in the future, it will be OK for old men who smell bad to have sex with children.

And I'm a pervert because I happen to be attracted fat women! Fat ADULT women!!!

Yeah! That's right! I'm a perv!
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
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Re: All These People Against Fat Man

Post by sparkle »

THe ACLU is a mixed bag as far as its work. They do some good things. I do not like anyone being accused of some of the weird perversions and encouraging kids to get drunk and these strange stories. That is unfair to u or anyone.
* I always had hopes of being a big star. But as you get older, you aim a little lower. Everybody wants to make an impression, some mark upon the world. Then you think, you've made a mark on the world if you just get through it, and a few people remember your name. Then you've left a mark. You don't have to bend the whole world. I think it's better to just enjoy it. Pay your dues, and just enjoy it. If you shoot an arrow and it goes real high, hooray for you.*

Re: All These People Against Fat Man

Post by Guest »

I guess she must like working for Sports Illustrated because she's a cheap little two-bit jersey chasing whore and a slut who sucks jock cocks!
So, go fuck yourself GirlVinyl you cheap little whore.

I hope you're really happy with yourself.

I bet your mother barks!!!
he sounds like a reasonable guy with no irrational hatred towards any subject. I bet he'll make the perfect friend

also, can I ask you something personally Fat Man? You say "Jocks" have lots of money to buy off corrupt nerds, but in your signature it says this:
The only thing I want to hear coming out
of an ex-jock monkey-boy's mouth is . . .

"Will that be paper or plastic?"
What bagger do you know that makes a lot of money?
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Re: All These People Against Fat Man

Post by Fat Man »

Guest wrote:
I guess she must like working for Sports Illustrated because she's a cheap little two-bit jersey chasing whore and a slut who sucks jock cocks!
So, go fuck yourself GirlVinyl you cheap little whore.

I hope you're really happy with yourself.

I bet your mother barks!!!
he sounds like a reasonable guy with no irrational hatred towards any subject. I bet he'll make the perfect friend

I'm pissed off at GirlVinyl because she has my phone number and my residential address posted on her shitty web site, and after that I had been getting harassing phone calls, and my bank account had been charged for stuff I did not order, so I had to get a new debit card with a new number.

So, damn straight I hate this person for wrecking my life!

also, can I ask you something personally Fat Man? You say "Jocks" have lots of money to buy off corrupt nerds, but in your signature it says this:
The only thing I want to hear coming out
of an ex-jock monkey-boy's mouth is . . .

"Will that be paper or plastic?"
What bagger do you know that makes a lot of money?
That is in reference to ex-jocks after they're no longer playing and no longer making all the money they use to make. Many ex-jocks are stupid. While making all kinds of money, they blow it on women and wild parties. They are too fucking stupid to think about putting any of their money into a savings or retirement account, and they end up broke. So, after they can't play sports anymore they have nothing left because they blew it!

Then because most of them didn't study when they were in school, they don't know jack shit. They goofed off in the class rooms, refused the study, and they bullied the other students around.

They lack the education and the skills for most jobs today, so they have to settle for a job bagging groceries, or scrubbing toilets, or shining shoes because they are too stupid to do anything else.

Now do you get it?

If not, then you're just as stupid as the ex-jocks.

Now, be sure to apply the brown shoe polish and not the black! OK?

Just shine 'em and shut the fuck up!
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
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Re: All These People Against Fat Man

Post by i_like_1981 »

Guest, you seem to think that having someone make a webpage devoted to insulting you and revealing all your information and activities is something that should be taken lightly by the victim. "Irrational hatred"? Please don't forget who started this entire argument off. Did any of us come over to the /sp/ board at 4chan and start bashing your interests and lifestyles for no reason at all? No! You go mad at us for actually fighting back against your bullcrap. You seem to think that you are above any bad treatment. Well, I'm a firm believer in you get what you give. An eye for an eye. You throw a punch, I throw one back. Perhaps it isn't the most moral and admirable reaction to conflict but I would definitely not call it unfair or unjustified! Now, I'm going before I end up writing another "mini-essay" which you people seem to have such a problem with.

I guess our intellect is owning yours. Well, sports fans were never hard work on that front.

Best regards,

Bernie Rhodes knows don't argue.
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Re: All These People Against Fat Man

Post by Fat Man »

i_like_1981 wrote:Guest, you seem to think that having someone make a webpage devoted to insulting you and revealing all your information and activities is something that should be taken lightly by the victim. "Irrational hatred"? Please don't forget who started this entire argument off. Did any of us come over to the /sp/ board at 4chan and start bashing your interests and lifestyles for no reason at all? No! You go mad at us for actually fighting back against your bullcrap. You seem to think that you are above any bad treatment. Well, I'm a firm believer in you get what you give. An eye for an eye. You throw a punch, I throw one back. Perhaps it isn't the most moral and admirable reaction to conflict but I would definitely not call it unfair or unjustified! Now, I'm going before I end up writing another "mini-essay" which you people seem to have such a problem with.

I guess our intellect is owning yours. Well, sports fans were never hard work on that front.

Best regards,
Well, I'm not ever going to visit 4chan anymore. I only been there a couple of times. I don't give a tinker's damn what more they're saying about me over there, as long as I don't get any more sports ragazine subscriptions sent to me. I only want to be left alone.

They're all entitled to their opinions, just as we are entitled to our own opinions. I don't go over there to post anything and I'm glad that guest posting function has now been disabled in this forum so they can't come in here to harass us anymore. They can only come in here to read our posts but they are no longer able to respond as guests.

Therefore, I'm not going to say anything anymore about what they're saying about me over at 4chan, since I'm not going there to see what they're saying about me or anybody else here. So they may as well just be pissing into the wind now.

If they don't like what I or anybody here has to say about jocks and sports fans, well then, tuff shit for them! They're free to just bitch and gripe about it at their own forum.

In the meantime, I'm having a shit load of computer problems. I can't upload attachments using my Mozilla Firefox browser anymore. I have to go back to using the Microsoft Internet browser now if I want to upload or download anything because something is fucked up in my Firefox browser.

For the past three days, my computer has been running slow as shit when using my Firefox browser.

I'm going to download and install Safari which is similar to Firefox until I can get this problem fixed.

Then maybe once again, I can do all the things I use to be able to do.

I believe in freedom of speech for everybody, including sports fans and jocks, but apparently, they don't believe that we're entitled to free speech and would like nothing better to shut us down.

I'm not interested in shutting them down. I just don't like my personal information, like my phone number and residential address being posted anywhere.

The only places where I had entered my residential address and phone number is where I had ordered books or CDs or DVDs on line, like Amazon or Barns & Nobel, and I had closed my account with Amazon some months ago.

What is it about jocks and sports fans that gives them such a rigid and authoritarian mindset that we must all conform and think the way they do? That is, if you can call it thinking.

No, I don't want to (think?) like a jock or a sports fan. That would require being an unconscious zombie doing everything through reflex actions, which is all it takes to play football because it doesn't require thinking, and for sports fans to clap and cheer and holler WHOOT when they see their favorite monkey-boy hero scoring a touchdown. It's all unconscious reflex actions by jock and sports fan zombies!

WOW! Talk about Night Of The Living Brain-dead!
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
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Re: All These People Against Fat Man

Post by Fat Man »

I have another weird problem with my computer.

Every time I try to post something, when I click on the [Submit] button, it comes back with a blank text window and everything I typed is gone!

But I found a way around that! HA! HA!

Before I submit my post, I right-click my mouse on the text window, then I click on Select All to highlight the text, then click on Copy. That way, everything I had typed is in memory, then if I get a blank text window after hitting the [Submit] button, I just right-click my mouse on the blank text window, and click on paste.

Then all that I had typed previously re-appears again, and then, I click on the [Submit] button again, and my message gets posted.

Sometimes I have to make 2 or 3 attempts, but it finally gets posted.

Yeah! Nobody is going to shut me up!
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
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Re: All These People Against Fat Man

Post by i_like_1981 »

Fat Man wrote:I have another weird problem with my computer.

Every time I try to post something, when I click on the [Submit] button, it comes back with a blank text window and everything I typed is gone!

But I found a way around that! HA! HA!

Before I submit my post, I right-click my mouse on the text window, then I click on Select All to highlight the text, then click on Copy. That way, everything I had typed is in memory, then if I get a blank text window after hitting the [Submit] button, I just right-click my mouse on the blank text window, and click on paste.

Then all that I had typed previously re-appears again, and then, I click on the [Submit] button again, and my message gets posted.

Sometimes I have to make 2 or 3 attempts, but it finally gets posted.

Yeah! Nobody is going to shut me up!
That's exactly what I do to prevent my posts from being lost should my internet screw up for a bit. I need to be sure my mini-essay will eventually get up here some way or another! I'm not spending half an hour typing out a hugely detailed response unless I can guarantee it won't be lost!

A few times I have forgotten to copy the body of my text before submitting, and then my internet or server has cocked up. It vexes me to know that all that time preparing a response has gone down the proverbial toilet.

So, if my internet should pack in during the submitting process, I copy the text onto the computer's memory for a bit then paste it back into the reply box once I'm back on here. If I fear my computer is about to crash or restart then I use the time I have left to copy the text into a Notepad file and save it ready to copy back onto the site.

It is good to be secure in what you are doing. Nobody likes seeing their time and efforts wasted especially when there is a way around that problem.

Best regards,

Bernie Rhodes knows don't argue.
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Re: All These People Against Fat Man

Post by Fat Man »

i_like_1981 wrote:
Fat Man wrote:I have another weird problem with my computer.

Every time I try to post something, when I click on the [Submit] button, it comes back with a blank text window and everything I typed is gone!

But I found a way around that! HA! HA!

Before I submit my post, I right-click my mouse on the text window, then I click on Select All to highlight the text, then click on Copy. That way, everything I had typed is in memory, then if I get a blank text window after hitting the [Submit] button, I just right-click my mouse on the blank text window, and click on paste.

Then all that I had typed previously re-appears again, and then, I click on the [Submit] button again, and my message gets posted.

Sometimes I have to make 2 or 3 attempts, but it finally gets posted.

Yeah! Nobody is going to shut me up!
That's exactly what I do to prevent my posts from being lost should my internet screw up for a bit. I need to be sure my mini-essay will eventually get up here some way or another! I'm not spending half an hour typing out a hugely detailed response unless I can guarantee it won't be lost!

A few times I have forgotten to copy the body of my text before submitting, and then my internet or server has cocked up. It vexes me to know that all that time preparing a response has gone down the proverbial toilet.

So, if my internet should pack in during the submitting process, I copy the text onto the computer's memory for a bit then paste it back into the reply box once I'm back on here. If I fear my computer is about to crash or restart then I use the time I have left to copy the text into a Notepad file and save it ready to copy back onto the site.

It is good to be secure in what you are doing. Nobody likes seeing their time and efforts wasted especially when there is a way around that problem.

Best regards,
Yes, that's another option I forgot to mention.

When I'm typing one of my long essays, if it's taking longer that I thought it was going to take, then I copy and paste to either Word Pad or Note Pad and save it, then I come back later to finish posting something.

This is actually a habit I developed long before this recent computer problem cropped up.

Now I have no idea how my computer picked up any malicious software. I mean, really! Jocks and sports fans are too stupid to figure out how to hack in to my server, but jocks are rich enough to hire somebody to do it. In that case, any computer geek who would help a jock is a traitor to all his fellow nerds and geeks everywhere. He would be just another Fascist Nazi jock collaborator.

Jocks have too much money which gives too much power to moronic imbeciles who can't find their way back out of their own socks, yet they have money enough to influence anybody. A jock is rich enough to have someone killed and to cover their own tracks and make it look like someone else did it.

Of course, because jocks are so stupid, they don't know enough to put their money into a retirement account. Instead they just blow all their money on women and wild parties, then when they finally get too old to play sports anymore, they're broke and end up having to bag groceries or shine shoes.

Also, they are all crippled up and brain-dead so they spend their retirement pissing on a plastic covered couch, drooling from the corners of their mouths and watching videos of their former glory days.

How pathetic!
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
Heah comes da judge! Heah comes da judge! Order in da court 'cuz heah comes da judge!

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Re: All These People Against Fat Man

Post by Fat Man »

Well, today I downloaded and installed the Safari browser to my computer.

I have read some reviews on the Internet and some people are saying that it's much better than Mozilla Firefox.


Safari is fine if you happen to be a retard and you're not interested in downloading You Tube music videos of anything really worth while. Safari is best for viewing sports websites.

I did a Google search for Safari Plugins and there is one called Meep that is suppose to let your download and save You Tube videos to your computer, but when I tried to install in, the files were corrupted.

Mozilla Firefox has a plugin that lets you download and save You Tube videos that you can watch on Real Player, but Safari does not have the option.

There is another browser named Opera but when I tried to download and install Opera, again the file was corrupted.

Well, that's not surprising. The USA is corrupt! Our schools are corrupt, and the internet is corrupt, thanks to sports.

Safari sucks on all four cylinders! Safari is a retarded browser perfect for sports fans!

I need to get the problems with my Mozilla Firefox fixed, because when it's working, it's the best dam fucking browser there is! It's even better that Microsoft IE because even Microsoft doesn't have an option to download and save You Tube to your computer.

I may need to get my Windows XP operating system re-installed to fix my computer problems.

I hate sports! I wish all the sports fans and jocks would die in their sleep tonight!

To me, having the ability to download as save You Tube videos to my computer is of far greater value than the lives of all the sports fans and jocks put together.

Science and math, art and music, these things are fare more valuable to me than the lives of all the sports fans and the jocks!


I rest my case!
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
Heah comes da judge! Heah comes da judge! Order in da court 'cuz heah comes da judge!

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Re: All These People Against Fat Man

Post by Skul »

Have you tried System Restore? I was having problems just earlier tonight (about ten minutes ago) where my computer would keep logging me out whenever I left a website, meaning I had log back in every time I revisted a webpage. Did a system retore to a couple of days ago and it solved it. If you haven't already, select a restore point to before your browser started acting up. Same goes for anyone; if your computer is acting up, try restoring it. It won't get rid of virii or anything (it doesn't delete files, just sets the system settings to what they were on the restore point you selected).
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Re: All These People Against Fat Man

Post by Fat Man »

Skul wrote:Have you tried System Restore? I was having problems just earlier tonight (about ten minutes ago) where my computer would keep logging me out whenever I left a website, meaning I had log back in every time I revisted a webpage. Did a system retore to a couple of days ago and it solved it. If you haven't already, select a restore point to before your browser started acting up. Same goes for anyone; if your computer is acting up, try restoring it. It won't get rid of virii or anything (it doesn't delete files, just sets the system settings to what they were on the restore point you selected).
Well, I now have some really GOOD NEWS!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Yes, about 5 days ago I tried System Restore back to an earlier date, but to no avail. My Mozilla Firefox was still running slow as shit.

Then the next day it got worse. I could still open new tabs but not any new windows.

Then I tried to un-install and re-install my Firefox and I still had the same problem.

To un-install a program you first to to Control Panel then you go to Add or Remove Programs, then you select the program you wish to remove.

But what happens is that when you remove a program it does not remove everything. There is still some lingering files in the registry so you have to go into the registry editor to remove any files associated with the program. But that is very risky because if you remove the wrong files, it could cause your computer to crash.

So I did a Google search on how to completely un-install Mozilla Firefox and there is a program that I was able to download and install that would allow me to to a clean un-install of any program, and its FREE!


After installing the the FINAL UNINSTALLER you select which programs you want to un-install. I ran the program to completely un-install my Mozilla Firefox browser and it removed all the registry files that were associated with the program

Then, when I reinstalled my Mozilla Firefox again, it was a clean start as if I were installing it for the very first time.

Of course, my favorite bookmarks were gone, but Firefox has a web page where you can upload and store all of your bookmarks, so I had to download them to my Mozilla Firefox Browser.

Now, I have to finish reinstalling all of my favorite plug-ins and then I'll be able to download videos to Real Player again.

So, I fixed the problem.

I also installed the latest version of Mozilla Firefox 6.3 which is the very best.

Now, I can open new windows and it loads really fast.

My Mozilla Firefox is now so fucking fast it like it was shot from a gun!

Later on I'm going to use my FINAL UNINSTALLER to remove Safari because it's fucking retarded!

I'm so glad I discovered FINAL UNINSTALLER, because there are a couple of other programs that are running kind of retarded on me, so I'll have to un-install than with my new FINAL UNINSTALLER and then reinstall them again getting a fresh new start.

So, problem solved.

Now, once again, I'm a happy camper.
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
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Re: All These People Against Fat Man

Post by Earl »

Fat Man wrote:I wish all the sports fans and jocks would die in their sleep tonight!

To me, having the ability to download as save You Tube videos to my computer is of far greater value than the lives of all the sports fans and jocks put together.

Science and math, art and music, these things are fare more valuable to me than the lives of all the sports fans and the jocks!

:shock: :shock: More fodder for the 4chan sports board trolls.
"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go." -- Oscar Wilde

Go, Montana State Bobcats! ... re=related
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Fat Man
The Fat Man Judgeth
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Re: All These People Against Fat Man

Post by Fat Man »

Earl wrote:
Fat Man wrote:I wish all the sports fans and jocks would die in their sleep tonight!

To me, having the ability to download as save You Tube videos to my computer is of far greater value than the lives of all the sports fans and jocks put together.

Science and math, art and music, these things are fare more valuable to me than the lives of all the sports fans and the jocks!

:shock: :shock: More fodder for the 4chan sports board trolls.
Good evening Earl.

Well, this is after all and anti-sports forum and we can't allow ourselves to be intimidated by anyone outside the forum.

The guest function has been disabled so unregistered guests can't post here and harass us. Right?

And I have no intention of going over to 4chan ever again.

I don't give a damn what they're saying about me over there.

They may still be able to come over here and read our posts but they can't harass us anymore since the guest function is now disabled.

So, I can relax now.

I fixed the problem with my Firefox browser and it runs much faster now.

It now runs much faster than a jock! :D :D :D :D :D
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
Heah comes da judge! Heah comes da judge! Order in da court 'cuz heah comes da judge!

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