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Post by Fat Man »

OK! Now what the in the flying fucking Hell is going on here.

Kids who are NOT overweight are now being labeled as "obese" by the establishment.

Here is an article I found at Daily Mail, a UK publication. ... e-healthy- five year-old-son-weighing-4st-branded-obese-NHS.html#

Mother's outrage as healthy five-year-old son weighing 4st is branded obese by NHS
By Fay Schlesinger
Last updated at 1:35 AM on 19th March 2010

With an active lifestyle and diet rich in fruit and vegetables, five-year-old Cian Attwood would appear to be the picture of health. So his parents were astounded to receive a letter from the NHS saying he is 'clinically obese'. It warned that he is in the fattest one per cent of his age group and risks heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

Obese: Cian Attwood, five, with his mother Kriss Hodgson and sister at the
family home in Telford, Shropshire

Cian is 4st 2lb (58 pounds) when the recommended weight for his age is between 2st 13lb and 3st 11lb (between 41 and 53 pounds). But he is 3ft 10in, taller than average for a five-year-old, and is clearly not fat.

His mother Kriss Hodgson, 27, warned that labeling children as obese while they are still growing could make them anxious and lead to anorexia. 'There's not an ounce of fat on Cian,' she said at the family home in Overdale, Shropshire. 'When he takes his top off he has a concave tummy and you can see his ribs. 'The NHS is making everybody think they need to be celebrity size zero and it's going to give people eating disorders.'

The letter mother Kriss Hodgson received from her local NHS

Miss Hodgson and her partner John Attwood, 34, gave permission for their son to be weighed at his primary school last month. A letter from NHS Telford and Wrekin was delivered two weeks later with a chart showing that Cian is 'very overweight - doctors call this clinically obese'. Miss Hodgson added: 'Cian walks into town with his dad and that's a four-mile round trip. He also likes bike riding, fishing, running around the garden and football.

'His favourite foods are peas, sweetcorn, broccoli, chicken and grapes. When I said he'd been called obese our GP laughed in my face.' Cian is one of thousands of children being weighed as part of the Government's National Child Measurement Programme. It is part of a wide-ranging campaign to combat child obesity, which also led to this week's announcement by chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson that secondary-school pupils would have to take an annual fitness test.

Mary George, from the eating disorder charity BEAT, said: 'Some of the messages these letters are sending out are not necessarily right for young people who are vulnerable-to pressure to have the right body image. 'If a friendly nurse could speak to parents directly, it might do more good. But such officialdom is a scare tactic that takes things to extremes.' Clare Harland, spokesman for the NHS trust, said: 'Every year children in reception and year six are weighed and measured in school as part of the programme, which is now in its fifth year.

'The data is used locally and nationally to set goals to tackle obesity and deliver the right services to the right people. The height and weight measurement is carried out by trained staff and the families of any child can opt out.'

In February, another five-year-old Lucy Davies, from Dorset, was told she was overweight and vulnerable to high blood pressure - even though she weighs 3st 9lb (51 pounds) and is a fit child.

Picture of health: Sports-mad Lucy Davies,
five, has been told she risks heart disease

Her mother, Susan Davies, 38, said she was shocked by the letter she and husband Tony were sent about their daughter's weight after she had been examined at school as part of a Government initiative.
Excuse me, maybe I'm a dumb-ass and I'm not with it and I'm behind the times but . . . . .

The kids in the above photos do NOT look fat to me. Not by any stretch of the imagination!

Back in 2007 I read another article that said that 11 year old kids today are about 10 pound heavier than 11 year old kids back in the 1970s.

Well, if I recall correctly, 11 year old kids today are almost a couple of inches taller than 11 year old kids were in the 1970s.


HELLO! . . . . . HELLO! . . . . . HELL-FUCKIN'-LOHO!!!

The mother said of her son . . .
When he takes his top off he has a concave tummy and you can see his ribs.
And the NHS National Health Service in the UK calls that obese???

Like, come on people! Like, let's get real! OK?

How thin do we want children to be?

OK, I know fat when I see it, because I'm fat, so as a fat person I should know, and these kids in the photos above clearly are NOT fat.

Well, maybe because I'm fat I have a distorted view of body image and see being just a little bit chubby as being too thin, and because I'm attracted to larger women.

No, I know fat when I see it, and I know thin when I see it, and if a kid has a concave tummy and you can see some ribs, then the kid is actually underweight for his height.

Yes, he may be "heavy" for his age, but because he is also much taller for his age, then naturally he is going to weigh more than most kid his age, and still be thin, because taller kids weigh more than shorter kids.

We are being brainwashed by the media. Here in the USA on TV we are bombarded by all kinds of commercials for diet products and exercise devices, and every week they come out with a new diet or a new exercise gadget.

Well, if last week's diet or exercise device was so terrific, then why do they have to come out with a new one every week?


So, we are being brainwashed by the media. Hollywood even dictates to us what the ideal female body should look like and I'm made to feel like a pervert because I happen to like chubby women.

And now, kids are being to taught how to hate their own bodies.

But, we have always taught kids how to hate themselves.

When I was a kid going to school, I wasn't fat yet. I didn't get fat until my teenage years. I started gaining a lot of weight when I was 13 years old and by the ti,me I was 15, I weighed over 200 pounds.

And you all want to know what?


I liked becoming bigger than the bullies who pushed me around.

And now, I weigh around 400 pounds, and I LIKE IT!

When I was a kid, before I got fat, I was already being taught to feel ashamed of myself because I was not good at sports. In the PE classes I was harassed because I was lousy at sports. but that was due to a crippled up left knee, the result of a car accident at the age of 4 years.

Never mind that I was doing well in all my academic subjects, I was made to feel ashamed of myself and to hate myself just simply because I was no good at sports.

What kind of sick society teaches children to hate themselves?
Last edited by Fat Man on Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

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Post by i_like_1981 »

I've read a few stories like this in the past.

Our health care system is always making blunders. As is shown in this case, they're quite clearly making too much fuss over a few goddamn pounds over the recommended weight which really won't matter at all in the long run. In fact, most people are over the recommended average weight. I would be an exception to that.

The British health system should sort out its priorities. They should be investing their time and resources in helping people with real weight problems who are desperately in need of care instead of wasting time causing a fuss with young kids who really have nothing at all wrong with them.

No wonder this got into the newspapers. Stupid mistakes like this can cause people a lot of bother and when that kid is older he's going to feel humiliated at having his story publicised. All this could prove to be an impediment on his future life and it really is needless. Does the picture shown in the article depict a serious obesity problem? Does it bollocks. I can't understand why things like this happen. Some people in our health care service must be paranoid. I respect their right to keep a clamp down on obesity but I don't really see who on earth could gain from this at all.

Best regards,

Bernie Rhodes knows don't argue.
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Post by Fat Man »

i_like_1981 wrote:I've read a few stories like this in the past.

Our health care system is always making blunders. As is shown in this case, they're quite clearly making too much fuss over a few goddamn pounds over the recommended weight which really won't matter at all in the long run. In fact, most people are over the recommended average weight. I would be an exception to that.

The British health system should sort out its priorities. They should be investing their time and resources in helping people with real weight problems who are desperately in need of care instead of wasting time causing a fuss with young kids who really have nothing at all wrong with them.

No wonder this got into the newspapers. Stupid mistakes like this can cause people a lot of bother and when that kid is older he's going to feel humiliated at having his story publicised. All this could prove to be an impediment on his future life and it really is needless. Does the picture shown in the article depict a serious obesity problem? Does it bollocks. I can't understand why things like this happen. Some people in our health care service must be paranoid. I respect their right to keep a clamp down on obesity but I don't really see who on earth could gain from this at all.

Best regards,
Yes, and they are becoming more and more paranoid. I understand the situation is worse in the UK than here in America, but we are fast catching up.

But, I sort of have to disagree when you said . . .
I respect their right to keep a clamp down on obesity but . . . . .
I feel that how much I weigh is really nobody's business but my own.

Now, I understand about the cost of health care, and how people want to keeps those costs down, but some of the regulations they wish to impose on us will only increase the costs to tax payers.

For example: in Japan, men with a waist measurement over 34 inches and woman with a waist measurement over 36 inches are being charged higher premiums on their company health insurance, and some employees are in danger of losing their jobs. Also, I don't understand why women are allowed 2 extra inches around the waist when most men are taller and heavier than most women.

In the USA, some employers would like to imposes a 50% percent higher rate on company health insurance to any employee who is overweight.

In both the UK and here in America, parents have had their children taken away if the kids or the parents are too fat.

This will only increase eating disorders among children. Over the past few decades there has been an increase in Anorexia and Bulimia among teenagers, especially among teenage girls.

And now, after some cases where kids have been taken away from their parents by the state, this is only going to make the situation even worse. Kids will start starving themselves to stay thin for fear that if they gain too much weight they'll be taken away from their parents.

Some so-called medical "experts" are even now suggesting that women should try to avoid gaining any weight during pregnancies. But if women force themselves to eat less while pregnant, this will result in malnutrition to the developing fetus causing children to be born with underdeveloped brains and having learning disabilities later on in life.

Oh! Yeah! Now I get it. That's where our future jocks and sports fans will come from. OK! I get it now! Yeah! Like, we need to have more people growing up retarded and only able to play in sports. Makes perfect sense! I get it now. OK!

It's like some people want to impose more and more penalties on us fat people.

OK, it's a well known fact, that many of us who are obese, we often have many other mental and emotional issues to deal with in our lives.

For example: There is a higher rate of obesity among women who have been raped and people who have been molested as kids are more likely to become obese as adults.

Some people turn to drugs, some people turn to alcohol, and some of us turn to food for comfort to deal with anxiety and depression, and we should not be further penalized because of it when so many of us has been punished more than enough during our lives.

Most drug addictions, and alcohol addiction, and even tobacco addiction is easier to treat than food addiction. That's because we can live without drugs, we can live without alcohol, and we can live without tobacco, but nobody can live very long without food. We all need to eat.

So, a food addict falls off the wagon everyday.

With drugs or alcohol, you put the tiger in the cage and leave him here. But, with food, you take the tiger out 3 times a day, pet him, and then try to get him back in the cage again.

Anyway . . . . .

I feel that my weight is nobody's business but my own.

Yes, I do avoid most junk foods. I don't drink soda every day. I like to get plenty of fresh and vegetables every day with my meals. Yes, I do like to have melted cheese on top of my vegetables and whipped topping on my strawberries and I like to keep some ice cream in my freezer. Big deal.

But I don't obsess and feel guilty over every bite of food I eat.

In the past, I have lost weight, only to gain back more weight than I had lost. This happens to all of us fat people.

Also, I have discovered that when I had lost any weight, I did not feel any better. In fact I have felt worse. But when I gain the weight back again I feel more comfortable and the anxiety and depression goes away.

There are some of use in this world who feel more comfortable and happier being fat, so people should just learn to accept that and let us be.

But the media teaches us that we are suppose to hate ourselves, just as I was being taught to hate myself in school simply because I wasn't good at sports, and to hate myself for having a crippled up left knee, which was the result of a car accident.

Only a sick and morally corrupt and depraved society teaches kids to hate themselves.

So now, I'm suppose to hate myself just because I'm fat.

Well, I'm not buying it!
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
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Post by sparkle »

It's based on BMI which calculate the height and the weight together. It usually is true, but not always. His height was taken into consideration.
* I always had hopes of being a big star. But as you get older, you aim a little lower. Everybody wants to make an impression, some mark upon the world. Then you think, you've made a mark on the world if you just get through it, and a few people remember your name. Then you've left a mark. You don't have to bend the whole world. I think it's better to just enjoy it. Pay your dues, and just enjoy it. If you shoot an arrow and it goes real high, hooray for you.*
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Post by i_like_1981 »

Fat Man wrote:I feel that how much I weigh is really nobody's business but my own.
That is true. But I'm sure you understand how the government feel that people's health problems are also problems of their own. Some people choose to make themselves over or underweight but the government feel it is due to a failing on the part of the healthcare system. Which is not always true, but they do have a wish to promote the country's image of health. It's not the only case where the government feel the need to intervene with people's personal choices.

Best regards,

Bernie Rhodes knows don't argue.
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Post by Fat Man »

i_like_1981 wrote:
Fat Man wrote:I feel that how much I weigh is really nobody's business but my own.
That is true. But I'm sure you understand how the government feel that people's health problems are also problems of their own. Some people choose to make themselves over or underweight but the government feel it is due to a failing on the part of the healthcare system. Which is not always true, but they do have a wish to promote the country's image of health. It's not the only case where the government feel the need to intervene with people's personal choices.

Best regards,
Yes, I know.

But as you all know, I was not allowed to get a decent education in school, there were people who wanted to control what kind of books I read, and being denied a decent education because I was lousy in PE classes.

Back in the 1960s the Kennedy administration promoted the idea that Americans should go on 50 mile hikes because Americans were out of shape, and it was after that, when the quality of education went down the crapper.

Anytime the Government gets involved with issues such as health and fitness they only end up wrecking people's lives.

Yeah! Like, we're from the Government, and we're here to help you.

I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard that one.

No, when I was in school some people tried to control what I read, thus, fucking up my life.

And now, I'll be damned if anybody in the Government is going to try to control what and how much I eat. The costs be damned! How much I weigh, and what I eat is my own damn business. Being fat has never done me any harm.

In fact, being fat has protected me. It has protected me from the cold when I could not afford to heat my home when I was living in Las Cruces New Mexico. Being fat has protected me from serious injuries when I took a nasty spill from a motor cycle. I should have had broken bones but I simply got up, dusted myself off, picked up my motor cycle and got back on and kept on going. When I got home, I had some cuts and bruises I had to tend to, and my muscles ached for a few days, but I was fine. I went into the emergency room for X rays just to make sure there were no internal injuries and the doctor even said being fat protected me from more serious injuries, but he still said I should lose some weight. Yeah right!

When I was a teenage kid, being fat protected me when my stepfather got drunk and use to beat up on me. So, again I say, being fat has never done me any harm.

But when I was going to school my life was fucked up in the name of physical fitness.

I already paid a heavy price when the Kennedy administration promoted 50 mile hikes and our educational system went down the crapper as a result.

I truly wish somebody had shot that fucker before he opened up his big mouth about physical fitness.
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
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Post by Earl » ... id=7228335

The following quotation is one of the comments posted in reaction to an abc NEWS/Health article dated April 2, 2009. The article is entitled "Teen Commits Suicide Due to Bullying: Parents Sue School for Son's Death" and is subtitled "Family Wants No Money but Insists School Address Bullying and Three Other Suicides."
And it's hard to fight back against words. I went to high school in Ohio very much like Mentor, and there's an attitude in these types of schools that those who don't fit the standard don't matter. Where I went to school, nearly all the male teachers were also coaches, so we were stuck with some of the absolutely worst math and science teachers because football, basketball, and wrestling teams all mattered more. The kids who wanted to actually learn something were pitted against the jocks who blindly supported their coaches' inept teaching skills. So us geeks in high school had to endure Coach Jerkface teaching calculus and making snide references about how the 'chess team can't score' or how any guys in drama club are all batting for the other team'. This jerks type of attitude filtered down from him to all the jocks in school. It's been more than 10 years since I was in school. perhaps teachers know better than to opening call students gay, but don't tell me that kind of junk isn't spewed in very high school locker room. The only solution is to understand that bullying is as much part of high school as proms and football games. If your kid is gonna be bullied, find another way of educating your child. Often times, kids can graduate early and attend college rather than high school. Also, distance learning (rather than homeschooling) can be a good alternative.
That's odd ... This sounds familiar. Doesn't it, Fat Man?

We don't want to speak that way about the late President John F. Kennedy or any other U.S. politician, regardless of his politics. But there is no denying that the Kennedy administration's push for mandatory sports-centered P.E. was cruelly hypocritical and did absolutely nothing to help those children who were the most unfit. The Kennedy administration actually set back the cause of physical fitness. Frequently bullied, the most unfit students were humiliated and ignored. There were no exercise programs for them. Only forced participation in sports, which encouraged bullying. I ought to know because that was my own personal experience. Of course, such misguided policies did help to bring about this website, which many sports fans hate so much. (By the way, how many of these same sports fans favor P.E. reform? The answer, obviously, is "Not many.") If only PE4Life had been around in 1961!
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Post by Fat Man »

Earl wrote:We don't want to speak that way about the late President John F. Kennedy or any other U.S. politician, regardless of his politics. But there is no denying that the Kennedy administration's push for mandatory sports-centered P.E. was cruelly hypocritical and did absolutely nothing to help those children who were the most unfit. The Kennedy administration actually set back the cause of physical fitness. Frequently bullied, the most unfit students were humiliated and ignored. There were no exercise programs for them. Only forced participation in sports, which encouraged bullying. I ought to know because that was my own personal experience. Of course, such misguided policies did help to bring about this website, which many sports fans hate so much. (By the way, how many of these same sports fans favor P.E. reform? The answer, obviously, is "Not many.") If only PE4Life had been around in 1961!
Well, I don't know why, but it seems that the USA is into what I call "body regulation" that our Government wants to control everything, including the size and shaped of our bodies.

When my mother went to school, she was left-handed, and we all know what a disaster our schools were for left-handed children. My mother had this one teacher who struck her on the back of her left hand with the hard edge of a wooden ruler.

I'm also left-handed, and I'm just glad that when I went to school I wasn't forced to use my right hand. If the teacher who had punched me in the stomach with a basketball as I had mentioned before, and bashed my head against a brick wall in an argument over an astronomy book that he didn't want me to read, if he had also forced me to use my right hand, well . . . . . I believe I would be in prison right now, because I would have fucking killed him!!!

Now, we have people wanting to regulate every aspect of our lives. In New York City they want to regulate how many holes a salt shaker can have and to ban salt entirely from restaurants. Some people want to make food a controlled substance just like drugs. And as usual, these regulations will hit poor people the hardest.

No, I resent it when people want to regulate my body. My body is my own property. My body is NOT state property. The minute our bodies become state property, then they can do anything they wish with us, anything that might be even far more harmful than having a double chin and a pair of love-handles.

Thanks to the morally corrupt Kennedy Administration, I got used as a punching bag and a tackling dummy for jocks to practice on. I was beaten down in the name of physical fitness.


PE has done far more to damage my health, both physically and mentally than being fat or smoking a pipe.

I have been fat since my teen age years, and it has never done me harm and has in fact protected me from serious injuries.

I have been smoking a pipe and cigars since I was 19 years old, and it has never done me any harm. My favorite pipe tobacco is Black Cavendish.

I remember some happy times when I sat in front of a fireplace, smoking my pipe, and reading an Astronomy book.

Now, that is a politically incorrect image! And for these three reasons.

1.) Burning wood. Greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide which cause global warming.

2.) Smoking a pipe. That's a no no!

3.) An Astronomy books usually has a chapter on Evolution and it says that the universe is billions of years old while all true Americans know the earth is only 6,000 years old, made is six 24 hour days, animals just magically popped up from the earth, and storks bring the babies.

So, I'm scum, because I don't like sports, and I prefer science and I believe in evolution, and I smoke a pipe, and I'm too fat! Let's see now . . . . What else is there?

If I had been born in the Soviet Union, I would have been much better off!!!

My mother taught me how to read and write before I started school, and I was already reading at the adult level when I was only in the 3rd grade, so if I had been a kid in a Commie school, the teachers would have notice my advanced reading level and I would have been encouraged to study science and math, because the Soviet Union wanted to beat the USA to the moon and win the space race. Can't do that without science and math.

It would have actually been far easier for me to get through high school and on to college.

Yes, I would have had to learn a lot of Soviet political propaganda along with my education, but I would had gotten a degree in Astronomy and Physics.

Then, if I didn't like their system of Government and I thought their politics sucked, I could defect!

I would have said, "Thank you all very much my dear comrades! It's been fun and all that!" and then I would have voted with my feet and defected to another country.

Yes, there was a lot of things about the Soviet Union that sucked out loud, but kids were better educated in science and math than here in the USA.

Also, the Soviet Union had absolutely no tolerance for child molester and pedophiles.

There was a serial killer who raped and murdered over 40 children. He was the Soviet Union's version of our John Wayne Gacy, and when they caught up to him and put him on trial he was given the death penalty.

The scum-bag was to be sentenced to die by hanging.

But on the execution date, when they took him from his cell and marched him to the gallows, one of the guards simply took out his gun and put it to the back of the guy's head and blew his shit-for-brains out right there in the corridor before they even made it to the gallows!

Sometimes ya just gotta love those Commies!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

So, even though the Soviet Union sucked, there was two good things I could say about it.

1.) Their students were better educated in science and math.

2.) Zero tolerance for child molesters and pedophiles.

And here are the reasons why the USA sucks.

1.) Our schools suck out loud! Students don't learn jack-shit except how to fold paper footballs and when I went to school, I was beaten down into the ground in the name of physical fitness.

2.) Football players have gotten away with rape.

3.) Smoking a pipe and eating an ice cream cone is now considered as bad as being a crack addict. In fact, cheese as been referred to as "Dairy Crack" by self-appointed diet nannies who want to ban salt from restaurants and regulate the numbers of holes your own salt shaker can have.

4.) There is a movie I want to watch titled "Creation" which is about the life of Charles Darwin, about Darwin the husband, Darwin the father, Darwin the family man. The move makes very little mention of Evolution itself and mostly focuses on the life of Charles Darwin. But this movie will not be made available in the USA. The movie producers here refuse to purchase it. So, I have to leave the country if I want to see that movie. Now, if the movie had been produced back in the 1960s it would have been shown in the Soviet Union.

5.) NAMBLA and the ACLU are fighting to have the age of consent laws lowered and eventually repealed so that rich old men who smell bad can have sex with babies.

The Commies were right when they use to put down Capitalism as being decadent.

In the Soviet Union, I would have gotten a better education in science and math.

I could smoke my pipe without being criticized by the no smoking nannies. And I could get those good Cuban cigars that I can not get in the USA! YYYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!

And at the age of 17, I would not have been raped!

And even if I was, my rapist would have been executed. With a gun to the back of his head!

Like I said . . . . sometimes ya just gotta love those commies!!!

Yeah, I believe that some people deserve to die.
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
Heah comes da judge! Heah comes da judge! Order in da court 'cuz heah comes da judge!

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