Two threads you may be interested in seeing.

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Re: Two threads you may be interested in seeing.

Post by Agent 47 »

OK, well it looks like the bicycles were for real then, but that doesn't excuse the other reality that he incited hatred against this website, and possibly triggered the 4chan attack, and jeopardised the safety of all of the members on here.

I certainly wouldn't waste any time or energy pining over Andy.

People that stab you in the back are not your friends.

It's that simple, folks!
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Re: Two threads you may be interested in seeing.

Post by recovering_fan »

Agent 47 wrote:OK, well it looks like the bicycles were for real then, but that doesn't excuse the other reality that he incited hatred against this website, and possibly triggered the 4chan attack, and jeopardised the safety of all of the members on here.
I also don't think Andy should take credit for a trip to Africa which it appears was entirely his daddy's idea. Hell, if my daddy offered me a free all-expenses-paid trip to Africa I'd jump at the chance. I wouldn't pass of my father's humanitarian genius as my own, though. That just ain't me. :mrgreen:
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Re: Two threads you may be interested in seeing.

Post by Andy »

Good evening,
I decided after trading a few emails with Earl that I would come have a look at what is going on at this website. I will not deny that was me in the first link you posted. That is a site in which I rarely post upon anymore and when I had stumbled upon this site I will admit that it set my temper off and I did something that I should not have done by posting that topic. I actually had forgotten all about that until I read it here, it was never my intention to harm anyone for on this site and I learned quickly upon discussing with you guys that their are great people on this site. I overreacted and for that I apologize, it was wrong of me and I am genuinely ashamed of my behavior. I appreciate Earl and anyone else sticking up for me in this thread, I have yet to read all of the pages but I have glanced through the accusations.

I am not a backstabber, everything I said on this website has represented the way I am and the way I feel. I do not wish to convert anyone on this website to a sport's fan, I only wish to share the athlete's point of view. I heard about the 4chan attack that came across on this board and it sickens me. I would NEVER provoke attacks such as that, the only time I posted about this site was on and of course the gridiron palace that Earl and I_like_1981 were apart of.

As for my charity, it is something I love to do, if you do not believe me that is fine. I know what I'm doing and why I am doing it, and it is for the greater good. If it was just something my dad was doing I would not have put as many hours into it as I have. When I go home I collect, fix, and move bikes for countless hours and not earning a dime for it. That's because it's something that I like to do. While I am up at college I do not have access to the organization's physical efforts so I do everything I can from my apartment at home. I designed the t-shirts that we sell as a fundraiser, as well as flyers and posters that I hung up myself, my current project is illustrating a book that my sister wrote about how bicycles can make a change in Africa. It is a children's book (my sister is a senior about to graduate with a degree in Elementary Education), and I have logged well over 50 hours designing and illustrating the book. I do not do this because my father wants me to, I do it because I want to and I like doing stuff like this.

Now I know that with some I will not be able to make up for my wrongs in the past, but I hope that most of you can accept my apology.

Have a good weekend folks,

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Re: Two threads you may be interested in seeing.

Post by Fat Man »

OH NO!!!


OK, I'm just kidding!

Andy, could you please answer a question for me? OK?

What if, you had been in a car accident, as I was at the age of 4, and as a result, you had a crippled up knee, as I had, and because of it, you were unable to run, and could only walk with a limp, and was lousy at sports, as I was?

Then . . . . . my question to you is this . . .

. . . would you still have been allowed to excel academically so that you had graduated from high school, and gone on to be successful?

Or . . . . . would you have been rejected by your school, your teachers, and your peers, as I was?

You see, I believe, that the main why you were allowed to excel academically was because you were also good at sports.

I, on the other hand, when I was in the 4th grade, I got suspended from school because I had failed to climb a rope in the gymnasium, even though, I was passing all my other academic subjects, that made no difference to my PE instructor. Even though, I was unable to climb the rope, due to my fucked up left knee, that still made no difference.

I got suspended anyway!!!

Oh! It wasn't as though I had refused to climb the rope, or that I didn't try. I tried alright. I wanted to be able to climb, at least a third of the way up, or a fourth of the way up the rope, or even just a couple of feet up the rope. But I could not go up the rope at all.

There was too much pain in my left knee. Yes, I tried to wrap my short, somewhat chubby legs around the rope, but I could not get a tight enough grip, and I kept slipping, so it wasn't as though I didn't put in any effort.

Nobody ever showed me how to climb a rope, or the proper technique.

So, I got suspended from school because I failed to climb that stupid rope!

This was back in the early 1960s when I was in the 4th grade.

Then in the 5th grade, I had a teacher who was really super Gung Ho when it came to PE, and he really liked to humiliate me in the gym in front of the other students. One day, were were playing basketball. I dropped the ball, it slipped out of my hands, and he picked it up, and punched me in the stomach as hard as he could with the basketball, and I was all doubled over in pain, and it seemed like an eternity before I could start breathing again. I nearly passed out.

OK. My mother taught me how to read and write before I even started school. By the time I was only in the 3rd grade, I could already read at the high school and adult level. Science was my favorite subject, especially Astronomy. During the summer months, I would check out adult level books on Astronomy from the public library in town.

Anyway . . . . .

One day, our 5th grade class was checking out books from the school library. Now, while all the other students were allowed to check out any books they wanted, I was NOT!!! I saw this Astronomy book that I wanted, and I was not allowed to check it out. So, we got into an arrangement over it, and my teacher dragged me out into the hallway, grabbed me by the shoulders, and pushed me backwards, bashing my head against the corner of the concrete block wall.

The following year, that teacher was fired, but the damage was done.

For years afterward, I would have dizzy spells and headaches which gradually became less intense during my teenage years.

Yeah, when I was 13 years old, I scored 150 points on a standard IQ test.

Of course, for me, high school was no picnic either.

I could go on and on, but, I suggest you read one of my earlier topics titled . . .

THE HORSE THIEVES AMONG US! Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 ... f=1&t=4425

Please do check it out!

OK, now, I believe, that if I had not had a crippled up left knee, and if I had been able to run, and climb ropes, then, instead of only being to walk with a limp, if I had been good at sports, then perhaps, they might have been more tolerant of some of my odd eccentricities, like wanting to read Astronomy books all the time.

I probably would have been allowed to excel academically, if I had been good at sports or at least, had done well in PE.


I was treated like garbage, just because I was lousy at sports.

OK, I'm sorry to have to say this to you, but . . .

You had come into these forums, even though you were polite, you came in here, with your authoritarian attitude, criticizing me and Sergey, and with your smug looking avatar!

It's like, your were the cock of the walk! Like, hey! Look at me! Ain't I special!!!

Sorry, but I don't like your avatar! to me, it sucks. OK?

You see, I'm like a great big ol' bear with a thorn in his paw!

And, your avatar, is like waving the proverbial red cloth in front of the proverbial charging bull.

Yeah, because I weigh about 400 pounds, I sort of like to compare myself to a big ol' bear.

But, I'm more like a wounded bear.

Yeah, I am one fifth Iroquois, so maybe I should adopt a Native American name like, Wounded Bear, or Crazy Bear.

Because, I feel like a wounded, crazy bear.

ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
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Re: Two threads you may be interested in seeing.

Post by recovering_fan »

Well, I was going to post a long reply of my own, Fat Man, but you beat me to it.

I'll wait to see how this plays out, before posting.

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Re: Two threads you may be interested in seeing.

Post by Earl »

The following statement is directed to all the readers of this post: Yes, I have been having an e-mail exchange with Andy this week. So what? But let me make sure that no one has a misunderstanding. I did not mention the controversy engendered by the OP of this topic. I have said absolutely nothing to him about this latest controversy. In other words, I did not tell him about the Tech N9ne webpage and suggest that he post an apology in this topic. He has chosen to post an apology on his own. I had nothing to do with it.

Fat Man, speaking not only as a moderator of this forum but also as your personal friend, I'm extremely disappointed in you. In fact, I'm angered. Andy has just made an apology that I'm convinced is sincere, yet you have not shown the grace to accept it. Would you dare say that you would never need to depend upon the grace of someone else for his forgiveness? Your attitude is deplorable. Andy has shown himself to be a big man by coming here to apologize. No one forced him to come here. Your refusal to accept his apology only diminshes you. I cannot remain silent while you act this way. You will never be happy in life if you continue to have an unforgiving attitude. You reap what you sow. Just like the rest of us.
Fat Man wrote:Andy, could you please answer a question for me? OK?

What if, you had been in a car accident, as I was at the age of 4, and as a result, you had a crippled up knee, as I had, and because of it, you were unable to run, and could only walk with a limp, and was lousy at sports, as I was?

Then . . . . . my question to you is this . . .

. . . would you still have been allowed to excel academically so that you had graduated from high school, and gone on to be successful?
What in the whole wide world does this have to do with your spiteful attitude? Does this have any bearing on the issue of accepting Andy's apology? What does Andy have to do, Fat Man, to gain your acceptance? Slash his wrists? Come on! What about HugeFan and many other nonathletic boys who have excelled academically? Mrs. Earl was legally blind, but she was able to get an education. Stop thinking like we're all living in Victorian England in the days of Charles Dickens!
Fat Man wrote:Or . . . . . would you have been rejected by your school, your teachers, and your peers, as I was?
You had the misfortune to go to a bad school. You also did not have a supportive family life back home; but, instead, you had to put up with an abusive stepfather who beat you and your mother. Again, what in tarnation does this have to do with your refusal to accept Andy's apology? The answer is this: Absolutely nothing!
Fat Man wrote:You see, I believe, that the main why you were allowed to excel academically was because you were also good at sports.
No, no, no, no. From what little I know of Andy, if he had been crippled in one of this knees at the age of four, he still would have excelled academically because, first of all, he had a decent home life that was conducive to his academic success and, also, because he would have worked hard. I'm not saying you didn't work hard. You had a lot going against you. But is that Andy's fault? No, it isn't Andy's fault. He had nothing to do with your misfortune. You could easily blame Bill Gates for your misfortune. But he's supposed to have been a nerd; so, I guess that's out of the question.
Fat Man wrote: I, on the other hand, when I was in the 4th grade, I got suspended from school because I had failed to climb a rope in the gymnasium ...
Yes, yes, we've heard it all before. Do you think you're the only member of this website who has ever suffered any injustice? I know you had to think of yourself when you were going through those rough times when you were growing up, but you've left yourself with a self-centered attitude. You've had that attitude way too long. You need to start looking beyond yourself. There are many people in this world who have been kicked in the teeth. I could tell you some really sad tales of people whom I have known personally, but they didn't let tragedy define who they were. They went on with their lives and achieved some measure of happiness. You should know quite well that I'm not unsympathetic; but unless you change, you will not get better. When you say that sports have caused you to be a loser, then the bullies have won! Are you going to let them do that?
Fat Man wrote:OK, now, I believe, that if I had not had a crippled up left knee, and if I had been able to run, and climb ropes, then, instead of only being to walk with a limp, if I had been good at sports, then perhaps, they might have been more tolerant of some of my odd eccentricities, like wanting to read Astronomy books all the time.

I probably would have been allowed to excel academically, if I had been good at sports or at least, had done well in PE.


I was treated like garbage, just because I was lousy at sports.
Even if this claim were completely true without any other factors that would need to be taken into account, the fact remains that neither Andy nor SportsGuy92 nor Polite24 nor anyone else who had nothing to do with your school were responsible for your plight. What am I saying? They weren't even around when you were growing up.
Fat Man wrote:OK, I'm sorry to have to say this to you, but . . .

You had come into these forums, even though you were polite, you came in here, with your authoritarian attitude, criticizing me and Sergey, and with your smug looking avatar!
Arrrggghhh! :roll: I swear, Fat Man, if I weren't a Christian I'd be cussing now. Give me a break! Do I need to copy and paste the extremely rude comments that Sergey made in the Guestbook? He attacked Andy immediately from the start and accused him and his friend Tony of engaging in homosexual acts. You accuse Andy of being authoritarian. What about you? You tend to be authoritarian yourself. You think anyone who doesn't believe in the theory of evolution is a stupid idiot. As far as who is authoritarian, go look in the nearest mirror. It's not a window.
Fat Man wrote:It's like, your were the cock of the walk! Like, hey! Look at me! Ain't I special!!!

Sorry, but I don't like your avatar! to me, it sucks.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! You are prejudging with bias. You are falsely accusing someone you've never met in person. In fact, you're judging by appearance, just like a racist. I can't believe this, and I've had enough of it!
Fat Man wrote:OK?
No, it's not okay.
Fat Man wrote: You see, I'm like a great big ol' bear with a thorn in his paw!
Actually, you're acting like something else.
Fat Man wrote:And, your avatar, is like waving the proverbial red cloth in front of the proverbial charging bull.
What? Why don't you act like a man instead of acting like an animal? I have no problem at all with Andy's avatar. In fact, I would say he has the right to be happy as a football player. I repeat, I dare say that he has the right to be happy as a football player. That doesn't mean he thinks he's better than everyone else. Good grief! If we are going to judge others simply on the basis of appearance, we are no better than bigots! In fact, that's just what we are. Do we want to tell the world that people who have no interest in sports are bigots?
Fat Man wrote:... I feel like a wounded, crazy bear.
I'm now alternating between feeling like screaming and feeling like crying.
Fat Man wrote:OK???
No, it's not okay.

Fat Man, you may not feel that I do now; but I love you as a friend. I want my friends to do right! Unless you rethink your attitudes toward others, you will never get well. Learning to respect others who are different from you would be a good place to start. By the way, have you noticed that I have made this criticism of you without engaging in name-calling?

Good grief!
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Re: Two threads you may be interested in seeing.

Post by Agent 47 »

Andy wrote: I heard about the 4chan attack that came across on this board and it sickens me. I would NEVER provoke attacks such as that
R9OT MAKER a.k.a. Andy on Tech N9ne wrote: Ban Sports!!

* Posted by R9OT MAKER on January 4, 2010 at 8:14pm in General Discussion
* View Discussions

Stumbled on this site recently, bunch of idiots I tell you what. Even though I tell them I don't give a shit if they like sports or not, just to cut the stereotypical bull shit. But most of them continue to freak out and jump my shit for playing football. So I decided to hand them over to the wrath of you guys. Flame On!!

Tags: sports, suck
Agent 47 wrote: There is an old saying -

"Fool me once, shame on you;
Fool me twice, shame on me."
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Re: Two threads you may be interested in seeing.

Post by i_like_1981 »

Hello Andy. I have been anticipating your response to this thread. I viewed it as being inevitable. You probably don't like me very much at the moment, for finding this thread you started and bringing it to the attention of the forum members. I've probably spoiled your reputation on this forum, so I can understand if you resent me. But I'm sure you can understand why I was a bit disappointed to find all that, because I honestly believed you were above all of that "Flame on!" stuff. That's what 4channers and jock bullies do, not good, upstanding characters like yourself. I can understand why you were angry with some of the treatment you received on this forum, but I respected your ability to remain civil in spite of all the abuse you were given, and try to reason with your opponents in an orderly, rational fashion. That was the reason I saw the wrong in what I was doing on the Guestbook and apologised to you, because you were a better class of person than people like Samdaman. I respect people like you, who can come onto a website that promotes a completely opposing ideology to what you believe, and remain civilised and polite in their posting even though they are being insulted from all angles. That was one of the reasons my attitude towards you changed, Andy. Because you were NOT the stereotypical jock. As you can imagine, I was a bit disappointed when I found that Tech N9ne thread.

The intent of my starting this thread was not to try and prove you were a bad person, believe it or not. I never did doubt that your charitable work in Africa was false and that, in life, you are a good person who would never spitefully bully a student you considered to be "different". I always believed you were on the most pleasant and kind side of the jock spectrum, which only went to further increase my surprise at finding that Tech N9ne thread. Naturally, on the basis of that one thread alone, I wasn't going to instantly believe you to be a terrible person who adhered to all the criteria of the stereotypical jock. I was just a bit disappointed, really, and felt I had a responsibility to share it with the members of this forum who would probably find it eventually. I understand that you were probably acting out of anger, but that Tech N9ne thread did remind me of another pro-sports poster on this forum, Samdaman, who was somewhat less pleasant and reasonable in his approach to this forum and its members and also tried to stir up trouble against us on another forum. I believed, and still do believe, that you are better than that. Rest assured, I definitely don't think you're a bad person. It's just... I wouldn't have expected that from you, what you posted on the Tech N9ne forum. You probably dislike me for having stirred up all this trouble against you, and because of me, you'll never be looked at in the same light by a lot of members of this forum. So I'm sorry for that as well. As far as I'm concerned, your apology is accepted, and I would never put you in the same class as people like Samdaman on the basis of that single thread. Take care now.

Best regards,

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Re: Two threads you may be interested in seeing.

Post by Fat Man »

Good morning Earl:
Earl wrote:You accuse Andy of being authoritarian. What about you? You tend to be authoritarian yourself. You think anyone who doesn't believe in the theory of evolution is a stupid idiot. As far as who is authoritarian . . .
People are are free to believe as they choose.

No, what is stupid, is their attempts to insert Creationism into science textbooks. You don't teach Creationism in science, nor do you teach Astrology in Astronomy, or Alchemy in Chemistry, or Phrenology in Neurology or magic in a physics class.

Those are pseudosciences and are not to be taught in science classes.

Also, as for "teaching both sides of the controversy, and letting the students decide for themselves" again, NO, you don't teach about the flat earth in a geology class, and let the students decide for themselves if the earth is round or flat.

I resent all attempts by these right-wing extremist to change the curriculum in our schools.

Please do check out the following YouTube video on my channel. Yeah, I added my own annotations to the video. First I downloaded the original video, saved it to my hard drive, then uploaded it to my own YouTube channel so I could add my own annotations to it.

Don McLeroy - The Creationist in Charge of Education in Texas

This Don McLeroy even bares a resemblance to the teacher I had in the 5th grade, the one who bashed my head against the brick wall.

OK, I admit it! I'm prejudice against Andy, because he's had it so good.

But also, Andy has ignored almost everything I have said.

In some of my forum posts on his topic, Here to have a civilized debate.

I had asked him to check out some of the links I had posted to some YouTube videos about the boarding home where disabled children are being tortured. I wanted his opinion on it, and he never responded.

Also, I never resorted to name calling in his topic. I said that he "thinks like a jock" but that was it. But what is so frustrating was that he never responded to my requests to check out those videos.

I wanted his opinion, but I was ignored.
Earl wrote:You had the misfortune to go to a bad school.

First, when I was living in a small town in up north in Minnesota, I went to a bad school and had some really bad teachers.

Then, beck in April of 1965, when I was 13 years old, we moved down to Truth Or Consequences New Mexico, and I was in another bad school with a bad PE coach.

Then we moved to Las Cruces New Mexico, and after three years of going for counseling sessions through Dona Ana Mental Health, I was finally allowed to go back to school again.

Of course, my brother went to one high school in the south side of town, and they thought it would be better if I went to a different high school, in the north side of town, that we should be in separate schools.

Well, my brother went to a better high school, while the high school I went to was just another shit dump!

WOW! So, three bad schools it a row!

Now that is a real crap shoot!

No, living in this fucked up world, it's like being in a gambling casino, a crooked casino where the wheel is rigged and the dice are loaded.

It's all fucked up. No, I can't play the games anymore. I'm tired.

The race is fixed and horses are doped. The wheel is rigged and the dice are loaded. The deck is stacked and the card are marked.

I have been dealt a sucker hand, and I have no choice but to play it.

Sorry, but I can't play anymore.

I fold!

So, Andy can just pick up all the chips and go.

He's won.

I fold.
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
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Re: Two threads you may be interested in seeing.

Post by Andy »

You are not any lesser of a man in my man for posting this, I still respect you and your opinion very much. I understand why you posted this and how you were disappointed for my actions. But I also noticed that you didn't jump on the flame Andy wagon like some members did upon reading this, you gave me the benefit of the doubt. And for that I say thank you.

Earl pretty much said it all. I am truly sorry for has happened to you in the past, no one deserves that kind of treatment. That being said I have nothing to do with that, I never have and never will. My academic success has absolutely zero affect on my schooling. For instance, my sister is not an athlete, never has been, but she has a 4.0 in the honors college at the other big university in the state. She is currently on a full-ride scholarship just because she works her butt off in the classroom. I am a non-scholarship athlete, meaning that I am playing football just because I love the sport of football and my teammates are like a family to me. I'm sorry that you can't see me for who I truly am, but I understand your hate towards me isn't even related to me. It's related to past events in your life that have lead you to be prejudice against all who like sports.

Best wishes,
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Re: Two threads you may be interested in seeing.

Post by ChrisOH »


I wasn't around when you first joined the forum last year, but I've followed the threads and read the archives with some interest. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you really wish to know just "why these people hate sports", etc.

I won't bore you everyone else with a long story, but suffice it to say I consider myself an ex-fan of sports. The "ex" part is a result of a good deal of thought and introspection on my part.

There seem to be many reasons people on this forum don't like sports. One is that some (such as Fat Man) were bullied or harassed at school because they didn't like or play sports. (I took my fair share of that harassment myself, as although I was knowledgeable about sports, my 119-pound high school body didn't do well playing sports. I'm 40 now and 119 pounds is long ago in the rear-view mirror, but I digress...) :wink: For some people who were bullied, the scars run deep, even years later, and if sports was the basis of the bullying, they're understandably suspicious of those with a link to sports.

My own personal reasons are many, but here are a few:

- I grew tired of the seemingly endless scandals and crimes involving pro and major-college athletes (O.J. Simpson, Mike Tyson, Michael Vick, Ben Roethlisberger, Reggie Bush, Tiger Woods, the list goes on....)

- I'm tired of sports "news" taking up time and space in the newspaper and on TV newscasts, at the expense of real news about important events. Last summer, when LeBron James left Cleveland for Miami, all the news stations in Cleveland broke into regular programming to report on it, and devoted *entire* hour-long newscasts to it. This was while we still had 200 million gallons of oil spilling into the Gulf of Mexico, threatening the environment and the economy of the region and possibly the entire nation. Wasn't this a little more important than some basketball player leaving town? (Sorry, but no athlete is important enough to devote an entire hour-long newscast to.)

- I'm tired of academics being subordinated to sports in schools and in the media. In our local paper this month, they had a small photo of spelling bee winners on the Community page (not even an accompanying article, only a caption), while in the same edition, some high school basketball player got a full-color photo of himself shooting a basket, and the photo took up half the page, with a long article about the game to boot! So, what does that say about which we value more in society -- academics or sports?

- I'm also tired of "sports scholarships" being given to athletes (many of whom drop out of school to turn pro, or just plain drop out or flunk out) when these funds could be used for students, like your sister, who aren't athletic but still deserved a quality education, and wouldn't squander it.

I used to excuse these things as being just "bad apples" on the tree of sports. However, I finally took an honest look at it, and decided that in my opinion, not only were there some bad apples, but the tree they were growing from was rotten and dying.

Are others free to have their opinions? Certainly. May others reach a different conclusion than me? Yes, they may. I believe each person has to follow their own conscience in matters like this.

I realize that you're not a pro athlete, Andy, and that you play for a relatively small college, so many of the scandals and abuses I've described may not apply to you or your school. So, I hope you won't take this as a personal attack on you, but rather, as an insight into why I personally, and likely many others on this site, aren't lovers of sports.
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Re: Two threads you may be interested in seeing.

Post by recovering_fan »

Andy wrote:I_like_1981,
You are not any lesser of a man in my man for posting this,
Why should i_like_1981 need YOU to tell him how much of a man he is?

Why should he care what either you or wibberley thinks of him--for whatever reason?

Why should any smart, gifted individual care about what some jock of mere average intelligence thinks?

Your arrogance and conceit defy belief. :roll:

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Re: Two threads you may be interested in seeing.

Post by recovering_fan »

Fat Man wrote:People are are free to believe as they choose.
That is CORRECT, Fat Man.

YOU are free to believe as you choose regarding me, regarding Earl, and regarding Andy and his apology.

The idea that there is some rule requiring you to accept someone's apology is nonsense.

The apology did not sound humble to me at all. It sounded like utter self-righteousness.

Apologies are humble; this was NOT humble. Therefore it was NOT an apology as far as I'm concerned.

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Fat Man
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Re: Two threads you may be interested in seeing.

Post by Fat Man »

Andy wrote:Fatman, Earl pretty much said it all. I am truly sorry for has happened to you in the past, no one deserves that kind of treatment. That being said I have nothing to do with that, I never have and never will. My academic success has absolutely zero affect on my schooling. For instance, my sister is not an athlete, never has been, but she has a 4.0 in the honors college at the other big university in the state. She is currently on a full-ride scholarship just because she works her butt off in the classroom. I am a non-scholarship athlete, meaning that I am playing football just because I love the sport of football and my teammates are like a family to me. I'm sorry that you can't see me for who I truly am, but I understand your hate towards me isn't even related to me. It's related to past events in your life that have lead you to be prejudice against all who like sports.

Best wishes,
Implying that I didn't work hard enough academically?

No, I was rejected by my schools because I could not perform well in PE, no matter how hard I worked academically, I was still thrown out like trash! Why? Because they couldn't make a jock out of me!

I was discarded like a broken toy!

We don't junk a car because it has a flat tire. No, we either patch the tire, or buy a new tire for the car, and continue driving it.

But, I was trashed because I had a crippled knee on my left leg!

I'm a throw-away!

Anyway, enjoy your life!
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
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Re: Two threads you may be interested in seeing.

Post by Agent 47 »

Andy - making that hateful post about us on the Tech N9ne website was a low act of bastardry that may even have been what triggered the 4chan attack against us.

So ultimately, it could be YOU that was responsible for the 4chan attack.

But at the very least, you stabbed us all in the back, and that reveals much more about your true character than whatever all the syrupy words you come up with on here ever could.

Yeah, I bet you're sorry about it - sorry you got caught.
"We can’t find a healthy brain in an ex-football player."
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