3 Years of Cyber-Bullying By Religious Fanatics On YouTube!

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Fat Man
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3 Years of Cyber-Bullying By Religious Fanatics On YouTube!

Post by Fat Man »

OK, everybody.

Sorry for having to BUMP another old topic back up to the top again, but there has been some new developments since I had posted this.

UPDATE! April 14,2011

As I mention, in this following topic, many YouTube videos on science, especially videos on Evolution had come under attack from religious cyber-bullies, especially from one particular individual who goes by the user name of VenomFangX and eventually he was banned after filing over a hundred false DMCA claims. The DMCA is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Well, he's back!!!

I discovered just yesterday, April 14,2011, that VenomFangX has his YouTube channel back up again.


OK, now back to the topic . . .

As some of us here may well remember, about a couple of months ago [Re-edited - over a year ago] our Anti Sports forum had come under attack by trolls and SPAMers from 4chan and some of us were even personally harassed by these cyber-bullies, and naturally of course, I was particularly singled out, having received harassing E-mails and harassing phone calls because someone had posted at Encyclopedia Dramatica my personal contact information, my phone number, and my residential address.

Encyclopedia Dramatica is well known for it's gruesome and violent images, making fun of rape, racism and antisemitism (hatred toward Jews) and harassing people, and then recently, it has been said that kiddie porn has also been posted on the web site as has been mentioned on my forum topic THE CHANS, 4 CHAN, 7CHAN, 12CHAN AND THE PEDOPHILES!!!
http://www.sportssuck.org/phpbb2/viewto ... f=7&t=4576

And now . . . . . I have recently become more and more aware that YouTube is also not exactly a safe haven from SPAMmers, trolls, and cyber-bullies attacking videos and user channels that they don't like, by having their videos censored, and some user channels shut down.

This has been done by falsely flagging videos as inappropriate for minors (children under the age of 18) using vote-bots to increase the number of negative votes on a video (down-thumbing) and filing false DMCA claims against many users and their videos.

The DMCA is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, that was instituted back in 1998, and it has a Fair Use Clause for the limited use of copyrighted material. To file a false DMCA claim, you do so under the penalty of perjury!

The 1961 Report of the Register of Copyrights on the General Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law cites examples of activities that courts have regarded as fair use; "quotations of experts in a review or criticism for the purpose of illustration or comment (this applies); quotation of short passages in a scholarly or technical work, for illustration or clarification of the author's observations; use in a parody of some of the content of the work parodied (this also applies); summary of an address or article, with brief quotations, in a news report; reproduction by a library of a portion of a work to replace part of a damaged copy; reproduction by a teacher or student of a small part of a work to illustrate a lesson; reproduction of a work in legislative or judicial proceedings or reports; incidental and fortuitous reproduction, in a newsreel or broadcast, of a work located in the scene of an event being reported."

Using other people's videos for legitimate criticism constitutes fair use. But, filing a false DMCA claim against another person's video that merely uses segments of your video goes against the law. Unfortunately, the relative ease of filing a DMCA claim has lead to the abuse by people who don't want other people's opinions heard or their own works used by others for the purpose of criticism.

So, the use of short clips from other user's videos, or even copyrighted videos for the purpose of response, debate, criticism, or parody is permitted. But, what is not permitted is uploading copyrighted videos in their entirety to your channel, or the videos of other YouTube users in their entirety to be "mirrored" on your own channel without prior permission of the original producer or owner of the video. Otherwise using short clips from other videos is permitted, as long as it only for the purpose of response, debate, criticism, or parody, and NOT for commercial use or profit.

For example: A creationist fundamentalist, I'll call him Mr. Fundy to serve as my example: makes a video talking about the Genesis flood, and he makes a moronic statement that during the flood, the Grand Canyon could have been formed in 5 minutes.

So, I make a video about evolution and the age of the earth, and I want to call Mr. Fundy on his bullshit. Well, I could simply say, that in the video titled The Great Genesis Flood, Mr. Fundy says the Grand Canyon was formed in 5 minutes. But there may be some people who watch my video and who may never have heard of Mr. Fundy and a video he produced titled The Great Genesis Flood, and so, they might be skeptical, unless I also include a short segment of his video showing Mr. Fundy saying that the Grand Canyon was formed in 5 minutes during the Genesis flood. Then people can see for themselves that what I'm saying is a fact, that a Mr. Fundy made such a statement on his video about The Great Genesis Flood.

This is permitted, as long as it's only some segments of Mr, Fundy's copyrighted video, and as long as I say, and/or put up some text on my video saying, that it's from The Great Genesis Flood by Mr. Fundy. This is for the purpose of debate and criticism, and even a parody making fun of his video if I so desire. Then I go on to show scientifically, how his assertions about the Grand Canyon being formed in 5 minutes, how Mr. Fundy is wrong, because the canyon is 300 miles long, and to go 300 miles in 5 minutes requires going at 5 time the speed of sound, thereby educating my viewers on the scientific method and calling Mr, Fundy on his bullshit.

OK. Now then . . . . . just who are these cyber-bullies? Who are they trying to censor, and why? And what is the content of these videos that these religious cyber-bullies are trying to have censored?

Well, the videos and the user channels that have come under attack, many of them just happen to be some of my favorite videos and channels on YouTube. These are educational videos on science, for example: Astronomy and Cosmology, Geology and Paleontology (the study of fossils), and mostly, videos on Biology and Darwin's theory of evolution. These are the videos that have come under the most vicious attack by extreme right-wing religious Fundamentalists and creationists who are against Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

Now, ever since Thursday February 12, 2009, which incidentally happened to be the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin, I have been a member of these forums, and I had posted a number topics on the subject of Evolution verses Creationism.

Back on a Monday of July 14, 2009 at 1:04 pm I had posted a topic titled The Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism - 17 Videos
http://www.sportssuck.org/phpbb2/viewto ... f=7&t=1797

This is a series of videos created by one who goes by the YouTube user name of AronRa, a big bad Texan standing more than 6 feet tall with long shoulder length black hair and he speaks with a deep powerful baritone voice. AronRa has a degree in Paleontology, so he should know what he's talking about.

Then again, back on Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at 7:49 pm, I had posted another topic titled Education or Indoctrination? Threats To Academic Freedom!
http://www.sportssuck.org/phpbb2/viewto ... f=7&t=1817

OK now, first of all, let me say, that I'm very much in favor of religious freedom. But we must support intellectual and academic freedom at all cost. Unfortunately, some religious Fundamentalist (NOT ALL, I must emphasize) but some, that is, the so-called "Creationist Scientists" are openly opposed to intellectual and academic freedom, and so, they wish to impose their rules as to what must be taught, or added to the science curriculum in our elementary and high schools.

Now, I don't have any problem with religious Fundamentalist who take the Genesis account of creation literally. But I do have a problem, with those who wish to impose their doctrine on everybody else, and to insert what they call "Creation Science" or "Intelligent Design" or "ID" into the science curriculum in our schools. They claim to have "scientific evidence" for creationism, but their so-called "evidence" fails to stand up under scientific scrutiny. In fact, many of them have even resorted to outright fraud, and some have even been brought into a court of law under charges of fraud, and found guilty. [Re-edited - Kent Hovind, a well know Creationist who use to run a school (some phoney diploma mill) is currently serving 10 years in prison for tax evasion and fraud.]

Also, it's not enough that they resort to such fraudulent tactics to impose their doctrine on us, but some have even resorted to fear tactics, by saying that "Evolution is equal to Atheism" (which of course it is not) and that anyone who believes in Evolution is going straight to Hell. Yeah, nice way to discourage children, from studying science in school! Eh?

This is from one of the YouTube videos on The Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism.
For decades those behind the creationism movement have tried very hard to portray the illusion that one cannot accept evolution and still believe in God. They know better, but they still want you to believe that evolution is atheist, and that it is either evolution without God, or God creating without evolution. Thatâ??s been their central claim since the creationism movement began. But this supposed controversy never was about whether or not there is a god. Most people believe there is a god, and they believe he is in control of all the seemingly-random events of our lives. This is true of most of the people who accept evolution also. Most of them believe in God as well, and they believe that God is in control of evolution; that evolution, like every other system in nature, is part of Godâ??s design.

The early pioneers of evolutionary science were all initially Christian, (including Darwin) and many leading proponents of modern evolutionary science are still Christian today. For example, microbiologist Dr. Ken Miller, (who testified against intelligent design creationism in Kitzmiller v. Dover) -is a Catholic. Another outspoken proponent of evolution, Dr. Robert T. Bakker, (who has PhDs from both Harvard and Yale) is not only one of the leading, and most recognizable paleontologists in the world today, but he also happens to be a Bible-believing Pentecostal preacher; though he interprets Genesis differently than literalists would. In his book, Bones, Bibles and Creation, he says that to treat the Bible as though it were common history is to degrade its eternal meaning. One of the earliest geneticists, Theodosius Dobzhansky was an Orthodox Christian who many times professed his belief that life was created by God, but that nothing in biology made sense except in light of evolution. All these men agree that even if there really is a god, and even if that god is the Christian god, and even if that god created the universe and everything in it, which they all believe, evolution would still be at least mostly true, and creationism would still be completely wrong.

Of all the developed nations throughout Christendom, only the United States has a significant number of creationists, and theyâ??re the minority even here! Every other predominantly-Christian country tends to regard creationism as an incredulous, (if not insane) radical fringe movement which is an almost exclusively American phenomenon, and not taken seriously anywhere else. Poll after poll continues to reveal that, around the world, most â??evolutionistsâ? are Christian, and most Christians are evolutionists. So evolution is not synonymous with atheism, and creationism isnâ??t synonymous with Christianity either. Most creationists arenâ??t even Christians! There are millions more Muslim and Hindu creationists than Christian ones.

Regardless which religion they claim, creationism can be collectively defined as the fraction of religious believers who reject science, not just the conclusions of science, but its methods as well, and I mean all of them, from uniformitarianism and methodological naturalism to the peer review process and requirement that all positive claims be based on testable evidence. These people rely instead on blind faith in the assumed authority of their favored fables. In all cases, creationism is an obstinate and dogmatic superstitious belief which holds that members of most seemingly-related taxonomic groups did not evolve naturally, but were created magically, that plants and animals were literally poofed out of nothing fully-formed, in their current state, unrelated to anything else, despite all indications to the contrary.
Now, as I have mentioned before, so many times in these forums, I'm in the process of converting to Judaism. My Rabbi is a very strong supporter of science, and he also supports Darwin's Theory of Evolution, and he also says that Creationism should NOT be inserted into the science curriculum, that science and religion should remain separate endeavors.

So, While I do believe in God, I am also an evolutionist.

Anyway . . . . .

About a week later on a Tuesday of July 21, 2009 at 12:26 am, I had posted another topic that was titled Why Do People Laugh At Creationists? - 30 YouTube Videos!

But recently 3 more new videos has been added to the series, so this past Friday, July 9,2010 at 8:33 pm, I updated the topic, renamed it Why Do People Laugh At Creationists? Now 33 YouTube Videos! and I bumped the topic back up to the top of the first page in this Off-Topic section of the forum.
http://www.sportssuck.org/phpbb2/viewto ... f=7&t=1886

[Re-edited - This series now has 36 videos.]

This series of videos was created by one who goes by the YouTube user name of Thunderf00t who's hobby is flying radio controlled model airplanes with video cameras on them. Here is a man who loves anything that has to do with technology and science.

His channel and many of his videos has come under attack from YouTube users who are Christian Fundamentalists, and also from creationists channels on youtube by filing false DMCA claims. But the most vicious attacks has come from an extreme Christian Fundamentalist, a young punk in his early 20s, a spoiled rotten brat from a wealthy family up in Canada. He lives in a mansion and he goes by the YouTube user name of VenomFangX and I would say that his user name VenomFangX suits him perfectly because he speaks with a venomous mouth and a forked tongue! He is a bully and a punk! A cyber-bully, and a cyber-punk!

VenomFangX has filed over a hundred false DMCA claims, and he had many videos that were produced by Thunderf00t censored, and nearly shut down his channel. Also, some of his videos on evolution were falsely flagged as inappropriate for minors, viewers under 18. But none of the videos produced by Thunderf00t would be inappropriate for cildren under 18, because they are mostly educational videos on science, on Astronomy, Geology, Biology, Paleontology, and Evolution. Some of his videos are political with messages on free speech.

VenomFangX fancies himself as some great Christian evangelist and an expert in the so-called "Creation Science" and he thinks that he knows better than professional scientists, Cosmologists, Biologists, and Palaeontologist on how the universe was created, rejecting evolution and the 4.5 billion year age of the earth, believing that the universe is only 6000 years old.

Well, fine! He's entitled to his beliefs, and has every right to make as many Creationist and anti-evolution videos as he so pleases. But he does NOT have the right to try to get any evolution videos by other YouTube users censored, or try have their YouTube channels shut down, just simply because he happens to disagree with them.

It was back in 2006 when VenomFangX began making his first YouTube Christian and anti-evolution videos. VenomFangX has great admiration for another well known creationist, Kent Hovind, an American Young Earth Creationist and conspiracy theorist, and so VenomFangX tries to emulate Kent Hovind, famous for his Creation Science seminars that aim to convince listeners to reject modern theories of evolution, geophysics, and cosmology in favor of the Genesis creation narrative as found in the Bible.

But, Hovind's views are contradicted by scientific evidence and research. His ideas also have been criticized by other Young Earth creationist organizations like Answers in Genesis. Hovind established the Creation Science Evangelism ministry in 1989 and frequently argued for Young Earth creationism and made other controversial remarks in his talks at private schools and churches, at debates, and on radio and television broadcasts.

When VenomFangX began his own YouTube ministry back in 2006, he wanted to become just like Kent Hovind and to set up his own Creation Science Evangelism ministry, which he proceed to do on his own YouTube channel, which of course, he has a perfect right to do, and you are also free to criticize other channels, and use video clippings from other channels to emphasize the point your trying to make. This comes under the DMCA Fair Use Clause, that you may display segments from copyright materials for the purpose of review, criticism, or parody, but not for commercial gain.

But VenomFangX was not satisfied with merely criticizing Evolution or other YouTube channel users. No, he felt the need to embark on a crusade for the censorship of other YouTube channels by filing false DMCA claims against the users and falsely having videos flagged as inappropriate for viewers under 18, and he was even successful in having some channels shut down, and some YouTube users had to fight legal battles to get their channels reinstated.

Ah! But it get even better! VenomFangX started asking his viewers to donate money toward his cause, so he set up a web site where viewers could send in donations using Pay Pal. He needed $500 dollars for a new video camera and he promised that any amount over $500 dollars he would donate to Sick Children's Hospital. He received about $4,000 dollars in donations, so that meant that $500 dollars he would use to buy a new video camera and $3,500 dollars would go to Sick Children's Hospital. But he reneged on his promise and pocketed the money for his own selfish desires. So, he is also guilty of charity fraud.

Here is a series of three videos by djarm67 all about the history of VenomFangX and his moronic antics.

djarm67 | August 14, 2009

This video series including the description below was by JRChadwick.
This is one of the most complete and concise histories of VenomFangX I have seen on YouTube.

He is criminally unsubscribed. Please subscribe to his channel here.
Our understanding of VenomFangX has changed since we became aware of him. He has gone from just some ignorant kid, to a censorship happy prick and a habitual liar, to a crazy nut job, to a lying selfish ass. He has been one of the biggest proverbial train wrecks I have ever seen.

This video touches on the history of VenomFangX on YouTube. I have left out a few things such as his temporary suspension or his spouts with TheAmazingAtheist.

The history of VenomFangX 1of3

The history of VenomFangX 2of3

The history of VenomFangX 3of3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqSRBMCw ... re=related

In the first of three videos above, good ol' VenomFangX has studied the many videos made by Kent Hovind. He wanted to become the next Kent Hovind, and so, he trys to imitate Kent Hovind's style, and tries to emulate Kent Hovind in so many ways in his own YouTube videos, repeating Kent Hovind, parroting Kent Hovind, word for word.

Yeah, just like a parrot!


Yeah! What a moronic bird-brain!

Well, VenomFangX might soon emulate Kent Hovind in another way.

Kent Hovind is currently serving a ten-year prison sentence in the Federal Correctional Institution, at Edgefield, South Carolina, after being convicted of 58 federal counts, including twelve tax offenses, one count of obstructing federal agents and 45 counts of structuring cash transactions. Kent Hovind has been in the slammer since 2007 and will be out sometime in 2017 assuming that he doesn't get out on parole before then. If VenomFangX continues on his present course, he may one day be doing some time himself in a federal pokey up in Canada.

Here is another series of videos by a YouTube user who goes by the user name of UNFFwildcard with three videos in this series titled VenomFangX: Liar and Charlatan.

UNFFwildcard | January 08, 2010

While I had genuinely hoped that VFX spent his time away from YouTube reflecting on his past actions, I see now that he hasn't made the effort to change. He is still DMCA'ing videos akin to 15 months ago, he is still collecting money for what needs not charity, and he is still deceiving his subscriber base with notions of persecution and Christian imagery. While I doubt VFX will ever stop this behavior, I can only hope that many of those who follow him can see him for the liar and charlatan he really is.

1/3) VenomFangX: Liar and Charlatan
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xO4EOFS0 ... re=related

(2/3) VenomFangX: Liar and Charlatan

(3/3) VenomFangX: Liar and Charlatan

In the second video UNFFwildcard talks about a video he created that was critical of the charity fraud by VenomFangX and urging the viewers not to donate anymore money to VenomFangX but instead, donate to Malaria No More. But then, VenomFangX threaten to file more DMCA claims against UNFFwildcard if he did not take down the video that was critical of him. But if UNFFwildcard had done that, then fewer people would know about the charity, Malaria No More, and quit possibly more people would have died with out the treated Mosquito nets that would have saved their lives. Apparently VenomFangX does not care if people die, just to save his own reputation.

This is from his third video in which VenomFangX falsely accuses dprjones of being pedophile, and tries to have his charity fundraiser shut down to deflect all attention away from his own fraudulent acts.
The Christian charlatan will take every opportune moment to vilify their opponents in order to detract attention away from their own misdeeds and to further foster the "us" vs "them" mentality within the minds of their followers.

While DPRjones did indeed have some girl show off her breasts on camera, VenomFangX failed to detail that she was in her twenties and that in was in the good spirit of raising money for MSF. The tragic irony in this character assassination is that VenomFangX is using the efforts of a man who put together a fundraiser in order to deflect attention away from his own charity fraud (and other misdeeds).

There is more we can do however, then simply grow in frustration, for there is one question we can collectively ask that every exploiter fears and hates. They fear thinking Christians who in unison ask this question, and they try to dissuade their followers from ever thinking about it. Before telling you what that question is, there is one last thing I want to bring up from the April 14th message.

Shawn, you called the Malaria Charity unworthy. I can not understand for the life of me understand how a charity that promotes the health and safety of those in need "spiritually unworthy".
MSF is Médecins Sans Frontières, also known as Doctors Without Borders, and dprjones had organized a charity fundraiser for a Malaria Charity. The money raised would buy treated mosquito netting for people in third world countries to protect them from mosquitoes while sleeping. These nets have the potential to save many lives.

OK. Now . . . back to our YouTube cyber-bully, good ol' VenonFangX!!!

When VenomFangX filed false DMCA claims against Thunderf00t, he had to enlist the help from another YouTube member who happened to be dprjones himself, because dprjones happens to be a lawyer, an Intellectual Property Lawyer who knows all about copyright laws, the DMCA, and the Fair Use Clause.

After Thunderf00t had enlisted the aid of dprjones the lawyer, then . . . . .

. . . some time later VenomFangX launched his attack against dprjones accusing him of being a pedophile, because during the MSF charity fundraiser, as a dumb little publicity stunt, he had some young lady show her breasts and he photographed her. I guess the deal was, if enough money was raised for a Malaria fund, she would "show her tits!" it was just a dumb little stunt.

The lady however was in her 20s. She was NOT an under-aged kid, she was a young lady in her 20s, therefore, dprjones is NOT a pedophile. There seems to be no limit to just how low VenomFangX is willing to go to destroy anybody who does not march in lock-step to his rigid and narrow-minded Fundamentalists views.

OK, now pedophilia is a very serious charge to level against another person. Pedophilia is having sex with under-aged prepubescent children. Personally, I believe pedophiles should get the death penalty because anybody who harms a child deserves to die. But, I want to make damn sure that person is guilty. I would NEVER want to see someone who is innocent being wrongly charged with the crime of pedophilia, and this is what VenomFanX has done. He falsely accused someone of being a pedophile. But then, that is what religious fanatics like to do. They still have the old witch hunt mentality.

The next four videos is by a nice young lady with the YouTube user name of xxxThePeachxxx with some more videos of the moronic antics of VenomFanX or Shawn which is real first name.

xxxThePeachxxx | January 11, 2010

Was Shawn sincere in his apology? Probably not; he's broken every promise he's ever made. I have no plans to expand on this series, so long as Shawn keeps to his word. However, this series highlights certain events in Youtube history; I'm choosing not to delete them. People still accuse atheists as having ran Shawn off Youtube, and this series highlights the events that led to the self-destruction of the persona known as VenomFangX. I believe that it is important to forgive, but not to forget.

A Boy Named Shawn, Part 1/4

A Boy Named Shawn, Part 2/4
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b64-e7zL ... re=channel

A Boy Named Shawn, Part 3/4

A Boy Named Shawn, Part 4/4

In the first video of the four part series, VenomFangX talks about why God won't heal amputees. Despite his famous claim that atheists have no love or morality within them, he has displayed callous attitudes toward other people under the guise of God's judgment.

When answering the question of why God does not heal amputees, he coldly replied . . .
VenomFangX: Where in the Bible does it say God will heal amputees? End of story! Right? God never said he would. He doesn't. That aligns perfectly with my definition of God. Why should God heal amputees? He was the one who allowed you to lose your arm in the first place. So, does God have a moral obligation to heal someone who has sinned against him? Absolutely not! So, why doesn't God heal amputees? Because they don't deserve their arms! We deserve to die! That's what the Bible teaches. sorry if you don't like that!
Now that is really cold!!!

So, now we know all about VenomFangX the YouTube cyber-bully who has set out to ruin other people's lives.

Back when VenomFangX had filed false DMCA claims against Thunderf00t, before the incident when VenomFangX had accused dprjones of being a pedophile,Thunderf00t was willing to make a deal with VenomFangX and cut him some slack, because he really did not want to see VenomFangX getting permanently banned from YouTube, because he sees VenomFangX and a never ending source of amusement, so the deal was, that VenomFangX was to take a one year sabbatical from YouTube and apologize for his actions, and then no legal actions would be filed against him. So, although Thunderf00t is an atheist, he actually showed more "Christian" charity toward VenomFangX than VenomFangX has ever shown toward anyone else.

The next video is by Thunderf00t himself.

Thunderf00t | September 13, 2008

So it looks like all I have to do is report venomfangx (aka posterboy for creationist stupidity or PCS) and his ass is history.

Not only did he file false DMCAs against two of my videos, committing perjury in the process (I got his name from the counter-notification I sent to youtube), but he also wrote me an email saying that it was done at his behest. One of the little boxes he checked said youtube would delete his account if he abused the system.

I have not yet fully explored the legal options.

My proposals is that PCS deletes his account and goes into exile from youtube for one year to contemplate his actions.... that's probably a lot better deal than he will get if I report him to youtube.

Game over man, game over...

Yeah! PCS - Poster-boy for Creationist Stupidity! I like that!

But then . . . . . VenomFangX makes a video, accusing Thunderf00t of blackmail and extortion.

The Jokers Response To Thunderf00t
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1TFNcd8 ... re=related

Here I noticed that VenonFangX changed the spelling of his user name to VenomFagnX probably because his original account was suspended so he changed the spelling to create a new YouTube account.

The next video is by TogetherForPeace another Christian friend of VenomFangX offering him some advice against filing false DMCA claims.

TogetherForPeace | September 18, 2008

Intentionally or not Venomfangx was the one who filed the DMCA against Thunderf00t and he was warned by myself to be careful.

Proof VenomFangX Filed The DMCA's

Here's another video by Thunderf00t about the consequences of filing a false DMCA.

Thunderf00t | September 20, 2008

The position of Venomfangx is pretty grim. Given the latest comments by user Togetherforpeace he has laid himself open to both perjury charges, civil action and disciplinary measures from Youtube.

Venomfangx has taken down/ switched to private every video he has made on this subject. Naturally I have meticulous records on this matter. I remain under legal counsel in deciding which course of action to pursue. I reserve the right to take all/any of options open and my decision may well be influenced by how Venomfangx responds to this video.

False DMCA Consequences

The following video is by another YouTube user who goes by the name corvardus.

corvardus | September 21, 2008

Response Video to Thunderf00t's "False DMCA Consequences" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szlgB1AD5hI) trying in a vain attempt to appeal to VenomFangX's wisdom.

We all know Venom is a kid playing with fire and God knows he deserves everything he gets but a final appeal to his wisdom to suppress his ego before real life adult actions are taken against him needs to be done despite my distaste in his religious position! Only a few days away, now, before we get to know the outcome of this mildly entertaining game of cat and mouse

VenomFangX, Thunderf00t & False DMCA
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR0IXDnN ... re=related

And here's a video by terrarising, yeah! It just keeps on getting better all the time!

terrarising | September 19, 2008

Responding to recently posted and removed videos, our hero once again interjects himself into the VenomFangX vs. YouTube fray.

Thanks to my subscribers and anyone who has made comments on my videos or sent me messages.

VenomFangX And The Hole He's Dug For Himself

The next video is made by jezuzfreek777 a close friend of VenonFangX who is trying to help him see the error of his ways.

Venomfangx Accusations and DMCAs

Here jezuzfreek777 is trying to warn VenonFangX not to continue down the path he has been following. Although I'm not a Christian, I kind of like jezuzfreek777, he seem like a decent sort of guy.

The next video is by TheAmazingAtheist

VenomFangX Gets Spanked Again
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ai8Cq3z ... ature=fvwp

The next video is made by FFreeThinker

FFreeThinker | January 11, 2010

"The Reality of the Venomfangx Issue" by

Statements of Shawn's father:

"No one in the family shares Shawn's religious views. We removed him from the house for his opposing views. Shawn's comments should be for entertainment purposes only; purely for conversation and mental stimulation. To take anything personally or seriously is a mistake. He is grossly naive about the reality of life. Shawn is harmless and does not have a hurtful bone is his body. He is just brainwashed. This young, impressionable, socially rejected person has had his mind hijacked by Kent Hovind and his kind ..."

'Naive And Brainwashed By Kent Hovind' - Statement Of VenomFangX's Father

In this video jordanowen42 read a letter from Shawn's father. Shawn - AKA - VenomFangX comes from a rich family. His parents are good and decent people who do not approve of their son's behavior. His parents are Jewish, but VenomFangX had turned away from Judaism to become a Christian, but he sets a rather piss poor example of a Christian.

Oh! It just keeps on getting better and better all the time!

Here is another video hosted by FFreeThinker on his channel.

FFreeThinker | April 13, 2009

Youtuber Murder / Suicide: The Tragedy Of Asia McGowan And Anthony Powell (Tony48219).

Tony48219 (Anthony Powell) was involved in a murder-suicide at MacKenzie Fine Arts Center (Henry Ford Community College) in Dearborn (near Detroit), Michigan on Friday. He shot and killed 20 year old student Asia McGowen before turning the gun on himself.

Asia McGowan - 04/10/2009 - R.I.P.
Anthony Powell - 04/10/2009 - R.I.P.

Asia McGowan's YouTube channel:

Youtuber Murder / Suicide: The Tragedy Of Asia McGowan And Anthony Powell (Tony48219)

FFreeThinker morns the death of the young lady Asia McGowan and although he's an atheist, he even morns the death of Anthony Powell - AKA - Tony48219 who was a fellow "Christian" supporter of VenomFangX, but VenomFangX claims to not know him. I guess being a "Christian" Fundamentalists did not save Tony48219 from committing a murder/suicide.

I also check the YouTube link to Asia McGowan's YouTube channel and it's still up under the YouTube user name of asiamcgowan where she had uploaded 8 of her own videos.

asiamcgowan's Channel

OK, here is a list of my favorite YouTube channels.

Rationality and science
diagoras54's Channel

Stand Up For REAL Science
standup4REALscience's Channel
http://www.youtube.com/user/standup4REA ... E8CD38F210

There are no limits to creationist stupidity
CreationDebunked's Channel

BioLogos - Evolution, Creationism and Intelligent Design
djarm67's Channel

flyingscience's Channel

Science and Education for the win!
Thunderf00t's Channel

AronRa's Channel

Think about it.
cdk007's Channe

potholer54's Channel

Science & Reason
FFreeThinker's Channel

freethinker3161's Channel

Carpe Noctem
AndromedasWake's Channel

Theta Omega
ThetaOmega's Channel

ExpelledExposed's Channel

DonExodus2's Channel

Almost all of these channels above have come under attack at one time or another by right-wing Fundamentalists extremists. Most of these users in the above list are either atheists or agnostic, except DonExodus2 who happens to believe in God and he is also a Christian, but he is NOT a Fundamentalist so he accepts Darwin's Theory of Evolution and supports the scientific method.

[Re-edit - DonExodus2 recently left Christianity, and has made two videos of why he is no longer a Christian]

Yeah! VenonFangX finally did get around to apologizing on the Internet for his past shenanigans, but it was too little too late.

Venomfangx Apologizes to the Internets

Thunderf00t | October 07, 2008

I own the intellectual property and copyright to this video.

This video is copyright free.

This video is the resolution to the conflict between myself and Venomfangx.

Venomfangx filed some baseless DMCAs against me.

Venomfangx made some nasty statements about me.

Venomfangx read a sincere (or close enough) apology, and gave me the intellectual property rights to it.

That's pretty much it.

The moral?



And here is more!



Filing a DMCA is a legal right, but it is strategically unwise to do so unless you actually know what you are doing. You could be opening yourself up to both criminal and civil prosecution. You may also be violating youtube's terms of service. This playlist documents the trouble you can land yourself in by filing baseless DMCAs.

This is another video by Thunderf00t


Thunderf00t | September 11, 2008

So PCS (Posterboy for Creationist Stupidity) seems to think that I told someone to do it is the sort of thing that makes perjury okay.

I would pay to see you try it in federal court, and so would many others.

Again, I must emphasize . . . . .

To file a false DMCA claim, you do so under the penalty of perjury!

OK. So, VenomFangX is not the only one to have filed false DMCA claims against other YouTube users, or flagged videos as inappropriate for minors (children under 18) or down-thumbed comments posted under their videos, because the so-called Discovery Institute, which is just another phony Creation Science organization, also filed some false DMCA clains against DonExodus2 after he made a video criticizing them.

There are other Creationist organizations who have also been on the attack against educational videos on science and evolution.

Here is a video made by DonExodus2.

The Discovery Institute Embarrasses Itself... again

DonExodus2 | June 18, 2009

The anti-science creationist propaganda machine has released a response to the challenge issued by Concordance to... discover... anything! Unfortunately, they show the same level of scientific knowledge, reason, and scruples that they show in everything else they post.

Paper they bastardized:

And here is another video by Thunderf00t

Thunderf00t | March 28, 2008

The creationists have sunk to a new low.
Violation of another of the foundational values of free societies, the Vote.

First they tried to corrupt the comment voting. That failed
Then they tried to mark all our comments as spam. That failed.
Now they have employed a vote-bot to distort all the voting on all of mine and Cdk007s videos.


The matter is currently with Youtube security, and we are entirely dependent on them to sort this out for us. If you feel this matter is of sufficient merit that its urgency needs to be stressed to youtube, please do so.

Harassment in the Land of the Free

The next video is from AndromedasWake with a message from dprjones urging people to leave Shawn's family alone. This was after VenomFangX had falsely accused dprjones of being a pedophile, causing his channel to be shut down. So,AndromedasWake allowed dprjones to upload the following video to his channel. The video was made by dprjones himself and AndromedasWake has been hosting the video for him. And so, dprjones urges everyone to leave Shawn's family alone, not to harass them because of their son's behavior.

A short message from dprjones

Here is a video by JRBendixen. Actually the video was made by dprjones and JRBendixen was kind enough to host the video on his channel after dprjones was falsely accused of being a pedophile.

JRBendixen | January 09, 2010

VenomfangX is insane

Venomfangx - how low can you go?

This next video by GrifterGraham is a real treat! Ah yes! This one is so precious! I love it! It's a keeper!!!

GrifterGraham | September 21, 2008

One minute of madness.

An excerpted clip segment, chosen for sheer madness, from the entire and entirely mad video mirrored here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1TFNcd81JI

VenomFangX is a joke.

Aw! FenomFangX is so cute in this video! Don't ya just love him! Praise de Lawd!!! Amen!

Well, we have seen some perfect example of the kind of cyber-bullying that had been going on at YouTube for the past three years, and VenomFangX as been one of the worst violators. He is the Samdaman of YouTube!

And now, two more final messages from cdk007 and Thunderf00t.

First, the final message from cdk007.

Dear Creationists, Thank You. cdk007
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9q2ABS7w ... re=related

cdk007 | June 19, 2009

Dear Creationists,

Your actions speak louder than our words. Thank you for proving to the world that you are the intellectual and morally bankrupt individuals we portray you to be.

Sincerely, cdk007.

A Message From cdk007

Dear, creationists, I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you.

And no, I am not being sarcastic.

Thank you for taking the time to unleash waves of 1 star vote bots against us. Thank you for painstakingly down voting all comments left on our videos. Thank you for meticulously marking all comments as spam after we disabled comment voting.

Thank you for illegally filing a barrage of false DMCA claims against our videos. Thank you for the false flagging campaign that continues to censor many of our videos. But most importantly, thank you for proving to us, and to the world, that you are morally bankrupt.

My intention when starting a channel on YouTube was to do my small part to educate the masses. To boil down a host of exciting scientific discoveries and strip them of their dense jargon, so as to make them more readily accessible to the educated freethinking public. And in the process establish a forum for lively discussion between the religious and scientifically minded among us.

But you have shown a complete inability to carry on even the most basic logical discussion. You have proven that you are unable to grasp even the most elementary scientific concepts, let alone those taught at the high school freshman level.

Instead of engaging in lively intellectual conversation you troll, spam, flag, and bot. Having a debate with you is equivalent to playing a chess match against a pigeon who knocks over all the pieces, takes a crap on the board, and flies back to his flock and claims victory.

Your actions, your words have done more to prove our point, that you are intellectually and morally bankrupt than any of our videos ever could.

So thank you, thank you for proving our point for us.

Thank you for showing that after 3 years you have nothing intelligent to say.

Sure we have the mountains of evidence on our side, over 200,000 peer reviewed scientific papers, containing millions of individual pieces of evidence collected by tens of thousands of scientists, working over the past century and a half, and the legal ruling of the United States judicial system; but your continuing hypocrisy is the icing on the cake.

As scientists we will continue to investigate how the world works. As educators we will continue to bring the knowledge we gain to the people. And as public advocates we will continue to work tirelessly to make this world a better place in which to live.

You have nothing to offer the scientific community, and your ideas have been rebuked by the judicial system. So instead, you stand on the side lines and throw stones at the march of progress happening around you.

But please, by all means continue.

Continue to take pride in your ignorance. Continue to show that you have nothing to offer.

Unfortunately I fear this message is lost on you because the one thing you have proven time and time again that you are incapable of doing is being able to . . .


And now, the final message from Thunderf00t.

Epic Justice!

Thunderf00t | January 29, 2009

Dear Youtube, why is this flagged as inappropriate for minors?
How about a little protection of the media producers against disruptive vandals!

It's Epic Justice Time!

It's Karma comeuppance for Creationists day!

There are few things in life that have such wide appeal as watching jerks fail!


These jerks started by:

1) Marking all my comments as spam. I unmarked them.

2) Downthumbing all non-creationist comments, and upthumbing creationist comments (6+ times). I turned off the comment voting. (see above link)

3) Vote bot attacks

4) Flagging my videos as offensive. And successfully getting my Defending America video removed.

5)MORE votebot attacks

Others hit by creationist votebots:


I now ask people to vote to simply dilute the effect of these creationist jerks and their attempt to corrupt and abuse the voting system by use of bots.

The effect has karma, and sweet juicy epic justice written all over it!

Many of the below people have been hit by votebots too.

I encourage people to vote (with a rating they deem proper) on all these videos, simply to dilute the effect of these jerks and their attempt to corrupt the voting system.


This video has been flagged as "unsuitable for minors" by creationist vandals.

YouTube doesn't seem to have a mechanism to correct such abuse.

It also kills the "honors" of the video, reducing those who get to see it.

A Message From Thunderf00t

Dear Creationists.

I know you're out there. I know you're watching this. I know you can not compete on the level playing field of the open market of ideas. I can feel your frustration of having your dogmatic mattress publicly annihilated by reasoned logic and the progression of science.

I know you filed multiple false DMCA's against my videos, and other's, however in the legal arena as in the scientific, you are simply out-classed!

I know, that in your desperation to silence the devastating evisceration of your unsustainable beliefs, you turn to attacking this channel. You tried flagging campaigns, bots, gaming the videos. Your actions have made it evident just how little morality you have, when it comes to defending the irrational. The vote-bots were actually having some success in sinking the ratings of the videos on this channel. Indeed, many of my earlier videos have been buried by your actions, dumping up to 800 one-star votes on a video is enough to sink almost anything.

I know you tried this on many other videos too, But you failed to take into account something very basic about people. People, ALL people, hate cheaters! I do not believe in artificially promoting my videos, this, would make me little better than you, however, I was not willing to allow your abuse of the system to go unchallenged. I therefore recently started including a line, encouraging people to vote, just to vote, in order to dilute the effect of your vote-bots.

Dear Creationists.

My subscribers, and the users of YouTube have a message for you.



I would say, that these right-wing religious Fundamentalist whack jobs seriously need to curb their dogma and drive their karma!


Last edited by Fat Man on Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:59 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: 3 Years of Cyber-Bullying By Religious Fanatics On YouTu

Post by HugeFanOfBadReligion »

I'm not sure if you posted this link, I read through you're entire post earlier on but there were some links I didn't press. This video is posted by a channel I've been subscribing to for a while, ever since PZ Myers posted one of his videos on his blog Pharyngula, and this video has been up for quite a while. It is in criticism of the VenomFangX you were talking about. His channel includes videos of his experience of losing his faith and his life after losing his faith. He has many great videos, one of them explaining how the Pledge of Allegiance along with other aspects of the US government was once free of religious references until the Cold War caused the government to fear the possibility of becoming an atheist state like the Soviet Union. But anyway, back on topic, this VenomFangX is possibly even worse than the 4chan trolls. At least the 4chan trolls are just immature bored teenagers with short attention spans, they don't know better, but this is a grown man we are talking about who should have matured psychologically long ago. If anything, he is making his cause even less worthy as he gives his "fellow" Christians a bad name, as most people, regardless of their faith, wouldn't do such things.
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Re: 3 Years of Cyber-Bullying By Religious Fanatics On YouTu

Post by Indurrago »

I read all of your posts fatman but haven't had the time to watch all the links, also thanks to badreligion also. That short video was insightful.
"We believe in Vader, the Darth almighty, destroyer of Alderaan and the Sith. We believe in Luke, his only son, our Jedi. He was concieved by the power of the Force, and born of the senator Padme. Suffered under Darth Sidius, electrocuted, survived and partied with Ewoks. He descended to the Death Star, on the third hour he flew out in an Imperial ship and landed on Endor. He is seated on the right hand of Obi-Wan's ghost. He will come again to train Leia to be a Jedi. We believe? in Yoda.........:D
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Re: 3 Years of Cyber-Bullying By Religious Fanatics On YouTu

Post by Fat Man »

Well, here's an update:

Today, I did a Google search for VenomFangX and I found a page dedicated to him at Encyclopedia Dramatica and it does a real hatchet job on him, which of course, he deserves.


However . . . . .

No, I don't believe that VenomFangX is homo sexual, nor do I believe that he has been having butt-sex (or buttsecks) with JezuzFreek777 nor do I believe that the mother of VenomFangX is a trans-sexual! Else how could she have given birth to him if she had once been a male?

While much of what is being said of VenomFangX is true on that web page, there is also a lot of bullshit as well.

So, VenomFangX is not gay. I won't abide any lies being told about anyone, not even a total jerk and an asshole like VenomFangX!!!

I'm only interested in the facts.
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All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
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Re: 3 Years of Cyber-Bullying By Religious Fanatics On YouTu

Post by Indurrago »

fatman, I can see what the wiki's name has "dramatica" in it, still its not at uncyclopedia level though.
"We believe in Vader, the Darth almighty, destroyer of Alderaan and the Sith. We believe in Luke, his only son, our Jedi. He was concieved by the power of the Force, and born of the senator Padme. Suffered under Darth Sidius, electrocuted, survived and partied with Ewoks. He descended to the Death Star, on the third hour he flew out in an Imperial ship and landed on Endor. He is seated on the right hand of Obi-Wan's ghost. He will come again to train Leia to be a Jedi. We believe? in Yoda.........:D
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Re: 3 Years of Cyber-Bullying By Religious Fanatics On YouTu

Post by Fat Man »


Sorry to have to BUMP an old topic back up to the top again, but there has been some recent new developments.

VenomFangX is back on YouTube again!

He's got his YouTube channel up and running again at:

I thought he would have been permanently banned, and probably even doing some jail time after having filed over a hundred false DMCA claims against other YouTube users to have their science channels on evolution shut down.

But he is a spoiled rotten brat from a rich family and I guess he also did a lot of ass kissing to get his channel reinstated again.

Well, money talks!

Money also lies and has the power to silence the truth and suppress knowledge!
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
Heah comes da judge! Heah comes da judge! Order in da court 'cuz heah comes da judge!

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