Entire Football Team At Backpackers Nightmare

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Entire Football Team At Backpackers Nightmare

Post by Agent 47 »

Hi fellow sports haters. This is my first post. I googled "i hate sport" just for the hell of it last night, and was so happy to see this site come up.

I've come to the city to see the "World Solar Challenge" (http://www.wsc.org.au), and so am staying at a backpackers hostel for a few days. But what incredibly bad luck - there was an entire football team on their end of season trip also staying here.

What a bunch of morons. You can just picture it - loud drunken idiots with no regard for others. I don't know what to say except thank christ they've moved out now. The place has taken on a whole new energy now - NORMAL HUMANITY.
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Post by Fitz301 »

Welcome fellow sports hater!!

You have joined the elite ranks of those who see through all the hype behind sports!


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Post by Skul »

Welcome to the site! :D

That must have been hell. Sports bores... they think that because they follow a silly little game where the outcome really means NOTHING, that they can do whatever they want. As Spock in your avatar would say, "Most illogical." :P

Sorry about your account getting deleted earlier. I was using an auto-delete script to get rid of the spam bots and yours was deleted since it had no posts. We don't really get many new members here, so I've become sloppy in checking the new accounts we get. Good thing you re-registered and posted. I'll be more vigilant, now.

Once again, welcome! :)
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Re: Entire Football Team At Backpackers Nightmare

Post by abitagirl »

dickfilthy wrote:What a bunch of morons. You can just picture it - loud drunken idiots with no regard for others. I don't know what to say except thank christ they've moved out now. The place has taken on a whole new energy now - NORMAL HUMANITY.

That's pretty much how I pictured it, even before you described it. They should put football bores in the ape house at the zoo. Nobody will be able to tell the difference, except that the apes are probably a bit more civilized.

Then again, why do that to the poor apes? :P
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Post by Fitz301 »

No, kidding!! It's bad enough we normal people have to deal with those neanderthals!! They need to evolve, and I'm NOT talking about the apes!!

Fitz301 :twisted:
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Post by Agent 47 »

Thanks heaps for your welcoming messages, fellow sports haters - especially - Fitz301, Skul, & abitagirl.

I seem to be in paradise now - no footballers in this backpackers anymore, just regular nice international people to say hello to.
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Post by Canadian_Hockey_Hater »

welcome! and glad to have you fellow sports hater :P
Sports contribute nothing to society. They are a waste of time, money, effort and TV channels! It's just a bunch of buffed up, fat headed, idiotic jocks chasing a ball around.

If cheerleading were any easier... It would be called football!
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Post by Ray »

Welcome, comrade! Anyone who hates sports is welcome here!

That solar convention sounds pretty cool. Like robot wars. Was it a contest or an exhibition kind of thing?

I Hope We Lose!
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Post by Agent 47 »

G'day CHH & Ray.

Hey if you's are interested in the World Solar Challenge, have a look at the website - http://www.wsc.org.au It's a race for solar powered cars from Darwin to Adelaide - 3000 kilometres (approx 2500 miles?).

At the finish line here in Adelaide there's all the cars on display, and they do the final race scrutineering etc. It's all very official, and they make quite a weekend of it. The top cars are worth around a million dollars each, and use solar cells from the European Space Agency. At the other end of the scale, various high schools and universities bang together a cheap entry. It runs every second year. Did you's hear about it on the news?

You know, even though it's a race and the object is to win, the World Solar Challenge is a good example of why sport sucks. Racing solar cars has meaning - it's pushing the envelope of solar power technology which ultimately befefits humanity. Sport on the other hand is overrated futility.
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Post by Agent 47 »

Skul wrote:Sorry about your account getting deleted earlier. I was using an auto-delete script to get rid of the spam bots and yours was deleted since it had no posts.
Hey no worries dude, I thought it might have been something like that.
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Re: Entire Football Team At Backpackers Nightmare

Post by RaleighRob »

Welcome to the site!

That Solar Challenge sounds awesome...I hope you had a great enough time there to make-up for your horrible hostel-mates! :lol:
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Re: Entire Football Team At Backpackers Nightmare

Post by Agent 47 »

Hi RR.

You know, it's been 9 months since that unfortunate backpackers trip, (I really should get online more often!), and although the World Solar Challenge is one of those mindblowing things that rises above all that riff raff, that backpackers experience remains a good reminder to me of the sheer stupidity of a drunken mob of sports idiots.

It started with a BBQ on the balcony in the evening. Loud, offensive behaviour that not only disturbed all the other paying hostel guests, but half the surrounding neighbourhood as well. Then they turned up the stereo and started singing in that ugly way that only a drunken mob can. That died down after a while, but then one of them got out a guitar, and they started singing along to that. It was more like yelling actually. They must have thought they were having the time of their lives - "what wonderful times with their mates that they will remember and cherish forever" they must have thought at the time. But by the look of some of them the next morning, they would have been flat out remembering their own names. There were the vomit soaked lifeless corpses of footballers in alcohol induced comas strewn all over the place the next morning. And these are supposed to be our heros. The time of their lives. Yeah right.

But the singing (yelling) was the least of it. Make no mistake - this was an ugly mob, creating an ugly situation. The night went on, and it was just an unrelenting tirade of yelling, and urinating, and vomiting, and slamming doors, and smashing bottles. Getting some sleep that night was simply out of the question. Just imagine my feeling of RELIEF the next day when I saw all their luggage assembled in the foyer ready for their departure!

Of course the other good thing to come out of that trip, besides getting to see the World Solar Challenge, was that that was the incentive for me to finally get around to googling "i hate sport" - AND DISCOVER THIS SITE!

I remember when I saw this site come up for the first time, and I realised what it was. I was so happy. I laughed and laughed and laughed. And although I don't get the opportunity to get online much, I think of all you people on here sometimes, and it always makes me smile.
Last edited by Agent 47 on Wed Nov 19, 2008 5:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Entire Football Team At Backpackers Nightmare

Post by Agent 47 »

abitagirl wrote:They should put football bores in the ape house at the zoo. Nobody will be able to tell the difference, except that the apes are probably a bit more civilized.
You got that right. There's definately something UNcivilised, something MINDLESS about an ugly mob of football/sports troglodytes. Especially the drunken type. They seem to be the type of neanderthal throwbacks that aren't aware of the effects of their own idiocy. Like when immature little kids have a tantrum in a supermarket. They're not mentally sophisticated enough to choose appropriate social behaviour.

But I sometimes wonder if alcohol can take the blame for all that? Perhaps not that much though. Sport idiot types need their own specific web site dedicated to managing alcohol abuse in sport. Although there's lots of sections of society that drink/abuse alcohol, they all seem to manage to come together productively under umbrella organisations such as AA, and MM. BUT SPORT NEEDS IT'S OWN DEDICATED ALCOHOL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM! They must be a special kind of moron.

Sport - the only recreational activity that needs a specific alcohol support group! ( http://www.goodsports.com.au/ )
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Re: Entire Football Team At Backpackers Nightmare

Post by abitagirl »

Maybe getting drunk keeps them from realizing just how boring and mindless football really is. :twisted:
Yes, it really is JUST A GAME.
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Re: Entire Football Team At Backpackers Nightmare

Post by Agent 47 »

I think there's a lot of truth to that. Although, I occasionally enjoy a few drinks myself, but even then I STILL think football/sport is boring!
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