Here is the link to my YouTube channel, my Big Fat Heretic channel.

BigFatHeretic's Channel
I have been doing my part to help another fellow YouTube member, TruthSurge, because the videos on his channel has come under a massive vote-bot attack down-thumbing his videos, and also a massive false flagging attack. His videos had be falsely flagged as being inappropriate or offensive.
As a result, he has 2 strikes against his channel, and as been suspended for a few weeks, which means that he can not log in to his user account to do any work on his channel.
Many of us are afraid that his channel might be shut down, and then, his videos would be deleted from YouTube.
So, some of us have been lending a helping hand. The first member InModiusWeTrust was the first to MIRROR his videos. I'm the second one to join in, and since then, a few other YouTube members have also joined in to help save his videos.
This series of 40 videos is about the Jesus Myth Theory, a very scholarly examination of the New Testament.
If you happen to have a New Testament, you'll notice that the first four books are the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, John, and Luke, and then followed by the writings of Paul and the Epistles.
But this is actually the incorrect order. The writings of Paul and the Epistles were written much earlier, and the Gospels were not written until a couple of centuries later.
Also, additional chapters and additional verses were later added that do not really belong there. Those inserted chapters and verses were not in the original codex of the Greek writings.
And finally, there are many conflicts between the writings of Paul and the Epistles, and the later Gospels.
So, your New Testament as handed down to us is really all screwed up, I'm sorry to say.
Anyway . . . . .
This is a very close scholarly examination. The man who created these videos, he's a gentleman, so he does not put down Christian believers or ridicule them in anyway, but merely points out where they are in error, and why he says that the stories in the New Testament is a myth.
He also compares what the earliest Christians actually believed compared to what Christians had come to believe in later centuries.
Well, please do watch these videos, because he can explain it much better than I can.
Here is the name of my latest Playlist on my channel, followed by my description of said playlist, with a direct link included.
I also include the original descriptions with some small additions of my own. You'll notice that the descriptions say Uploaded by BigFatHeretic followed by the recent upload date.
But I have included ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge followed by the original upload dates because I do not wish to take credit for another man's hard work.
So, without any further ado, please watch the following series of videos. I would welcome some member comments in response.
Thank you.
Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah? MIRROR videos
A series of 40 videos ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge - His user channel had been viciously attacked by the false flagging of his videos, and multiple down-thumbs by Creationist vote-bots! Because if this vicious campaign in their attempt at censorship, his user account has two strikes against it. Yeah! It seems that these right-wing Christian Fundamentalist retards have nothing better to do with their time than to try to destroy other user's channels on YouTube. And so, to help another fellow YouTube member, I have downloaded and saved these videos to my computer, and uploaded them to MIRROR on my channel. I consider it a great honor to be of assistance in any way I can to help another member, by preserving his videos, and I'm not the only one. I want to thank some of those other YouTube members out there who have also uploaded videos to MIRROR on their channels as well. - - - NOTICE: I have disabled voting on user comments, and rating videos, to protect my MIRROR videos from Creationist vote-bot attacks, but I will still allow comments to be posted under these videos.
URL: ... 43B3620BAD
Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 1 MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 25, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Oct 13, 2008
Part 1 of a who-knows-how-many-parts-part series where I simply share my knowledge about the Jesus Myth theory as espoused by the likes of Earl Doherty. Part 1 is simply an overview of the main claims of the theory and a taste of the first piece of evidence that will be covered in part2A and part2B.
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messia Part 2A MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 25, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Oct 13, 2008
Part 2A of a who-knows-how-many-parts-part series where I simply share my knowledge about the Jesus Myth theory (primarily the version espoused by the likes of Earl Doherty). Part 2A sets the stage for an in-depth look at something peculiar in the earliest Christian writings. Doherty's writings can be found here:
Jesus never existed historical Jesus myth atheism Christianity Earl Doherty
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 2B MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Oct 13, 2008
Part 2B of a who-knows-how-many-parts-part series where I simply share my knowledge about the Jesus Myth theory (primarily the version espoused by the likes of Earl Doherty). Part 2B examines 41 references to Jesus' "second coming" with an eye toward how the authors framed his "return". I have written a paper on the subject of this vid (that none of the early Christian authors viewed Jesus' return as a return) that goes into much more detail and looks at all 27 New Testament books as well as non-canonical works. It's around 100 pages long and I'd be happy to email it to anyone interested in the topic. Earl Doherty's writings can be found at
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 3A MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Oct 27, 2008
Part 3A of a who-knows-how-many-parts-part series where I simply share my knowledge about the Jesus Myth theory as espoused by the likes of Earl Doherty. Part 3A begins an examination of WHEN the earliest Christians believed Jesus was crucified.
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 3B MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Oct 27, 2008
Part 3B of a who-knows-how-many-parts-part series where I simply share my knowledge about the Jesus Myth theory as espoused by the likes of Earl Doherty. Part 3B begins to lay out evidence concerning WHEN the earliest Christians believed Jesus was crucified.
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 3C MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Oct 27, 2008
Part 3C of a who-knows-how-many-parts-part series where I simply share my knowledge about the Jesus Myth theory as espoused by the likes of Earl Doherty. Part 3C wraps up the examination of WHEN the earliest Christians believed Jesus was crucified.
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 4A MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Nov 1, 2008
Part 4A of a who-knows-how-many-parts-part series where I simply share my knowledge about the Jesus Myth theory as espoused by the likes of Earl Doherty. Part 4A looks at the enigmatic phrase "firstborn from the dead".
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 4B MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Nov 1, 2008
Part 4B of a who-knows-how-many-parts-part series where I simply share my knowledge about the Jesus Myth theory as espoused by the likes of Earl Doherty. Part 4A looks at the enigmatic phrase "firstborn from the dead".
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 5A MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Nov 6, 2008
Part 5A of a who-knows-how-many-parts-part series where I simply share my knowledge about the Jesus Myth theory as espoused by the likes of Earl Doherty. Part 5A begins to examine the question of who killed Jesus. One verse in 1st Corinthians gives us the answer while many others corroborate it.
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 5B MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Nov 6, 2008
Part 5B of a who-knows-how-many-parts-part series where I simply share my knowledge about the Jesus Myth theory as espoused by the likes of Earl Doherty. Part 5B continues to examine the question of who killed Jesus. One verse in 1st Corinthians gives us the answer while many others corroborate it.
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 5C MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Nov 6, 2008
Part 5C of a who-knows-how-many-parts-part series where I simply share my knowledge about the Jesus Myth theory as espoused by the likes of Earl Doherty. Part 5C concludes the examination of the question of who killed Jesus.
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 6A MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Dec 19, 2008
Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 6A
I know it's been a long time but here it is. It's a tad long but I wanted to touch on some groundwork related to the main point. I promise to keep the next piece of evidence shorter! In this series, I examine the question of whether the early Christians believed (or even could have believed) that Jesus was a real human or whether they thought he had merely taken on the shape of a human (not really born as a human on earth with internal organs, etc). Much amazing evidence to be found regarding this.
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 6B MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Dec 19, 2008
Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 6B
I know it's been a long time but here it is. It's a tad long but I wanted to touch on some groundwork related to the main point. I promise to keep the next piece of evidence shorter!
In this series, I examine the question of whether the early Christians believed (or even could have believed) that Jesus was a real human or whether they thought he had merely taken on the shape of a human (not really born as a human on earth with internal organs, etc). Much amazing evidence to be found regarding this.
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So, if you like, or dislike this video, then, feel free to post your comments. OK?
Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 6C MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Dec 19, 2008
Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 6C
I know it's been a long time but here it is. It's a tad long but I wanted to touch on some groundwork related to the main point. I promise to keep the next piece of evidence shorter! In this series, I examine the question of whether the early Christians believed (or even could have believed) that Jesus was a real human or whether they thought he had merely taken on the shape of a human (not really born as a human on earth with internal organs, etc). Much amazing evidence to be found regarding this.
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 6D MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Dec 19, 2008
Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 6D
I know it's been a long time but here it is. It's a tad long but I wanted to touch on some groundwork related to the main point. I promise to keep the next piece of evidence shorter!
In this series, I examine the question of whether the early Christians believed (or even could have believed) that Jesus was a real human or whether they thought he had merely taken on the shape of a human (not really born as a human on earth with internal organs, etc). Much amazing evidence to be found regarding this.
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 6E MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Dec 19, 2008
Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 6E
I know it's been a long time but here it is. It's a tad long but I wanted to touch on some groundwork related to the main point. I promise to keep the next piece of evidence shorter! In this series, I examine the question of whether the early Christians believed (or even could have believed) that Jesus was a real human or whether they thought he had merely taken on the shape of a human (not really born as a human on earth with internal organs, etc). Much amazing evidence to be found regarding this.
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 6F MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Dec 19, 2008
Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 6F
I know it's been a long time but here it is. It's a tad long but I wanted to touch on some groundwork related to the main point. I promise to keep the next piece of evidence shorter! In this series, I examine the question of whether the early Christians believed (or even could have believed) that Jesus was a real human or whether they thought he had merely taken on the shape of a human (not really born as a human on earth with internal organs, etc). Much amazing evidence to be found regarding this.
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 6G MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Dec 19, 2008
Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 6G
I know it's been a long time but here it is. It's a tad long but I wanted to touch on some groundwork related to the main point. I promise to keep the next piece of evidence shorter! In this series, I examine the question of whether the early Christians believed (or even could have believed) that Jesus was a real human or whether they thought he had merely taken on the shape of a human (not really born as a human on earth with internal organs, etc). Much amazing evidence to be found regarding this.
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 7A MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Feb 7, 2009
If Jesus was never on Earth, how did the early Christians find out about Jesus? This three-part vid explores this question.
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 7B MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Feb 7, 2009
If Jesus was never on Earth, how did the early Christians find out about Jesus? This three-part vid explores this question.
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 7C MIRROR
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
Uploaded by TruthSurge on Feb 7, 2009
If Jesus was never on Earth, how did the early Christians find out about Jesus? This three-part vid explores this question.
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 8A MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Feb 17, 2009
Was Jesus always called Jesus?
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 8B MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Feb 17, 2009
Was Jesus always called Jesus?
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah Part 8C MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Feb 17, 2009
Was Jesus always called Jesus?
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Jesus: HH or MM - The Exceptions Part 1 - MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Apr 7, 2009
This is the first of many vids that will take a look into the exception verses that seem to contradict the Jesus Myth theory.
Here are some of the main exceptions that, at face value, argue against the Jesus Myth theory.
Exceptions that must be explained
Jesus is said to be appearing a 2nd time.
Hebrews 9:28
Jesus' death occurred at the end of the age or IOW during the first century
Hebrews 9:26
Paul blames the Jews for the death of Jesus and the destruction of Jerusalem.
1st Thessalonians 2:14-16
Jesus appeared before Pilate.
1st Timothy 6:13
Paul calls Jesus a man.
Romans 5:15
1st Corinthians 15:21
1st Corinthians 15:47
Paul (and pseudo Paul) says that Jesus is of the seed of David.
Romans 1:3
2nd Timothy 2:8
Jesus is said to have manifested in the flesh.
1st John 4:2-3
2nd John 1:7
Hebrews 2:14
Hebrews 5:7
Hebrews 10:20
2nd Corinthians 5:16
Ephesians 2:15
Ephesians 5:30
Colossians 1:22
1st Timothy 3:16
1st Peter 3:18
1st Peter 4:1
Paul refers to James as the brother of the Lord
Galatians 1:19
Paul says that Jesus was born of woman, born under the law.
Galatians 4:4
Jesus instituted the Lords Supper.
1st Corinthians 11
Paul refers to Peter by the name Cephas (rock), which was the name Jesus gave to him.
1 Cor. 3:22
Jesus initiated the Lord's Supper and referred to the bread and the cup.
1 Cor. 11:23-25
Jesus was betrayed on the night of the Lord's Supper.
1 Cor. 11:23-25
Jesus' death was related to the Passover Celebration.
1 Cor. 5:7
Jesus was buried and later seen by over 500 people.
1 Cor 15:4-8
Extra-Biblical references often cited as proof of a historical Jesus
Josephus (two passages)
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Jesus: HH or MM - The Exceptions Part 2A - MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Apr 8, 2009
Hebrews 9:28 - Is Jesus returning to Earth or merely appearing physically for the first time?
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Jesus: HH or MM - The Exceptions Part 2B - MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Apr 9, 2009
Re-upload of .exceptions 2B to fix sound problems.
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Jesus: HH or MM - The Exceptions Part 3A - MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Apr 11, 2009
Did the author of Hebrews believe that Jesus had been crucified during the first century?
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Jesus: HH or MM - The Exceptions Part 3B - MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 26, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Apr 11, 2009
Did the author of Hebrews believe that Jesus had been crucified in the first century?
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Jesus: HH or MM - The Exceptions (Paul blames the Jews for Jesus' death) Part A - MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 27, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Jun 3, 2009
Part A of a 4 part series...
In 1 Thessalonians 2:15-16, Paul blames the Jews for the death of Jesus. Or... does he?
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Jesus: HH or MM - The Exceptions (Paul blames the Jews for Jesus' death) Part B - MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 27, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Jun 3, 2009
Part B of a 4 part series....
In 1 Thessalonians 2:15-16, Paul blames the Jews for the death of Jesus. Or... does he?
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Jesus: HH or MM - The Exceptions (Paul blames the Jews for Jesus' death) Part C - MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 27, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Jun 3, 2009
Part C of a 4 part series.
In 1 Thessalonians 2:15-16, Paul blames the Jews for the death of Jesus. Or... does he?
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Jesus: HH or MM - The Exceptions (Paul blames the Jews for Jesus' death) Part D - MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 27, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Jun 3, 2009
PART D of a 4-part series...
Paul blames the Jews for the death of Jesus... or does he?
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah (Exceptions) MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 27, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Dec 19, 2009
Does Paul reference Judas Iscariot in 1 Corinthians 11:23 when he refers to Jesus' "betrayal"?
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah - The Missing Disciples - MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 27, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Dec 21, 2009
Just where ARE those missing disciples? watch and find out.

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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah (Paul calls Jesus a man) Part A - MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 27, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Jun 11, 2010
Part A: Does Paul call Jesus a man in 2 of his letters? Yes. How can we explain this in favor of the Jesus Myth theory? Or can we?
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Jesus: Hebrew Human or Mythical Messiah (Paul calls Jesus a man) Part B - MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 27, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Jun 11, 2010
Part B: Does Paul call Jesus a man in 2 of his letters? Yes. How can we explain this in favor of the Jesus Myth theory? Or can we?
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Jesus: HH or MM (The Exceptions - Paul calls Jesus a man) Part C - MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 27, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Jun 11, 2010
Conclusion: 3rd upload attempt.
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Jesus: HH or MM (follow-up to "the man" videos) Part 1 of 2 - MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 27, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Jun 11, 2010
Part 1: Just want to show you how we must peel away the later layers of obfuscation to get at the original intentions of the NT authors. In 1 Corinthians 15:47, does Paul intend for us to view Jesus as coming from heaven to earth? Or does he have something else in mind?
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Jesus: HH or MM (follow-up to "the man" videos) Part 2 of 2 - MIRROR
Uploaded by BigFatHeretic on Feb 28, 2012
ORIGINALLY UPLOADED by TruthSurge on Jun 11, 2010
Part 2: Just want to show you how we must peel away the later layers of obfuscation to get at the original intentions of the NT authors. In 1 Corinthians 15:47, does Paul intend for us to view Jesus as coming from heaven to earth? Or does he have something else in mind?
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In the meantime, I hope you all found these videos interesting and informative.
Thank you for watching.
Fat Man - AKA - Big Fat Heretic