More Moronic Than Sports On TV - Basketball On The Radio!!!
Re: More Moronic Than Sports On TV - Basketball On The Radio

- Sports Bore
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Re: More Moronic Than Sports On TV - Basketball On The Radio
It's cool to fantasize about that. But I bet each and every one of those people whose head you want to bash could fuck your shit up.
If you really don't like working there where sports are obviously a significant part of the employee culture, then leave. This is all upon yourself, dumbass.
If you really don't like working there where sports are obviously a significant part of the employee culture, then leave. This is all upon yourself, dumbass.
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Re: More Moronic Than Sports On TV - Basketball On The Radio
Wibberley's okay. Like you said, he's just fantasizing. Although I was at first put off by his particular kind of fantasizing when he started posting in this forum, I now realize that's all it is. He doesn't engage in name-calling with other members, and certainly has never made any vile accusations against anyone. His presence in the board is not widespread. He doesn't post all that often, and he usually limits his posts to a single board.
I would disagree that he brought it all upon himself. He really doesn't have a choice. A job with a "sports free" zone? There ain't no such job. It's just a fact of life. Sports are so pervasive in their popularity there's hardly going to be any job anywhere that doesn't involve having to listen to other employees talk about sports. The challenge for wibberley is to be polite when he doesn't partake in such conversations (which I'm sure is something he does in real life, as opposed to fantasizing in an online forum) and keep his thoughts tuned on his job.
As this is a forum for griping about such irritances in life (among other issues) directly or indirectly related to the sports culture, I don't have a problem with wibberley. As a fellow member of this forum, my concerns and style are different from his; but as a moderator of this forum, I still don't have a problem with him. "Different strokes for different folks."
I would disagree that he brought it all upon himself. He really doesn't have a choice. A job with a "sports free" zone? There ain't no such job. It's just a fact of life. Sports are so pervasive in their popularity there's hardly going to be any job anywhere that doesn't involve having to listen to other employees talk about sports. The challenge for wibberley is to be polite when he doesn't partake in such conversations (which I'm sure is something he does in real life, as opposed to fantasizing in an online forum) and keep his thoughts tuned on his job.
As this is a forum for griping about such irritances in life (among other issues) directly or indirectly related to the sports culture, I don't have a problem with wibberley. As a fellow member of this forum, my concerns and style are different from his; but as a moderator of this forum, I still don't have a problem with him. "Different strokes for different folks."

"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go." -- Oscar Wilde
Go, Montana State Bobcats!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRq4_uxM ... re=related
Go, Montana State Bobcats!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRq4_uxM ... re=related
Re: More Moronic Than Sports On TV - Basketball On The Radio
thi am i aanks for defending me earl,but to be frank i wonder wether i am on the right website.is not the aim of this forum "i hate sports club dedicated to the erradication of sports?obviously it fantasizes about this.i make numerous suggestions about how this should be done.once i suggested all sports fans should be torn to pieces by police dogs,even in the comfort of their own home-and one board member said i was berserk.i ham not passively disinterested in sports,i pathalogically hate them.i naturally imagined aboard with the name "i hate sports club" would be sympathetic to my views,and yet i find myself being pilloried by all and sundrey on this board even being banned at one stage-a grave injustice i have never fully recovered from.there was a glimmer of hope a while back when i was able to engage in dialogue with i smoking hate sport ,but that has ceased,i sometimes wonder wether half the board members are secret sports fans themselves.next you will be saying that i should engage in a "harmless" game of hoops on the driveway
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Re: More Moronic Than Sports On TV - Basketball On The Radio
Sorry I'm just now responding. I was busy yesterday.
Whoa! You are at the right website, wibberley.
I feel bad about your temporary banning, but that sad episode is over. You shouldn't feel bad about it anymore. It's over and done with. I do regret my role in it. I'm only human. You're not the only one. I once temporarily banned recovering_fan; and I regret that, too. I know it's a tired cliche, but let's try to move on.
I've been happy to see that you're posting more frequently now. Please continue. I support every member's right to free speech, as long as the Forum Rules are obeyed and inflammatory false accusations of vile crimes are not made against other members. That is something you have never done. I commend you for it. So, please feel free to say how much you hate sports. Don't let anyone who disagrees deter you. You have just as much right to post here as anyone else.
By the way, ismokinghatesport's profile (as well as each one of his posts, of course) features both an "email" button and a "pm" button. Perhaps you would think it a bit awkward, but you could always try to contact him by using either or both of those features and invite him to resume posting again. Who knows, he might even respond to you.
Speaking for myself, I assure you I'm not a secret sports fan. I've never had any interest in any sport. Not even when I was a kid. Sport has a long history of being misused to hurt nonathletic boys (especially those who are scrawny or fat) in mandatory P.E. classes whose approach is "sports only" and does not provide any exercise programs for them. The people who support the traditional approach, as opposed to supporting reforms that actually provide fitness programs, are hypocrites and liars. Some of the worst bullying has taken place in junior-high and high-school gyms, but who cares? Has the sports media or anyone who has written about high-school sports ever reported this sort of bullying? You know the answer. Of course, not. (Well, except for Robert Lipsyte; but he's the only one I've ever heard who has reported it.) Were it not for the Internet and online forums, guys who experienced this sort of physical bullying or witnessed others being subjected to it would never be heard.
Even though I've taken up bodybuilding late in life and work out regularly at my health club, I will never develop an interest in any sport. Bodybuilding is a fitness activity, not a sport. I will say this, though: It would have been great for me when I was a teenager to learn how to box (along with bodybuilding) -- not for the purpose of competing in boxing matches, but only for self-defense. From my sixth-grade year through high school, one of the classmates in my home room period was a jerk who bullied me verbally. I would have loved to challenge him to meet me after school at an off-campus location. The sad fact is that the only lesson many bullies understand is a bloody nose.
Yes, I guess I'd be considered a moderate here. If the home page had said "WELCOME JOCK HATERS" instead of "WELCOME SPORTS HATERS," I never would have become a member, because I don't believe in hating people. I've posted at websites only since the spring of 2009, but I've already grown tired of being combative -- perhaps because of my age (not that I'm a doddering old man) or my religious convictions or both. There are athletes who oppose bullying and don't believe nonathletic boys should be forced to participate in team games in mandatory P.E. classes. I may be a moderate, but I still have very strong feelings about mandatory "sports only" P.E., not to mention other issues.
There's room here for diversity of opinion; otherwise, we'd be bored. So, please continue posting, wibberley.
Whoa! You are at the right website, wibberley.
I feel bad about your temporary banning, but that sad episode is over. You shouldn't feel bad about it anymore. It's over and done with. I do regret my role in it. I'm only human. You're not the only one. I once temporarily banned recovering_fan; and I regret that, too. I know it's a tired cliche, but let's try to move on.
I've been happy to see that you're posting more frequently now. Please continue. I support every member's right to free speech, as long as the Forum Rules are obeyed and inflammatory false accusations of vile crimes are not made against other members. That is something you have never done. I commend you for it. So, please feel free to say how much you hate sports. Don't let anyone who disagrees deter you. You have just as much right to post here as anyone else.
By the way, ismokinghatesport's profile (as well as each one of his posts, of course) features both an "email" button and a "pm" button. Perhaps you would think it a bit awkward, but you could always try to contact him by using either or both of those features and invite him to resume posting again. Who knows, he might even respond to you.
Speaking for myself, I assure you I'm not a secret sports fan. I've never had any interest in any sport. Not even when I was a kid. Sport has a long history of being misused to hurt nonathletic boys (especially those who are scrawny or fat) in mandatory P.E. classes whose approach is "sports only" and does not provide any exercise programs for them. The people who support the traditional approach, as opposed to supporting reforms that actually provide fitness programs, are hypocrites and liars. Some of the worst bullying has taken place in junior-high and high-school gyms, but who cares? Has the sports media or anyone who has written about high-school sports ever reported this sort of bullying? You know the answer. Of course, not. (Well, except for Robert Lipsyte; but he's the only one I've ever heard who has reported it.) Were it not for the Internet and online forums, guys who experienced this sort of physical bullying or witnessed others being subjected to it would never be heard.
Even though I've taken up bodybuilding late in life and work out regularly at my health club, I will never develop an interest in any sport. Bodybuilding is a fitness activity, not a sport. I will say this, though: It would have been great for me when I was a teenager to learn how to box (along with bodybuilding) -- not for the purpose of competing in boxing matches, but only for self-defense. From my sixth-grade year through high school, one of the classmates in my home room period was a jerk who bullied me verbally. I would have loved to challenge him to meet me after school at an off-campus location. The sad fact is that the only lesson many bullies understand is a bloody nose.
Yes, I guess I'd be considered a moderate here. If the home page had said "WELCOME JOCK HATERS" instead of "WELCOME SPORTS HATERS," I never would have become a member, because I don't believe in hating people. I've posted at websites only since the spring of 2009, but I've already grown tired of being combative -- perhaps because of my age (not that I'm a doddering old man) or my religious convictions or both. There are athletes who oppose bullying and don't believe nonathletic boys should be forced to participate in team games in mandatory P.E. classes. I may be a moderate, but I still have very strong feelings about mandatory "sports only" P.E., not to mention other issues.
There's room here for diversity of opinion; otherwise, we'd be bored. So, please continue posting, wibberley.
"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go." -- Oscar Wilde
Go, Montana State Bobcats!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRq4_uxM ... re=related
Go, Montana State Bobcats!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRq4_uxM ... re=related
Re: More Moronic Than Sports On TV - Basketball On The Radio
yes i was interested in bodybuilding,probably because i thoughti might be able to get a girl.in my world sport does not exist neither any music after 1940.it astonishes me that you americans dont seem to recognise the musical heritage you have got.ragtime and jazz came from there.in the 1920s you led the way with dance music,of which what was produced in britain was only a pale imitation.charles chaplain could never have acheived what he did in his home country.britain originally led the field in the movies but it was america that developed them into the art form they were to become and britain has never really reecovered that position