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Fat Man
The Fat Man Judgeth
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Post by Fat Man »

OK, the Republicans are getting more and more retarded with each passing day.

When it comes to women's health issues, apparently women are not allowed to publicly speak concerning women's health issues, but only men, as in the recent case of Sandra Fluke, in early February.

Sandra Fluke, who says she is Protestant, had joined students from other universities for a news conference about birth control coverage at Catholic institutions. Democrats on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee had asked her to testify at a hearing on February 16.

But, committee Chairman, Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) would not approve Sandra Fluke as a witness, thus, angering Democrats who then arranged for Fluke to read her testimony at a forum on February 23.

Sandra Fluke wanted to testify that contraceptives are not just used for birth control only, but that contraceptives are also used to prevent ovarian cysts and to treat cervical cancer as well.

OK, I have a health care provider, a nice young lady who comes to my apartment on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. She cleans my apartment, and cooks my lunch for me.

Anyway . . . . . she has a degree in nursing, and we often have many interesting conversations. She knows from experience that it is NOT just women who are sexually active who get ovarian cysts or cervical cancer, that even young women who haven't had sex yet, can still get ovarian cysts or cervical cancer.

Yes, being more sexually active may increase the risk, but women who have not had sex yet, can still get ovarian cysts, or cervical cancer. So, in some cases, the use of contraceptives can save lives, and it's the Republicans who wish to make contraceptives illegal.

Yeah! Only men were allowed to speak at the conference, and no women were allowed?

And to top all that off, Rush Limbaugh made some retarded comments on his radio talk show calling Sandra Fluke a slut!

Uh huh! A perfect example of just how low, these right-wing wackos are willing to go!

Yeah! These drooling moronic Republican fuck-tards are still living in the days of yore, the olden days of buggy-whips, hoop-skirts, and mustache wax, when women were told to keep silent!

Ah yes! The good ol' days! Almost makes one feel nostalgic!

Well, I wouldn't know, because I wasn't born back in the horse and buggy days!

And yet . . . these bed-wetting ignoramuses want to take over the Whitehouse and run this country?

Well, anyway . . . . . . .

In more recent NEWS . . . . .

Democratic Representative, Lisa Brown, got in dutch with House Republicans in the Michigan state legislature, just for saying "VAGINA"!!! ... bled=false


Michigan State Rep. Lisa Brown silenced
after â??vaginaâ?? comments

House Republicans blocked Brown for her remark during a speech blasting
an anti-abortion bill

By Christine Roberts / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Friday, June 15, 2012, 3:32 PM

Rep. Lisa Brown talks with staffer Katie Carey after telling reporters that she was banned from
speaking because of comments she made about her vagina.

A lawmaker was barred from speaking on the floor of the Michigan state legislature for saying â??vaginaâ? during a heated debate over abortions.

House Republicans blocked Democratic Rep. Lisa Brown for her remark during a speech blasting the controversial bill that would restrict abortions after 20 weeks, according to The Detroit News.

"Finally, Mr. Speaker, I'm flattered that you're all so interested in my vagina, but 'no' means 'no,'" Brown said at the end of her speech Wednesday.

A spokesman for Michigan Speaker James Bolger said in a statement that Brown would not be allowed to give her opinion on a school employee retirement bill Thursday because she had "failed to maintain the decorum of the House of Representatives."

Republican Rep. Mike Callton added that Brownâ??s remark went over the line.

"What she said was offensive," Callton told The Detroit News. "It was so offensive, I don't even want to say it in front of women. I would not say that in mixed company."

Brown defended her right to say "vagina" at a press conference Thursday, arguing that it's the "anatomically, medically correct term.

"If I can't say the word vagina, why are we legislating vaginas?" Brown asked. "What language should I use?"

In her remarks Wednesday, Brown argued that the abortion regulation bill would violate her Jewish faith, which permits therapeutic abortions when the motherâ??s life is at risk.

"I have not asked you to adopt and to adhere to my religious beliefs. Why are you asking me to adopt yours?" Brown asked.

The anti-abortion law passed on a 70-39 vote.

Democratic Rep. Barb Byrum was also blocked from addressing the Republican-controlled legislature Thursday.

The House forbid Byrum from introducing her amendment to the abortion bill, which would have banned men from getting a vasectomy unless they could provide proof that it was a medical emergency.

"If we truly want to make sure children are born, we would regulate vasectomies," Byrum said Thursday.

Brown and Byrum were both silenced from speaking on the legislatureâ??s final day of session before its summer break.

Brown has represented West Bloomfield for two terms. Byrum is also in her second term, representing Onondaga.
Yeah! It just keeps on getting better and better all the time! Doesn't it?

When ever I hear Republicans speaking in Congress, or the Senate, or in the House of Representatives, I can almost hear outside my 6th floor apartment window, the clippity clop of horses hooves, and the rumbling of wooden wheels on cobblestone streets going by, accompanied by the crack of buggy-whips!

And, I can almost smell the horseshit in the air, as they speak their usual moronic bullshit!!!

OK, the word "vagina" should not be offensive to anyone. It's a scientific word, and medial term. It's not like she said "pussy" or "cunt" or anything like that!

This is 2012, but it almost feels like 1912 when the Titanic went down, and if the Republicans win this year's election, then, like the Titanic, 2012 will be the year when the USA goes down!

And of course, in celebration, the Republicans will be arranging the deck chairs for the night's shuffleboard tournament!

Like, Oh joy!!!

Yeah! Uh huh! Like, it doesn't get better than that!

This is as good as it gets!

Now, I have a suggestion . . . . .

Perhaps all the Democrats in Washington DC should get together and
march around the Capitol Building, beating slowly on big bass drums . . . . . . .

BOOM . . . BOOM . . . BOOM . . . BOOM . . . BOOM . . . BOOM . . .BOOM . . . and chant over and over again . . .

VAGINA! - - - VAGINA! - - - VAGINA! - - - VAGINA! - - - VAGINA! - - - VAGINA! - - - VAGINA!

Well, anyway . . . . .

Just a suggestion.
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
Heah comes da judge! Heah comes da judge! Order in da court 'cuz heah comes da judge!

Posts: 144
Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:11 pm


Post by rotten »

I hate to tell you this, but our ship is already sunk.

Somehow, the house, the senate and the president figured out the best way to get out of debt is to spend more money :roll: frick'en genius
They are lining their own pockets with our money and the majority of the people just accept it. How stupid can you get?
Where the gym teacher was always mad, And as far as we could tell, he only exercised his right to yell - Josh Joplin Group- Dutch Wonderland
Those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach, coach.
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