This from today's Cleveland Plain Dealer: ... wsuit.html
(long article, but interesting perspective in light of the "sports promoting fitness" mantra)
NFL players' lawsuits over concussions
- Fat Man
- The Fat Man Judgeth
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Re: NFL players' lawsuits over concussions
Good morning CrisOH:ChrisOH wrote:This from today's Cleveland Plain Dealer: ... wsuit.html
(long article, but interesting perspective in light of the "sports promoting fitness" mantra)
I checked out the link you had posted.
I must have read that article over and over again at least three different times during the past month.
Yes, an excellent article, very informative.
And after having read it, I now believe that sports should be eradicated! Well, at least some sports, like football, hockey, and boxing.
Football should certainly be taken out of our high schools. The last thing we need is to encourage boys in our schools to butt heads together like billy-goats!
If we were designed to play football, we would have horns on our heads!
But then, we couldn't wear helmets.
Yeah, I hope multiple lawsuits are filed against the NFL and all professional sports organizations.
Also, I would love to be the judge presiding over these lawsuits!
When it comes time to deliver the verdict, I would say to the players "Well, you should have known what you were getting into when you decided to play professional sports! So, you don't get shit! You sorry assholes get plenty of money as it is engaging in such a worthless pursuit! Now, shut the fuck up, go home, and die! Case closed! Next case!" and then, I would move to have the state file all kinds of criminal charges against the NFL.
Yeah! The ex-players won't get shit, and the NFL and all professional sports organizations, and the big time sports promoters will find themselves in deep shit! So, they'll get plenty of shit alright!
I would love to effectively put all these scum-bags out of business, and then, they'll end up either panhandling or selling apples on a street corner at the very least, or in prison at the very worst, which of course, would be even better.
Actually, execution by guillotine would be most appropriate. For causing head injuries, they get to lose their heads! Chop! Chop!
Now, that's poetic justice!
NO! I really don't give a flying fucking Hootenanny in Hell about the football players!
Aw! The poor jocks! They all got multiple owees on their little pumpkin heads! The poor babies!
I say, FUCK EM'!!!
You see, when I was 11 years old in the 5th grade, and got my head bashed against the corner of a concrete block wall by my sports obsessed teacher, in an argument over an Astronomy book that he wouldn't allow me to check out from the school library, well . . . I just have to wonder what kind of damage was done to my head and the resulting brain injuries.
We all know, that playing football can cause brain damage.
But it seems, that only here in the USA, can the desire to read a science book cause one to suffer brain injuries!
That is something that should NEVER happen, but it sure as Hell happens here in good ol' God bless America! Glory halle-fuckin'-luiah a-fuckin'-men!
Yeah! After that sharp blow I received to the back of my head, throughout my teen age years I had headaches and dizzy spells. I would have occasional memory lapses, and I found it difficult to concentrate, and I lost control of my emotions, which would sometimes get me into even more trouble.
Imagine, an adult, grabbing an 11 year old kid by the shoulders, and bashing the back of the kid's head against the corner of a concrete block wall.
To fucking Hell with professional jocks! They asked for it!
There should be more scientific medical research on the brain injuries to children that have been deliberately inflicted on them by adults.
This it what I believe should be done.
If an adult strikes a child on the head, and causes any brain injuries, than that adult should be held responsible for any resulting changes in the kid's behavior, and the adult should go to jail for the kid's actions. That adult should be held responsible for the rest of his fucking life.
No kid deserves to have such injuries inflicted on him/her.
But football players deserve their injuries! That's because they're . . . . .
Nobody forced them to play football. They played football because they wanted to, and they should have known that they're going to suffer brain injuries.
But, an 11 year old kid, merely wanting to read an Astronomy book, shouldn't have to have any reason to believe that his desire to read a book should cause him to receive a brain injury.
You see how fucked up our society really is?
So, I really don't give a fuck about some has-been jock who's become a drooling imbecile from doing what he should have known would eventually cause him to become a cabbage head!

In fact, every time I see one of these fucking worthless pathetic creatures, I have a desire to fucking bash his fucking skull in with a lead pipe and finish the job for him! For keeps!
Yeah, I don't give a fuck about these guys at all. Their head injuries were self-inflicted.
My head injuries were inflicted on me by another person!
No, I don't care for these has-been jocks!
I only care about the victims who have been beaten and raped by these worthless pieces of dog shit!
And the same goes for hockey players and boxers!
Screw 'em!!!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
Heah comes da judge! Heah comes da judge! Order in da court 'cuz heah comes da judge!

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Re: NFL players' lawsuits over concussions
I should have responded to this post much sooner. I confess I've been negligent as a moderator.
Words almost fail me. The sentiments expressed in these comments go beyond ridicule. The unbridled hatred and bigotry is absolutely appalling. A total absence of compassion and mercy.
I believe that deep down in your heart you are a gentle man, but that gentleness will never come out as long as you continue to indulge yourself in this emotion-driven mentality. In a very real sense, you place yourself in the same category with Holocaust denying anti-Semites, hate-filled white supremacists, and blacks who believe all white people are bad and deserve to be raped or killed. Hatred blinds people. The road on which you are traveling will eventually lead to your defeat, not to victory. This is true for anyone who travels down that road.
I will no longer be associated with these terrible comments by my silence. In no way do I agree with them. As far as wrongdoers in the world of sports is concerned, I deplore evil conduct and believe that those individuals, as opposed to groups, who engage in such should be held accountable; but I love people. I hereby declare my dissociation from these hateful comments. I have no part of them.
Fat Man, when you make comments such as these, you make the rest of us who support this website look bad. I am a critic of the culture associated with school sports. I'm not a hater of athletes and refuse to lower myself to that level. If I have an enemy who hates me, I won't lower myself to his level. That would mean that he won. Besides, kindness is the credo I try to live by. If I don't speak out against hatred, then I'm a hypocrite.
I am embarrassed, if not ashamed, that I did not speak out sooner. Sheesh!
Fat Man wrote:When it comes time to deliver the verdict, I would say to the players "Well, you should have known what you were getting into when you decided to play professional sports! So, you don't get shit! You sorry assholes get plenty of money as it is engaging in such a worthless pursuit! Now, shut the fuck up, go home, and die! Case closed! Next case!" and then, I would move to have the state file all kinds of criminal charges against the NFL.
Yeah! The ex-players won't get shit, and the NFL and all professional sports organizations, and the big time sports promoters will find themselves in deep shit! So, they'll get plenty of shit alright!
I would love to effectively put all these scum-bags out of business, and then, they'll end up either panhandling or selling apples on a street corner at the very least, or in prison at the very worst, which of course, would be even better.
Actually, execution by guillotine would be most appropriate. For causing head injuries, they get to lose their heads! Chop! Chop!
Now, that's poetic justice!
NO! I really don't give a flying fucking Hootenanny in Hell about the football players!
Aw! The poor jocks! They all got multiple owees on their little pumpkin heads! The poor babies!
I say, FUCK EM'!!!
Fat Man wrote:To fucking Hell with professional jocks! They asked for it!
Fat Man wrote:But football players deserve their injuries! That's because they're . . . . .
Fat Man wrote:In fact, every time I see one of these fucking worthless pathetic creatures, I have a desire to fucking bash his fucking skull in with a lead pipe and finish the job for him! For keeps!
Yeah, I don't give a fuck about these guys at all. Their head injuries were self-inflicted.
Fat Man, you have exercised your right of free speech; and now I'm going to exercise mine.Fat Man wrote:And the same goes for hockey players and boxers!
Screw 'em!!!
Words almost fail me. The sentiments expressed in these comments go beyond ridicule. The unbridled hatred and bigotry is absolutely appalling. A total absence of compassion and mercy.

I will no longer be associated with these terrible comments by my silence. In no way do I agree with them. As far as wrongdoers in the world of sports is concerned, I deplore evil conduct and believe that those individuals, as opposed to groups, who engage in such should be held accountable; but I love people. I hereby declare my dissociation from these hateful comments. I have no part of them.
Fat Man, when you make comments such as these, you make the rest of us who support this website look bad. I am a critic of the culture associated with school sports. I'm not a hater of athletes and refuse to lower myself to that level. If I have an enemy who hates me, I won't lower myself to his level. That would mean that he won. Besides, kindness is the credo I try to live by. If I don't speak out against hatred, then I'm a hypocrite.
I am embarrassed, if not ashamed, that I did not speak out sooner. Sheesh!

"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go." -- Oscar Wilde
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Go, Montana State Bobcats! ... re=related
- Fat Man
- The Fat Man Judgeth
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Re: NFL players' lawsuits over concussions
Good afternoon Earl:
Sorry, but I meant everything I said.
I suffered brain injuries when I got my head bashed against the corner of a concrete block wall in an argument with a teacher over a book he didn't want me to check out from the library.
I had dizzy spells and headaches for years afterward.
Reading books is not suppose to cause brain injuries. But here in America it does.
No, these football players knew, or should have known what they were getting into.
Nobody forced them to play football, it was their choice, and if they suffered brain injuries because of their choice, then too bad.
But, reading books, or a desire to read books should not result in head injuries.
Also, back in 2001, while taking care of my ex-room-mate after his second stroke, in which he had severe memory loss, and became paranoid, delusional, and violent, he came into my room swinging a machete, fracturing my left wrist, and struck me in the back of my head as I was trying to get away.
I have been weak and wobbly on my feet since the sharp blow to the back of my head.
I didn't choose to be in those situations. It was thrust upon me by circumstances beyond my control.
Yeah, some people might argue that the first incident I brought on myself because of insisting on reading a book, that I should have taken no for an answer.
But the other students in my class were allowed to check out any book they wanted, so I guess I must accept the fact that I'm just a white nigga with no rights at all.
NO! This should not have happened to me, and would not have happened in a civilized country, which the USA is NOT!
I didn't care for sports, so by not participating in sports, I thought that I would have avoided the possibility of having any head injuries, and in a civilized country, that would be true.
I just had the misfortune of being born in an uncivilized country where sports is king, and reading books is considered unmanly.
No, I really don't feel sorry for these moronic jocks who suffered brain injuries.
I still say, they brought it upon themselves.
I only care about innocent people who had injuries inflicted on them by school yard bullies, and children who had head injuries inflicted on them by adults.
The jocks can just go ahead and beat their own heads in with hammers for all I care.
And I wish they would!
I have every right to be angry.
I have earned the right to hate jocks.

See! I even have a license to hate jocks!
Sorry, but I meant everything I said.
I suffered brain injuries when I got my head bashed against the corner of a concrete block wall in an argument with a teacher over a book he didn't want me to check out from the library.
I had dizzy spells and headaches for years afterward.
Reading books is not suppose to cause brain injuries. But here in America it does.
No, these football players knew, or should have known what they were getting into.
Nobody forced them to play football, it was their choice, and if they suffered brain injuries because of their choice, then too bad.
But, reading books, or a desire to read books should not result in head injuries.
Also, back in 2001, while taking care of my ex-room-mate after his second stroke, in which he had severe memory loss, and became paranoid, delusional, and violent, he came into my room swinging a machete, fracturing my left wrist, and struck me in the back of my head as I was trying to get away.
I have been weak and wobbly on my feet since the sharp blow to the back of my head.
I didn't choose to be in those situations. It was thrust upon me by circumstances beyond my control.
Yeah, some people might argue that the first incident I brought on myself because of insisting on reading a book, that I should have taken no for an answer.
But the other students in my class were allowed to check out any book they wanted, so I guess I must accept the fact that I'm just a white nigga with no rights at all.
NO! This should not have happened to me, and would not have happened in a civilized country, which the USA is NOT!
I didn't care for sports, so by not participating in sports, I thought that I would have avoided the possibility of having any head injuries, and in a civilized country, that would be true.
I just had the misfortune of being born in an uncivilized country where sports is king, and reading books is considered unmanly.
No, I really don't feel sorry for these moronic jocks who suffered brain injuries.
I still say, they brought it upon themselves.
I only care about innocent people who had injuries inflicted on them by school yard bullies, and children who had head injuries inflicted on them by adults.
The jocks can just go ahead and beat their own heads in with hammers for all I care.
And I wish they would!
I have every right to be angry.
I have earned the right to hate jocks.

See! I even have a license to hate jocks!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
Heah comes da judge! Heah comes da judge! Order in da court 'cuz heah comes da judge!

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Re: NFL players' lawsuits over concussions
Fat Man, I haven't read your post above or the most recent PM you sent me. I will read them eventually -- Tuesday for sure, if not tomorrow. Oh, what am I saying? I'm fooling myself. Whenever I feel up to it. So, please keep that in mind as you read this post of mine.
This may surprise you, and you may not believe it. But what I'm about to say is true, and I speak to you as a dear friend.
I am not mad at you. I really am not mad at you. That is the honest truth, whether or not you're able to accept it. Furthermore, I have not enjoyed an invigorating rush of self-righteousness or any satisfaction of the sort one derives from calling someone out.
What I feel is a deep, profound sadness ... Perhaps this has been exaggerated by my poor sleeping. I don't know. But I'm very saddened that such merciless hatred is expressed toward human beings who are in constant pain. How is this any different from the people who express no sympathy toward gay men who have contracted AIDS?
Perhaps I'm a weak man. Decades ago I heard that a childhood bully of mine had come down with cancer. I didn't chortle about it. I was horrified. I felt very sorry for him because a year or two before, I had seen my mother's physical condition deteriorate for over a year as she succumbed to the ravages of liver cancer. For many years I've seen my older sister live with pain because of the medical malpractice she had been subjected to when she was a young girl. And I think of the constant terrible pain the former NFL football player Dave Pear experiences every single day with no relief in sight. I feel for those who suffer chronic physical pain, regardless of whether their choices were wise.
That's all I can say now.
This may surprise you, and you may not believe it. But what I'm about to say is true, and I speak to you as a dear friend.
I am not mad at you. I really am not mad at you. That is the honest truth, whether or not you're able to accept it. Furthermore, I have not enjoyed an invigorating rush of self-righteousness or any satisfaction of the sort one derives from calling someone out.
What I feel is a deep, profound sadness ... Perhaps this has been exaggerated by my poor sleeping. I don't know. But I'm very saddened that such merciless hatred is expressed toward human beings who are in constant pain. How is this any different from the people who express no sympathy toward gay men who have contracted AIDS?
Perhaps I'm a weak man. Decades ago I heard that a childhood bully of mine had come down with cancer. I didn't chortle about it. I was horrified. I felt very sorry for him because a year or two before, I had seen my mother's physical condition deteriorate for over a year as she succumbed to the ravages of liver cancer. For many years I've seen my older sister live with pain because of the medical malpractice she had been subjected to when she was a young girl. And I think of the constant terrible pain the former NFL football player Dave Pear experiences every single day with no relief in sight. I feel for those who suffer chronic physical pain, regardless of whether their choices were wise.
That's all I can say now.
"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go." -- Oscar Wilde
Go, Montana State Bobcats! ... re=related
Go, Montana State Bobcats! ... re=related
- Fat Man
- The Fat Man Judgeth
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Re: NFL players' lawsuits over concussions
Hello again Earl:
OK, I would not wish cancer, or AIDS, or anything like that on anyone, not even a football player!
That is something nobody has any control over.
But, football players choose to play a sport, knowing that it would cause head injuries, so yes, that is something they do bring upon themselves.
My head injuries, I did not bring upon myself.
I avoided contact sports, because I didn't want to get any head injuries.
But, I would never have thought, that a desire to read books, would cause someone to inflict a head injury on me.
Gee! Was I wrong!!!
That's why I get pissed off when some football player cries boo hoo over a self inflicted head injury.
If I had a son who wanted to play sports, I would much rather it was basketball, even though I hate all sports, including basketball, I would much rather he would play that instead.
I guess baseball would be OK, but there is still the danger of getting clobbered by a fast ball, but that is a relatively rare occurrence compared to the injuries one gets from contact sports.
But, I would advise him against football, hockey, or boxing.
OK, I would not wish cancer, or AIDS, or anything like that on anyone, not even a football player!
That is something nobody has any control over.
But, football players choose to play a sport, knowing that it would cause head injuries, so yes, that is something they do bring upon themselves.
My head injuries, I did not bring upon myself.
I avoided contact sports, because I didn't want to get any head injuries.
But, I would never have thought, that a desire to read books, would cause someone to inflict a head injury on me.
Gee! Was I wrong!!!
That's why I get pissed off when some football player cries boo hoo over a self inflicted head injury.
If I had a son who wanted to play sports, I would much rather it was basketball, even though I hate all sports, including basketball, I would much rather he would play that instead.
I guess baseball would be OK, but there is still the danger of getting clobbered by a fast ball, but that is a relatively rare occurrence compared to the injuries one gets from contact sports.
But, I would advise him against football, hockey, or boxing.

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
Heah comes da judge! Heah comes da judge! Order in da court 'cuz heah comes da judge!