Josef Fritzl admits all charges

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Josef Fritzl admits all charges

Post by Lewis »

Josef Fritzl, the Austrian accused of imprisoning his daughter and fathering seven children with her, has changed his pleas to guilty on all charges.

Fritzl said video testimony from his daughter, played in court on Tuesday, made him change his mind.

Josef Fritzl locked up his daughter for 24 years. The charges include rape, incest, murder and enslavement.

A court doctor has recommended that the 73-year-old be sent to a psychiatric facility for treatment.

At the start of his trial on Monday, Fritzl denied the charges of enslavement and murdering one of the children soon after its birth.

His surprise turnabout also altered his plea from "partial" to guilty on the charge of rape.

Fritzl's lawyer said watching his daughter's testimony had profoundly affected him, "destroying" his emotions.

Proceedings have ended for the day. A verdict and sentencing is expected on Thursday.


Wearing a grey suit and a blue shirt, Fritzl did not hide his face on Wednesday, as he had done for the past two days, when he was led into the courtroom in St Poelten, west of Vienna.

As proceedings began, the judge asked Fritzl how he felt after watching the videotaped testimony of his daughter.

In a low voice he said: "I plead guilty."

"Your daughter told you the baby was suffering from breathing problems," the judge said. "You had time to get first aid."

Fritzl said: "I was hoping the little one would survive but I should have done something. I don't know why I didn't help. I just lost sight [of the issue]."

He then said he was "sorry".

Speaking later outside court, Fritzl's lawyer Rudolf Mayer said his daughter's testimony had allowed him to see for the first time the impact of his actions.

Describing his client, Mr Mayer said Fritzl was "a person who had only one idea - 'I must always be full of power'".

Mr Mayer said he was "very, very surprised" by Fritzl's plea reversal, but that Fritzl hoped his change of plea would help his victims.

The court later heard psychiatrist Dr Adelheid Kastner say there was a danger Fritzl would repeat his behaviour if he was left untreated.

She recommended that he be sent to a psychiatric facility, although strictly speaking he was not insane.

"What I told the court was that Mr Fritzl has never been mentally ill," she told the BBC outside the courtroom, "and that he has always been sane in the legal sense of the word - that he was always able to discern between right and wrong, and that he always knew what he did was wrong."

She said Fritzl had an overwhelming need to dominate and control, which she said stemmed from his childhood.

She said he was an unwanted, unloved child, intelligent, who had grown up determined to have somebody who belonged to him alone.

He was emotionally deficient but that he knew what he was doing was wrong, she added.

Soundproofed chamber

The court viewed the testimony from Fritzl's daughter on Tuesday.

Austrian media reports said his daughter Elisabeth was in a private viewing chamber in the courthouse at the time. However, officials refused to confirm this, saying only that a number of unnamed people had been there.

Fritzl lured his 18-year-old daughter into a cellar with windowless, soundproofed chambers beneath their house in Amstetten in 1984.

He imprisoned her there and raped her repeatedly over a number of years.

The daughter and three of the children fathered by Fritzl were kept captive in the cellar until the case came to light in April last year, when one of the children became seriously ill and was taken to hospital.

He was accused of murdering one of newborn twin boys his daughter gave birth to in 1996, having failed to arrange medical care for the ailing infant.

What a sick man, I hope they lock him up and throw away the key. I now hope that the daughter and the children are able to recover and live a better life.
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Re: Josef Fritzl admits all charges

Post by Fat Man »

What a sick son of a bitch!

I believe that anybody who rapes his own daughter should get the death penalty! Anybody who allows a child to die should get the death penalty!

I have heard about this case before on the MSNBC Channel. He is one sick puppy! He should be shot for what he did. I believe in the death penalty for scum-bags like him, and I would love to be his executioner!!!

When I was 17, I was raped by an older man. This was back in 1969, back when nobody believed that a guy could get raped. There was no psychological counciling available at the time. I have had to live with the memories of it all of my life!

If pedophilia is a disease, then I have the cure!!!



My Rx for pedophiles.

Take two cyanide capsules and don't call me in the morning!
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All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
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Re: Josef Fritzl admits all charges

Post by Earl »

I'm in complete agreement with Fat Man. As the perpetrator of a particularly horrendous crime, Josef Fritzl doesn't deserve treatment of any kind. His daughter certainly does deserve treatment as a victim. What Fritzl deserves is the harshest possible treatment and then some. The sexual abuse of children is an absolutely horrendous crime with tragic consequences. As I've said in another post, a former friend of mine was once married to an incest victim. Because of her tragic background, their marriage was doomed from the start. I know of another case just like this as well. Their husbands were hurt too.
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Re: Josef Fritzl admits all charges

Post by Lewis »

Earl wrote:I'm in complete agreement with Fat Man. As the perpetrator of a particularly horrendous crime, Josef Fritzl doesn't deserve treatment of any kind. His daughter certainly does deserve treatment as a victim. What Fritzl deserves is the harshest possible treatment and then some. The sexual abuse of children is an absolutely horrendous crime with tragic consequences. As I've said in another post, a former friend of mine was once married to an incest victim. Because of her tragic background, their marriage was doomed from the start. I know of another case just like this as well. Their husbands were hurt too.
He will not be sentenced to death, as capital punishment is banned under E.U. regulations. He will most likely recieve a long prison sentence, in a comfortable jail. I can only hope that he is very uncomfortable there and that he gets what is coming to him.
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Re: Josef Fritzl admits all charges

Post by Fat Man »

I have noticed this from the opening post in this topic.
"What I told the court was that Mr Fritzl has never been mentally ill," she told the BBC outside the courtroom, "and that he has always been sane in the legal sense of the word - that he was always able to discern between right and wrong, and that he always knew what he did was wrong."
Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, and John Wayne Gacy, they also were NOT mentally ill. Yes, they did know the difference between right and wrong, but they were not mentally ill or insane or anything like that. They were just evil! They deliberately chose to do what they knew was evil, because they liked doing evil. For them it was a power trip.

Therefore, Josef Fritzl also was not mentally ill. Just plane evil.

However, being unable to discern between right and wrong, that is not always true of people who are mentally ill. Most mentally ill people may actually have and even more highly developed sense of what moral or immoral.

I should know, because in my life, I have suffered from mental illness, and I am not ashamed to admit to this.

Why? Because some of the best and the brightest people have suffered from mental illness. Here is a list of some of the most famous people who were mentally ill.
Famous People with Mental Illness

Mental Illness is not confined to any particular ethnic, racial, religious, or financial group. Anyone can get it, at any time.

Even though most mental illnesses have devastating effects on the lives of those affected, many have found that these illnesses can produce extraordinary clarity, insight, and creativity as well.

Below you will find the names of many famous people who felt not only the devastation, but also the extraordinary creative potential, as well as the courage to use it. It's quite a list. Please take the time to browse it thoroughly.

Abraham Lincoln

The admired sixteenth President of the United States suffered from severe and incapacitating clinical depression which sometimes led to thoughts of suicide as well.

Virginia Woolf

The British novelist who wrote To the Lighthouse and Orlando experienced the severe mood swings of bipolar disorder which included feverish periods of writing and weeks spent in the gloom of depression. Anthony Storr wrote about her story in The Dynamics of Creation .

Lionel Aldridge

As a defensive end for the legendary Green Bay Packers of the 1960's, he played in two Super Bowls. During the 1970's, he suffered from schizophrenia and spent two and a half years homeless. Before he died in 1998, he gave many inspirational talks concerning his battle against paranoid schizophrenia.

Eugene O'Neill

The famous playwright, author of Long Day's Journey Into Night and Ah, Wilderness!, is documented as having suffered from clinical depression.

Ludwig van Beethoven

The brilliant composer is documented as having suffered from bipolar disorder, in The Key to Genius: Manic Depression and the Creative Life by D. Jablow Hershman and Julian Lieb.

Gaetano Donizetti

The famous opera singer suffered from bipolar disorder.

Robert Schumann

The "inspired poet of human suffering" lived with bipolar disorder, as one of many creative people discussed in The Dynamics of Creation by Anthony Storr.

Leo Tolstoy

Author of War and Peace, Tolstoy revealed the depth of his own mental illness in the memoir Confession. He suffered from clinical depression, hypochondriasis, alcoholism, and substance abuse. His experiences are discussed in both The Dynamics of Creation by Anthony Storr and The Inner World of Mental Illness: A Series of First Person Accounts of What It Was Like by Bert Kaplan.

Vaslov Nijinsky

His autobiography, The Diary of Vaslov Nijinksy, documents the dancer's battle with schizophrenia.

John Keats

This renowned poet's mental illness is documented along with the illnesses of many others in The Dynamics of Creation by Anthony Storr and The Broken Brain: The biological Revolution in Psychiatry by Nancy Andreasen, M.D.

Tennessee Williams

The playwright wrote about his personal struggle with clinical depression in his own Memoirs, and his experience is also documented in Five O'Clock Angel: Letters of Tennessee Williams to Maria St. Just, 1948-1982; The Kindness of Strangers: The Life of Tennessee Williams by Donald Spoto; and Tennessee: Cry of the Heart by Dotson.

Vincent Van Gogh

The bipolar disorder that this celebrated artist suffered from is discussed in The Key to Genius: Manic Depression and the Creative Life by D. Jablow Hershman and Julian Lieb and Dear Theo, The Autobiography of Van Gogh.

Isaac Newton

The English mathematician and scientist who formulated the theory of gravitation is suspected of suffering from bipolar disorder, as discussed in The Dynamics of Creation by Anthony Storr and The Key to Genius: Manic Depression and the Creative Life by D. Jablow Hershman and Julian Lieb.

Nikola Tesla

Tesla was a genius and perhaps the greatest inventor the world has ever known. He invented a device to harness alternating electrical current, radio, fluorescent lighting, the blade-less turbine, developed the fundamentals of robotics, computers and missile science. Many of the â??modern conveniences of lifeâ? are a result of Tesla's inventions.

Ernest Hemingway

The Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist's bouts with suicidal depression are examined in the True Gen: An Intimate Portrait of Ernest Hemingway by Those Who Knew Him by Denis Brian.

Sylvia Plath

The suicide of this poet and novelist was caused by her lifelong struggle with clinical depression, as discussed in A Closer Look at Ariel: A Memory of Sylvia Plath by Nancy Hunter-Steiner.


The Dynamics of Creation by Anthony Storr discusses the mental illness of one of the world's greatest artistic geniuses.

Winston Churchill

The quote "Had he been a stable and equable man, he could never have inspired the nation. In 1940, when all the odds were against Britain, a leader of sober judgment might well have concluded that we were finished," was written by Anthony Storr about Churchill's bipolar disorder in Churchill's Black Dog, Kafka's Mice, and Other Phenomena of the Human Mind.

Vivien Leigh

The British actress of the 1950's & 60's, star of Gone with the Wind and A Streetcar Named Desire suffered from the mental illness bipolar disorder, as documented in Vivien Leigh: A Biography by Ann Edwards.

Jimmy Piersall

The Truth Hurts, written by the baseball player for the Boston Red Sox, detailed his experience with bipolar disorder.

Patty Duke

The Academy Award-winning actress revealed her bipolar disorder in her autobiography and made-for-TV move Call Me Anna, and in A Brilliant Madness: Living with Manic-Depressive Illness, co-authored by Gloria Hochman.

Charles Dickens

The clinical depression of one of the greatest authors in the English language is documented in The Key to Genius: Manic Depression and the Creative Life by D. Jablow Hershman and Julian Lieb, and Charles Dickens: His Tragedy and Triumph by Edgar Johnson.

John Forbes Nash

Mathematician, author of the game theory of economics, winner of the 1994 Nobel Prize in Economics, he suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. He was also the subject of the book and movie "A Beautiful Mind"

And there are many more, so that is why I'm not ashamed to admit to having suffered from mental illness during my life, because I know I'm in good company.

And to say that the mentally ill are unable to discern between right and wrong, is not entirely accurate, because there are many people who are perfectly sane who do not know the difference between wright and wrong, or else they don't give a fuck!

Also, the vast majority of mentally ill people are not dangerous. Very few of them are. The majority are more likely to be the victims of violence rather then the perpetrators. Most mentally ill people, despite their intelligence, are actually helpless when confronted by violence and are unable to defend themselves against violence.

But those of us who are mentally ill, we actually have and over-developed sense of what is right or wrong, what is moral or immoral.

When we are witnesses to injustice, seeing innocent people getting punished while the guilty go free, as in my case, being bullied around by the jocks in my school, getting punished because I was physically unable to do what was expected of me in the gymnasium, while the jocks who would beat up on me, and bully me around, they went unpunished. They could get away with anything, even selling drugs in my school.

Because of my highly developed sense of the difference between right and wrong, when I saw too many innocent people getting punished, myself included, and people guilty as Hell getting off Scott-free because of their athletic abilities, while those of us who were more interested in studying the arts and sciences in school were being treated like dirt, well, I was so overwhelmed by the injustice of it all, that I suffered a complete emotional and mental breakdown, and wound up spending three weeks in a mental hospital at the age of 17, where I was beaten by the ward attendants and one night raped by an older man.

When I was 13, I scored 150 points on a standard IQ test, so it should have been easy for me to understand almost anything that was going on around me.

But because I also had an over-developed sense of right and wrong, when I saw the injustice, it was still way beyond my comprehension, and despite having an IQ of 150, in the face of the injustice, I felt as helpless as a retarded child trying to learn calculus.

And that was when I cracked up like a dingy in a storm!

That was when my little red choo choo went chugging around the bend!

That was when I went nutzo and spent three weeks at the Ha Ha Hilton!

And then, after being raped, I never completely got over that.

So, I'm still nuts!

But I will never lose my sense of what is right or wrong. I may completely lose my sanity, but never my sense of what is wright or wrong, what is moral or immoral, what is just or unjust. That will always be with me.

I may one day get to the point where I won't know what planet I'm on anymore, but I will still know the difference between right and wrong!

And someday it may just drive me completely nuts!
Last edited by Fat Man on Thu Mar 19, 2009 5:23 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Josef Fritzl admits all charges

Post by Earl »

Lewis, I concur and share your hope.
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Re: Josef Fritzl admits all charges

Post by Lewis »

Fritzl jury considers its verdict

The jury in the trial of Austrian Josef Fritzl, who kept his daughter in a cellar and fathered her seven children, has retired to consider its verdict.

Fritzl, 73, has admitted all the charges against him - including rape, incest, murder and enslavement.

Speaking to the jury, Fritzl said: "I regret from the bottom of my heart what I've done to my family."

"Unfortunately I cannot undo what I did. I can only try to limit the damage done as best as I can," he said.

The former electrician could face a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

He originally denied enslavement and murder, but changed his pleas on Wednesday after seeing his daughter's taped testimony.

A court doctor has advised he be sent to a psychiatric facility.

Plea change

In court in St Poelten, prosecutor Christiane Burkheiser said the jury must concentrate on the most serious charges against him - murder and enslavement.

She said Fritzl knew the baby who died in the cellar was in danger of dying and yet he did not seek help.

She said he treated his daughter as his property - raping, imprisoning and abusing her.

Fritzl's lawyer, Rudolf Mayer, said his change of plea to guilty on Wednesday had been made in an emotional state.

He also confirmed that his client's daughter had been in court watching proceedings earlier this week.

The lawyer for Fritzl's daughter, Eva Plaz, told the jury they could either believe her client or Josef Fritzl.

She said Fritzl had always known he was guilty of the baby's death.

Fritzl's guilty pleas could be a mitigating factor, but only at the discretion of the judges and jury.

He could face life imprisonment for murder, 20 years for enslavement and up to 15 years on other charges.

Face uncovered

Dressed in a grey jacket and blue shirt and tie, Fritzl, who was ringed by police, walked to the courtroom on Thursday with his face uncovered, having concealed his face with a binder in front of the cameras for the first two days of his trial.

The Austrian imprisoned his daughter in a cellar under his house for 24 years and repeatedly raped her.

The daughter and three of the children fathered by Fritzl were kept captive in the cellar until the case came to light in April last year, when one of the children became seriously ill and was taken to hospital.

In his surprise confession on Wednesday, Fritzl admitted murdering by neglect one of newborn twin boys his daughter gave birth to in 1996, having failed to arrange medical care for the ailing infant.

The other three children were raised in the family home by Fritzl and his wife, after he told people that his daughter had abandoned them and joined a sect.

The daughter and her six surviving children been recovering from their ordeal in a psychiatric clinic and at a secret location.

I hope he rots in jail. My thoughts do out to the daughter and family.
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Re: Josef Fritzl admits all charges

Post by blackdog4444 »

SIck inbred son of a bitch. Why in the hell would anyone do such a thing to an inocent child, let alone their own daughter?! I do hope he's lock up in solitary confinement with another "lonely" inmate and see how he likes getting broomsticked. Then, I hope he also receives one of Fat Man's treatments.
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Re: Josef Fritzl admits all charges

Post by Lewis »

Austrian Fritzl sentenced to life

Austrian Josef Fritzl, who kept his daughter in a cellar and fathered her seven children, has been convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Fritzl, 73, was found guilty of all charges against him, including rape, incest, murder and enslavement.

He showed no obvious emotion at the verdict, telling the court that he accepted it and would not appeal.

The court ordered that Fritzl should serve his life sentence in a secure psychiatric facility.

The judge said he could speak to his lawyer but he shook his head. Then he was led out of court with an impassive face.

Fritzl's lawyer, Rudolf Mayer, said outside the court after the verdict: "I would say that the verdict was a logical consequence of a confession.

"Of course if you have 3,000 cases of rape and 24 years of being kept in a cellar, it is evident that there can only be a punishment or verdict like this one."

The life sentence was handed down for the murder by neglect of one of the children, who died soon after birth.

The jury unanimously accepted prosecutors' arguments that the child could have survived if it had received medical care denied by Fritzl.

The defendant first denied murder and enslavement but changed his plea to guilty after seeing testimony from his daughter.

The verdict is final and irreversible, as neither the defence nor the prosecution is contesting it.

Co-ordination centre

The BBC's Bethany Bell at the court says there has been a huge amount of media interest in the trial, and its twists and turns have been enormous.

At the time of the first details of this case, no-one could grasp the extent of this man's crimes, she says, and Austria still has to come to terms with it.

Court officials said Fritzl would initially return to St Poelten jail, where he has been held in custody. Justice Ministry spokeswoman Katharina Swoboda told AFP news agency that he would remain there in the coming weeks.

The prison's deputy warden, Erich Huber-Guensthofer, said he would be kept under suicide watch.

He will then be sent to a co-ordination centre, where it will be determined how dangerous he is and whether he is able to undergo therapy, before going on to the psychiatric facility.

He could in theory be released from the facility if he is deemed to be cured of his illness and would serve the remainder of his sentence in a normal prison.

In this case he will be eligible for release after 15 years.

Court spokesman Franz Cutka said Fritzl's daughter could also bring a civil case against her father, adding that there was no limit to the damages she could request.


The Austrian imprisoned his daughter in a cellar under his house for 24 years and repeatedly raped her.

The daughter and three of the children were kept captive in the cellar until the case came to light in April last year, when one of them became seriously ill and was taken to hospital.

In his surprise confession on Wednesday, Fritzl admitted murdering by neglect one of newborn twin boys his daughter gave birth to in 1996, having failed to arrange medical care for the ailing infant.

The other three children were raised in the family home by Fritzl and his wife, after he told people that his daughter had abandoned them and joined a sect.

The daughter and her six surviving children been recovering from their ordeal in a psychiatric clinic and at a secret location.

Addressing the jury before the verdict, Fritzl said: "I regret from the bottom of my heart what I've done to my family."

"Unfortunately I cannot undo what I did. I can only try to limit the damage done as best as I can," he said.


Thank God, this monster will never be released. Hopefully the daughter and the children will be able to live in peace and have no more harm done to them.
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