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Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:01 am
by Fat Man
I think I would like to interject some political humor here.

And this is true by the way! I'm NOT kidding!!!

Back in 1982 to 1984, me and my mother, we lived together in Hatch New Mexico.

It's a small town of about 3,000 people, a nice friendly little town, but it was kind of boring for me.

Around Hatch New Mexico, there are many acres of pecan orchards and fields of red Red Chile peppers.

In fact, the little town of Hatch New Mexico is known as The Red Chile Capital of The World!!!

Anyway . . . . .

My mother and I were members of a nice friendly little social club in Kern's Restaurant.

It was called . . . . . now get this!!! Are you all ready for this???

It was called . . . . .

Are you all sure that you're ready to hear this???

OK, here goes!!!

It was called . . . . .

Kern's Koffee Klub!!!

Yeah! That's right! The KKK!!!

But of course, it was NOT a racist group. NOT at all.

Some of the members were Hispanic, and there was a middle-aged black couple who were also members, and one member was even Jewish!

So, in Hatch New Mexico, Blacks and Jews could brag that they were members of the local chapter of the KKK!

Re: Politics as usual

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:50 pm
by The Imperialist
Oh my. It would be even more hilarious if they had their own militia to keep the 'real' KKK (very much disputed because the original KKK disappeared and then its name taken by some lunatics, but I digress the second time today) at bay.

Re: Politics as usual

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 6:34 pm
by i_like_1981
Didn't we already do a thread called "POLITICS AS USUAL"? Oh well, I see there's no rule against starting two threads with the same name, so let's move on.

I'm pretty sure that was unintentional, the fact that the first letter of each word in the social club's name was the same as... something a lot less pleasant. I bet they were trying to keep a low profile about it when they found out exactly what it had a strong similarity to.

Best regards,

Edit: Regarding the first part of my post, I must have thought that a whole new thread called "Politics as usual" had been started because the thread name had gone from all-caps to mainly lower-case. Silly me. I should think before I type.

Re: Politics as usual

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:02 pm
by Fat Man
i_like_1981 wrote: I'm pretty sure that was unintentional, the fact that the first letter of each word in the social club's name was the same as... something a lot less pleasant. I bet they were trying to keep a low profile about it when they found out exactly what it had a strong similarity to.
Everybody knows what KKK really stands for.

No, it was intentional and only meant to be humorous. It was a kind of joke.

This guy in Hatch New Mexico named Kern owned a restaurant, and he started a social club where people could get together drink coffee and play checkers or chess.

So he decided to call it Kern's Koffee Klub and he even had coffee mugs printed, large white ceramic coffee mugs with KERN'S KOFFEE KLUB printed in bold black letters. You could even buy one to take home as a souvenir.

And of course, anybody could be a member. We had hispanic members, and a middle aged black couple were also members, and one guy was even Jewish.

It was all intended just to be humorous, only a joke.

Re: Politics as usual

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 6:39 pm
by The Imperialist
Well, it is damn funny, and they deserve a pat on the back.

They should also get an anti-KKK militia (and then quote from the constitution for the right to form militias etc. etc.) so we can all have a nice walk over against the damned KKK.

Re: Politics as usual

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:32 am
by HugeFanOfBadReligion
The Imperialist wrote:Well, it is damn funny, and they deserve a pat on the back.

They should also get an anti-KKK militia (and then quote from the constitution for the right to form militias etc. etc.) so we can all have a nice walk over against the damned KKK.
Somehow, I don't think that'd be a great idea. You've got a large group of angry racists who probably have access to guns, and you've got members of several different races with guns protesting against that group. I don't think that'd turn out too well, I don't think the KKK (the racist one) would be the only side to suffer casualties.

Re: Politics as usual

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:08 pm
by The Imperialist
Well, sometimes, one has to struggle in the way, even when that struggle means to take up arms. (And hell, they do deserve it, and people of different ethnic background have weight of number against white supremacists)