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Re: The Month of Hell begins

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:11 am
by Earl
Sometimes I can't tell if you're just joking or if you're being hateful.

Re: The Month of Hell begins

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 11:37 am
by i_like_1981
I still don't think SensibleSportsman's post serves much use here though. Instead of picking out specific quotes of Fat Man's post and expressing objections to each individual section, he just quoted the entire thing for a five word statement. There was no real basis for a proper argument. SensibleSportsman ought to come back here sometimes and explain why he objects to Fat Man's post on Page 2, as he has made no points to support his statement. What happened to all the sports fans that did have plenty to say? I came to this website too late...

Best regards,

Re: The Month of Hell begins

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 12:28 pm
by Lewis
i_like_1981 wrote:
Lewis wrote:It starts again tomorrow, hopefully I will to avoid it. No doubt it will be more popular than the Second Coming of Christ, all I can say is 'Thank God for Big Brother'.
Are you a fan of Big Brother or are you just thanking God for it because it may offset the football news a bit? I didn't have you down as a Big Brother fan, Lewis. However, I do hear this is the last series they'll be making. Can't say I'll miss it, but still, there are plenty of other morons humiliating themselves in front of the media for people's amusement.

At the office today there were some people comparing their World Cup sticker books during the lunch period and doing swaps with each other. One of them said to me "You got any swaps, 1981?" in a sarcastic voice. Very funny. I also hate this time in the world - every fourth year, when footbore comes home!

Best regards,
Both, its a guilty pleasure of mine.

My brother put the French match on the TV but I was able to avoid it, thank God for my laptop.

On the bright side one day down, God knows how many to go.

Re: The Month of Hell begins

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 9:07 am
by Lewis
Saw this in Cracked and thought it was funny:


Re: The Month of Hell begins

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:24 am
by i_like_1981
I liked that chart, Lewis. Yes, they're always very eager to use their fists, these sports fans. I should know because whenever any of these bullies would significantly outdo me in a PE lesson in some way they'd come up and start giving me abuse, like "YOU SUCK 1981! MY GRANNY CUD RUN FASTER THAN U AND SHES ON CRUTCHES!" They treat it like it's some sort of achievement, beating a nerd in PE. The point is that moronic sports fans often resort to violence and abuse as a way of proving a point. Not all of them do that, but more than "just a few", I'd say...

Best regards,

Re: The Month of Hell begins

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:22 pm
by Agent 47
Hey, apparently "we" lost "our" first game in the World Suck last night.

I only know that because everybody here has been going around moaning and groaning about it all day today.

I thought sport was supposed to make them happy?

Looks like all their bullshit hype about it has really blown up in their faces now!

Ha ha!

Re: The Month of Hell begins

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:30 pm
by Fat Man
dickfilthy wrote:Hey, apparently "we" lost "our" first game in the World Suck last night.

I only know that because everybody here has been going around moaning and groaning about it all day today.

I thought sport was supposed to make them happy?

Looks like all their bullshit hype about it has really blown up in their faces now!

Ha ha!
Sports fans are only happy when their favorite team wins.

But when their favorite team loses, then to the sports fans, it's more tragic than all the deaths caused by a category five hurricane or the deaths of all our soldiers in the wars.

They could care less about human tragedies as long as their team wins.

Now, if sports fans would just take their own lives when their favorite team loses instead of rioting in the streets, that would be nice.

I would love to sponsor an Annual Lemming March for spots fans!

Of course, instead of Kool Aid, I would serve beer, that cheap Buckhorn Beer that redneck sports fans like so much, but they have to bring their own poison.

Actually, I would prefer that they would just quietly go into the bathrooms of the single axle trailer homes and cut their own throats.

Re: The Month of Hell begins

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:14 pm
by i_like_1981
dickfilthy wrote:Hey, apparently "we" lost "our" first game in the World Suck last night.

I only know that because everybody here has been going around moaning and groaning about it all day today.

I thought sport was supposed to make them happy?

Looks like all their bullshit hype about it has really blown up in their faces now!

Ha ha!
I heard Germany beat "your" team 4-0. As much as I hate sports, I do like Germany. I'd want them to win the World Cup if I HAD to pick one team. I'm sick of the sports fans over here and I know how much they dislike the Germans, for some reason. Anything to rub them up the wrong way.

I doubt England will last. I can't wait to see how the country reacts when "their" team lets them down. Perhaps it will teach them to stop being so reliant on the achievements of these athletic berks... or maybe I'm getting too optimistic again.

Best regards,

Re: The Month of Hell begins

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:59 pm
by Agent 47
i_like_1981 wrote:I can't wait to see how the country reacts when "their" team lets them down.
Well, over here they sent camera crews into the pubs to film the fans as they were watching da big game on TV.

But instead of getting a happy news story about soccer, all they got was footage of the most gloomy, morose bunch of bastards you've ever seen.

The cameras were rolling on them as they stared slack-jawed at the TV, and they were literally crying into their beer as "their" team went down the gurgler. You should have seen it. It was priceless. I so wish I had of recorded it.

There was a couple of places where you could have freeze framed the video footage and pinpointed actual the moment where the lives of these sports fans were shattered into a million pieces, just because of this game.

So when you guys have "your" team lose a game, watch the news that night, and hopefully you will catch some of those precious moments where you can see the utter devastation on the faces of the sports fans, as their entire artificial world comes crashing down around them.

Actually, why not RECORD the news, and post some devastated sports fan screenshots on here if you can!


Oh, what a great time to be a sports hater!

P.S. Nice flow-chart by the way Lewis!

Re: The Month of Hell begins

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:03 pm
by Skul
They cry and get severe depression while we go about our lives normally. :lol:

"We" lost? Oh well, shit happens.

Re: The Month of Hell begins

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:16 pm
by i_like_1981
dickfilthy wrote:So when you guys have "your" team lose a game, watch the news that night, and hopefully you will catch some of those precious moments where you can see the utter devastation on the faces of the sports fans, as their entire artificial world comes crashing down around them.

Actually, why not RECORD the news, and post some devastated sports fan screenshots on here if you can!


Oh, what a great time to be a sports hater!
I'm sure the media will be full of images of heartbroken, distraught sports nuts when England get knocked out of the World Suck (nice name for it!) - I'm sure they won't last. They couldn't even beat the USA who don't even care much for football or soccer, as it is called over there. I'm sure they won't last.

Great time to be a sports hater... unless your team is actually good! I wouldn't say "our" team has much of a chance at all of winning the World Suck.

I won't forget to get some pics of disappointed sports fans and put them on here when they come about. It'll be fun for us all!

Best regards,

Re: The Month of Hell begins

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:28 pm
by i_like_1981
England's miserable draw against Algeria on Friday sure got a few people annoyed, including the England manager...


It pleases me greatly to see how England are making a complete cock-up of getting through a so-called "easy" group. This World Cup is not going to be theirs. I can sense it.

Sorry, I couldn't get any pics of disappointed fans, dickfilthy, only an enraged manager struggling to cope. But the disappointed fans pictures will probably come not too long from now, if my hunch is right...

Best regards,

Re: The Month of Hell begins

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:11 pm
by abitagirl
I didn't even notice this until today. The Coke bottle in my refrigerator has soccer balls on it. :roll:

Re: The Month of Hell begins

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:20 am
by Earl
Quick! :shock: Stop the infection before it spreads to all the food in your refrigerator! If the contagion is permitted to spread any farther, you'll soon have soccer balls on your pizza and pot roast! :( Aaarrrggghhh! Right next to the green eggs and ham :mrgreen: for
Samdaman :x !

Re: The Month of Hell begins

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:28 am
by i_like_1981
abitagirl wrote:I didn't even notice this until today. The Coke bottle in my refrigerator has soccer balls on it. :roll:
It's really hard to find anything to eat now whose packaging DOESN'T have something to do with the World Cup. All our major brands are taking advantage of this competition to boost sales. If I'd boycotted food with World Cup features on its packaging I'd have probably starved by now. But it'll all be going for half price when England finally get knocked out!

Best regards,