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Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:20 am
by Fat Man
[b][color=#FF00FF]Fit Shit[/color][/b] wrote:Fat Man: Let me repeat myself:

Hitler didn't play sports. In fact, he was fond of art and painting. According to your correlation=causation logic, sports aren't bad, but art is! Now, see how stupid your logic really is, Fat Shit?

Care to address this? Or do you lack reading comprehension?
OK, Hitler may have had a fondness for art and painting.

But then . . . most people like to look at paintings, and most people have pictures hung up on the walls of their homes, because most people prefer not to stare at blank walls.

You of course, you just like to sit in front of the TV, drooling, and sucking your thumb, and shitting in your diapers while watching sports!

But, Hitler actually failed as an artist. Yes, I have seen pictures of some of his work, he liked to do architectural structures, like designing buildings, especially the kind of buildings he had hoped would be constructed during his "1000 year Reich" which only lasted a few years before he went down in defeat.

So, Hitler failed as an artist. Yes, he did have a good sense of perspective when it came to designing buildings, but the paintings of his cities looked too monolithic. His paintings lacked soul. There was no actual beauty in his work. It looked cold and dead and lacked feeling.

His paintings were not a still-life, but were life-less.

I really don't know how to explain it to you in a way you would understand, unless you were an artist yourself.

You see, I am an artist, or rather, I was until recently. I use to work on oil paintings, and I use to play the guitar.

But now, I can't anymore. My left wrist was fractured back in 2001, and I have some nerve damage in my left hand, so my left hand and my wrist is all crippled up, and I happen to be left-handed.

What happened was this . . . . .

Back in 2001, I was living in a two bedroom apartment. My room-mate (actually, ex-room-mate) had his second stroke, and as a result, he suffered severe memory loss, didn't know what planet he was on half the time, and he became paranoid, delusional, and even violent toward me while I was trying to take care of him, trying to help him through his recovery from his second stroke.

Then one night, back in July of 2001, he came into my bedroom and attacked me with a machete, fracturing my left wrist, laying open a nasty gash on my right arm, and struck me in the back of the head as I was going out of my room.

I had to go down the hall, down the stairs, out the front door, leaving a trail of blood behind me all the way to a pay phone on the corner where I dialed 911.

I spent three days in the hospital and my ex-room-mate was hauled off to the slammer for nine months. My arm was in a cast for three weeks and I had a stainless steel pin in my left wrist. I was in a Hell of a lot of pain during those three weeks until cast was removed and the steel pin taken out.

As a result, my left hand and my left wrist is all crippled up, and I can't paint anymore, and I can't play the guitar anymore.

So, it's just one more thing taken away from me during the course of my life.

You want to know why my ex-room-mate had his second stroke?

Because our doctor was stupid enough to prescribe him Viagra so he could get it up and go out and get laid.

I don't know, I could be wrong on this, because I'm not a medical expert, and I'm not a doctor, but I don't think it's wise to prescribe Viagra to someone who has high blood pressure, and who has already had a stroke.

So, my left hand is fucked up because someone wanted to get laid.

That's why I don't give a flying fuck about your girlfriend leaving you.

I don't give a fuck if you can't fuck! OK! Because I got fucked! So, you may fuck off! OK?

Anyway . . . . . getting back on topic again.

So, Hitler failed as an artist, and he even sucked as a house painter!

But you still have failed to answer my question . . .

Why is it, that Chess club members, or students who are into art and music, and the good students who are seriously into studying science and math, why is it that they don't go around bullying the other students around in school? Eh? Can you answer that? Eh?

Why is it, that it's mostly the sports fans and the jocks in our schools, that do the bullying?

Earl wrote:But he (Hitler) was still a big sports fan! Witness the 1936 Summer Olympics, which were held in Berlin. :lol: :wink: (not to be taken too seriously)

Of course, totalitarian regimes have always heavily promoted sports (which is not to say that dissident athletes were in any less danger of being repressed).
Yeah, and Hitler instituted a Eugenics Program, in which tall, blond, blue-eyed strong athletic Aryan males were selected to breed with Aryan women in an attempt to produced a so-called master race.

And by the way . . . . . Hitler was actually a Creationist who rejected Darwin's Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection.

The following article is in reference to the movie, EXPELLED by Ben Stein, and a Creationist organization, THE DISCOVERY INSTITUTE, and their WEDGE STRATEGY, if successfully implemented, would not bode well for the USA. ... frame.html

Darwin and Hitler: Prominent anti-Jewish voices rejected Darwin

Many of the most prominent advocates of the above ideas knew little about Darwin, or actually repudiated him. So how could Darwinism be necessary for the Holocaust? Gobineau was skeptical of evolution, famously quipping â??Iâ??m not sure if humans came from apes, but weâ??re certainly heading in that direction.â? Houston Chamberlain, the biologist whose massively influential racial meta-narrative modified Gobineauâ??s ideas into hatred of Jews and elevation of Germans, rejected Darwin outright. In his magnum opus of race, Foundations of the 19th Century, Houston Stewart Chamberlain. The Foundations of the 19th Century, 2nd ed., published by John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1912. In the discussion that follows I will quote liberally from this edition, available... he passionately pleaded for Germans to recognize that the entire â??moral and intellectual history of Europeâ? was a dramatic struggle between the contaminating chaos created by Jews and half-breeds, and the great attainments of civilization created by the masterful Germanic spirit. He thought Darwinism was part of the problem, not cure, and emphatically decried â??the evolution mania and the pseudo-scientific dogmatism of our centuryâ?[/u] and â??the frenzy produced by the dogma of evolution, which has led to such confusion of thought in the 19th Century.â? Speaking of the â??powerful influenceâ? exercised by â??a manifestly unsound system like that of Darwinâ? the following could almost have come from Expelled:

And so we have seen the idea of evolution develop itself till it spread from biology and geology to all spheres of thought and investigation, and, intoxicated by its success, exercised such a tyranny that any one who did not swear by it was to be looked upon as a simpleton. lxxxviii "Introduction," in print edition.

An intellectual freedom fighter! And Chamberlain did not stop with critiquing the excesses of Darwinism. He advocated a wholesale rejection of scientific materialism (sharing this goal, but surely not others, with the agenda of the DI, which â??seeks nothing less than the overthrow of materialism and its cultural legacies.â?) Wedge Document, Discovery Institute. ... t_how.html

For his doctoral work he argued that the major mechanistic theories of the day could not explain how water could flow so high up trees from their roots, and postulated a non-material â??vital force.â? It turns out that plant water relations was an area of emphasis in my own doctoral work as well, and Chamberlain was entirely correct to reject existing mechanistic theories as being inadequate. But he was wrong to conclude that because we couldnâ??t explain it then, we needed a special non-material cause. We have since discovered a fascinating explanation for the â??ascent of sap.â? This points out the danger of arguing for special forces on the basis of gaps in present understanding. In any case, it turns out that Chamberlain was never awarded his doctorate. Expelled?

Not really, and he was certainly not expelled from social influence. Chamberlain arguably became one of the most expansive master-race theorists in Germany, if not all history. In addition to repudiating Darwinism and rejecting scientific materialism, his views were anchored in a spiritual, explicitly Christocentric understanding of history. â??The birth of Jesus Christ is the most important date in the whole history of mankind... â??historyâ?? in the real sense of the term only begins with the birth of Christ...non-Christian peoples have no true history, but merely annals.â? For Chamberlain, Jews were the resistors of historical progress. Germans were the intellectual, moral, and even biological heirs of divine destiny. (Thus, â??Christ was no Jewâ? and there was â??not a drop of genuinely Jewish blood in his veins.â?)

Chamberlainâ??s thinking does not appear to involve mere religious posturing but genuine conviction: â??having once seen Jesus Christ - even if it be with half-veiled eyes - we cannot forget Him...[nothing] can dispel the vision of the Man of Sorrow when once it has been seen.â? His book was widely discussed throughout Germany, being required reading in civic life. Early in his political career, Hitler visited the nationally prominent aging anti-Semite several times in his family home. After one such visit, Chamberlain wrote â??Most respected and dear Hitler...That Germany, in the hour of her greatest need, brings forth a Hitler is proof of her vitality...May God protect you!â? Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Briefe 1882-1924, un Briefwechsel mit Kaiser Wilhelm II, Vol.I (Munich: F.Bruckmann, 1928) pp124-6. Cited in The Nazi Germany Sourcebook: An Anthology of Texts. 1933-1945....

Given this gripping story, and others, it is not difficult to see how some make the case that it is Christianity that led to or at least inspired the Holocaust. And not just Christianity, but a Darwin-rejecting, special causes-promoting, transcendental interpretation of history not unlike some forms of contemporary anti-evolutionism. In Fighting Words: Origins of Religious Violence, religion scholar Hector Avalos concludes that â??Nazi racism is a synthesis of modern pseudoscience and biblical concepts of ethnocentrism and genealogical purity...In this regard, Nazi ideology is similar to creationist ideology...â? Hector Avalos. Fighting Words: The Origins of Religious Violence. Prometheus Books. 2005:p318.In a recent lecture responding to Expelled, Avalos claimed â??Hitler was a creationist who used biblical and theological rationales in his policies.â? "Expelled wrong on Holocaust." Thomas Grundmeier in Iowa State Daily, 4/23/08. n ... 1914.shtml...

So which is it - Hitler was a Darwinist, or Hitler was a creationist?

And hereâ??s a final, fascinating twist to this story: Hector Avalos is the atheist professor at Iowa State who coauthored and spearheaded the petition against ID after the publication of Gonzalezâ??s book.

What a densely tangled web. Are Avalosâ??s conclusions suspect because of his stringently anti-religious commitments? If so, weâ??d have to apply the same logic to questioning the conclusions of Weikart and Expelled. But such criticisms entail the genetic fallacy - criticizing an idea on the basis of its origin. No, Avalosâ??s and Expelledâ??s assertions stand or fall on the merits of evidence, and they by no means exclude each other, or other proposals. It appears both conclusions entail a kernel of truth surrounded by a nutrient endosperm of over-simplification.

Both Darwin and the Bible were seized upon by anti-Jewish zealots in search of a legitimating ideology. Hatred is notoriously indiscriminate in what it cobbles together to justify itself. Hitler, in particular, evidenced little regard for learning and - as the historical sources cited by recent defenders and critics of Expelled acknowledge - he extracted whatever was useful to support his preconceptions, from widely ranging popular, crude sources. David Klinghoffer defends Expelled and supports his assertion that "Darwinism contributed mightily to Hitlerism" ... arwin.html

By selectively... In the case of Darwinian and Christian tradition though, there really exist disturbing themes that were (and are) amenable to misuse. However the fundamental ideas of the Holocaust were not just absent from, but contrary to the founders of each tradition. This would seem to represent something considerably weaker than being â??necessary for,â? but rather involves being â??amenable toâ? distortion and employment by Nazism.

In the current public controversy raised by Expelled, many of those most prominently linking Darwin to Hitler are Christian anti-Darwinians. Many of those most prominently defending Darwin and blaming Christianity are evolutionary atheists. The response of Jewish commentators â?? Ben Stein and David Klinghoffer notwithstanding â?? has been primarily critical of Expelledâ??s treatment of the Holocaust. Surprise, surprise - each blaming the other. Ironically, it is precisely this out-group blame casting, the impulse to find a moral scapegoat for life gone awry see, for example, Rene Gerard. The Scapegoat. Johns Hopkins, 1989. Or his Violence and the Sacred. Johns Hopkins, 1979. that, if anything, could be identified as the ultimate cause of the Holocaust. This is not to say that great evil does not have ascribable proximate causes, and that ideas, individuals, and societies cannot be assigned responsibility. But ought not the task of moral assessment - even at the historical level - begin with ourselves and our own traditions?

In the view of many, a film that employs case studies of the sufferings endured by four Christians, who support an American anti-Darwin movement made up almost entirely of Christians, the ideas of which are represented in the movie by interviews with sympathizers who are nearly all Christians - a work that does this by employing the murder of six million Jews in a criticism of these Christiansâ?? enemy is - at best - rhetorically in-astute and gravely insensitive. There are countless reviews of the film that claim it was not only insensitive, but morally repugnant on this point. An earlier statement issued by the ADL on the use of the Holocaust in Christian arguments... In response to these issues, the Anti-Defamation League issued a formal statement about the film:

The film Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed misappropriates the Holocaust and its imagery as a part of its political effort to discredit the scientific community which rejects so-called intelligent design theory. Hitler did not need Darwin to devise his heinous plan to exterminate the Jewish people and Darwin and evolutionary theory cannot explain Hitler's genocidal madness. Using the Holocaust in order to tarnish those who promote the theory of evolution is outrageous and trivializes the complex factors that led to the mass extermination of European Jewry. ADL Press Release, "Anti-Evolution Film Misappropriates the Holocaust"

Of course mining for critical quotes doesnâ??t validate a criticism, and the debate over Darwin and Hitler rages with vigor and virulence in the wake of Expelled. There are scores of excoriating criticisms, indignant defenses, as well as more thoughtful assessments. DI Fellow David Klinghoffer has been particularly active in the discussion, or perhaps better put,... Polemicists notwithstanding, did Expelled mistreat the issue of the Holocaust itself? Sadly, even if there were merit to the Darwin and Hitler claim, the answer would still be yes. The immensely complicated intellectual topic was over-simplified, and the gravely important moral issue was rendered by the film with painfully inadequate nuance and dignity. Moreover, the DI makes this worse rather than better by claiming, in response to vitriolic reviews that emphasize this feature of the movie, that â??Actually the discussion of the influence of Darwinism on the Nazis in Expelled lasts only about ten minutes...â? "Dawkins Outraged at Exposure of Link Between Darwinism and Nazi Ideology" Discovery Institute. ... chard.html

â??Onlyâ? 10 minutes on the Holocaust? First off, when it comes to the commandeering gravitas of the Holocaust, there is no such thing as â??onlyâ? a few minutes of emphasis. The images rightly conscript attention and leave their indelible stamp on the film and on the viewer. Second, what does it say about respect for one of the gravest moral catastrophes of history, to spend only a few minutes making a complicated, serious, and highly controversial claim about its cause?

Regrettably, it doesnâ??t stop just there. There have been ugly, destructive personal castigations of Stein himself as being a self-loathing Jewish anti-Semite, or as having committed a â??blood libel on Western Civilization.â? John Derbyshire, "A Blood Libel on Our Civilization." National Review Online, April 28, 2008. ... U1YTE5Njk=

This is awful, and it could even be seen as playing the emotional trump card of racism that Stein is being accused of himself. Ben Stein does not condone Jew hatred any more than Darwin inspired it. The infinite regress of moral accusation can be broken by recognizing that not all who mishandle the topic of racism, endorse it. Yet having said this, things are not helped by Steinâ??s response to concerns that the topic was mishandled, which he begins with the line: â??Letâ??s make this short and sweet.â? "Darwinism: The Imperialism of Biology?" Ben Steinâ??s blog on the movie website: ... f-biology/

Short and sweet on setting right an offense over how the Holocaust was treated, perpetuates if not confirms the perceptions that need to be corrected. Stein then deals with Darwin, imperialism, and the Holocaust - in 800 words. And he concludes by suggesting, with no discussion of the science at all, that maybe we would be better off without Darwinism in preference to a new theory. Why? â??We are just pitiful humans. Life is unimaginably complex. We are still trying to figure it out. We need every bit of input we can get. Letâ??s be humble about what we know and what we donâ??t know, and maybe in time, some answers will come.â? Stein, above. Oh, Ben - yes! But physician, heal thyself. Why could you not have followed this wise counsel in the treatment of the â??unimaginably complexâ? issue of the Holocaust, not to mention the grand questions of science and religious belief currently in need of a healing touch.

Hitler also rejected Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

So, Hitler was actually anti-Darwin, embracing all kinds of other pseudo-scientific concepts instead. He even consulted with astrologers. So did the Reagans in the Whitehouse. Nancy Reagan consulted with astrologers.

Therefore, we can NOT blame Darwin's Evolution for the Holocaust. Darwin would have been appalled by the Nazi idea of eugenics and racism. Darwin actually admired the primitive tribes he had seen on his journeys around the world.

Therefore . . . to blame Darwin for the Holocaust . . . that would be like blaming the Wright Brothers because their invention of the airplane made it possible to bomb cities from the air, or blaming the inventors and developers of the steam engine because it made it possible to build the railroads and the trains that took the Jews to the concentration camps, or blaming Sir Isaac Newton because his mathematical laws of gravity and motion made it possible to more accurately fire projectiles on their trajectories to their targets.

Yes, science can be, and has been misused in the past.

Just about every invention or discovery can be misused. Fire has been misused.

You can use a hammer to build a house or crush a skull.

So, Hitler instituted his Eugenics Program in an attempt to breed a more athletic master race.

Therefore, Hitler was also a sports fan!

Hitler had Olympic games sponsored in Germany in an attempt to show the "superiority" of the Aryan race, and he probably shit his pants when a black man won a gold medal in some athletic competition.

Yeah, Hitler was probably the biggest sports fanatic the world has ever known!

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:43 am
by Fit Man
Hitler didn't give a hootanany about sports. The only reason why he really supported the Olympics was because it was held in Germany, and he wanted to advance his agenda. His whole idea, as you have said, was to try and show the world his idea of the Aryan Master Race. People like Jesse Owens did a good job at disproving him.

So my point still stands: Hitler was fond of art, and was not necessarily fond of sports. How does it make you feel that the most notorious mass murderer was fond of art but not sports?

Because correlation OBVIOUSLY equates to causation, then we can conclude that art is more violent than sports!

Check and Mate, Fat Shit

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:13 am
by Fat Man
[b][color=#FF00FF]Fit Shit[/color][/b] wrote:Hitler didn't give a hootanany about sports. The only reason why he really supported the Olympics was because it was held in Germany, and he wanted to advance his agenda. His whole idea, as you have said, was to try and show the world his idea of the Aryan Master Race. People like Jesse Owens did a good job at disproving him.

So my point still stands: Hitler was fond of art, and was not necessarily fond of sports. How does it make you feel that the most notorious mass murderer was fond of art but not sports?

Because correlation OBVIOUSLY equates to causation, then we can conclude that art is more violent than sports!

Check and Mate, Fat Shit
you still didn't answer my question.

Why is it, that students in our schools, are NOT bullied around by members of Chess clubs, or by students who are into art and music, or by students who seriously study science and math?

But why are students usually bullied around by the jocks and the sports fans?

Just because Hitler was fond of art, does not mean that all people who like art are mass murderers.

Also, Hitler was not inspired by his fondness for art to kill millions of people. No, he was inspired by his religious beliefs, and his embracing pseudo-science. Religion is responsible for more deaths than anything else.

Oh! But you sports fans, you all think that people who play Chess, like art and music, and like to study science and math, you think they're all fags and you all like to bully them around.

So, in our schools, sports does equate to school violence.

While Chess, art and music, science and math, does not equate to violence in our schools.

Another example:

I wanted to build a telescope back in 1970, and I was never inspired to commit violent acts.

But my own brother felt that my desire to build a telescope was disruptive of our family and he tried to stop me by coming after me with a shot gun!

Anyway . . . . . back to my question.

Why does sports in our schools inspire bullying and violence, while Chess, art, music, science, and math does not?

Answer that mother-fucker!

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:06 am
by Earl
I was going to write a longer post, but I've had it. I have neither the time nor the patience.

Fat Man, I'm sick and tired of your religious bigotry. Hitler was not a creationist. You've really flipped your lid on this one. Not too long ago, you said Hitler was a faithful Catholic! I have no interest in whitewashing Catholic scandals or promoting unscriptural doctrine taught by the Catholic church, but your characterization is Looney Tunes. He was inclined towards Norse mythology. He called Jesus Christ "a blemish like circumcision" and Judeo-Christian ethics as "a slave morality." After the war the Nazis were going to crack down on the churches. The Nazis had formed their own "church" whose "Jesus" was an Ayran warrior (definitely not a Jew). You say that religion has killed more people than anything else. What about the atheistic Communist movement, which claimed the lives of 100 million human beings in less than a century? You gripe incessantly about Galileo, yet you never have anything to say about the violent persecution of Mendelian geneticists in the Soviet Union under Stalin. Soviet scientists were murdered simply because they insisted upon following true scientific principles, instead of the party line of the Communists. Of course, I guess their persecution doesn't matter because, after all, they were persecuted by atheists instead of Catholics or some other denomination. You hate religion so much, why do you bother converting to Judaism? Joining the American Atheist Society would be so much easier. I joined this website because I wanted to be able to make critical observations of the sports culture and make a case for the reform of P.E. I didn't expect to continually hear garbage from a person who clearly hates religious people.

Do you see what you're doing? You've taken one of the most reviled figures in history and have associated everything with him that you personally don't happen to like. What would you call that? I don't know, but you're certainly not letting facts get in the way.

The theory of evolution is your religion. Once, I said the words "social Darwinism" to you in a phone call; and you really tensed up. You claim that moral precepts have come out of evolutionist theory, which is ludicrous. Moral principles can be traced back to the Bible. Incidentally, there is an evolutionist school of thought that holds that rape is natural. There are people who speak of the suicide of bullied kids as "culling the herd." Where do you think that attitude comes from? Out of the Bible? No, it's an attitude based upon the theory of evolution, which holds that man is nothing more than a gloried animal. Your guiding principle seems to be WWCD, which stands for "What would Charles do?"

You have allowed your victimhood to turn you into an opinionated, arrogant, self-righteous Archie Bunker on the political left. You frequently are intolerant of people whose views differ from your own, even views on issues that have nothing to do with the sports culture. Have you ever admitted to being wrong about anything? You don't believe in respecting others unless they happen to agree with you. You have no sense of responsibility of how you treat others because you're so self-centered. There are individual athletes or former athletes who are more considerate of others than you. I suspect that if you had the ability and the power, you'd be a bully yourself. Careful, you're on the verge of losing a friend. I don't care if you defend the theory of evolution; I just get sick and tired of you making bigoted statements about religious people. You regularly show your ignorance. You assume anyone who believes in the Bible is a carbon copy of the false teacher Pat Robinson.

I hate to disillusion you, but some people who reject the theory of evolution are quite intelligent and are smarter than you. My brother-in-law, a member of my church who definitely believes in the creation account in Genesis, is one of the leading radiologists in this country.

By the way, I heard somewhere that Darwin loved sports.

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:34 am
by Fat Man
Hello Earl:

Here lately I've been leaning more toward being agnostic.

OK, I did not mean to imply that ALL Christian are responsible for all of these problems.

As I had mentioned before, Copernicus, Galileo, Johannes Kepler, and Isaac Newton were Christians, but they just didn't go along with everything in church doctrine.

I'm tired of arguing with Fit Shit and he's got me so pissed off I can't even think straight.

The fact is, Hitler did reject Darwin and embraced a lot of other pseudo-scientific nonsense. That is a fact. Hitler rejected Darwin, and he rejected Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

OK, I don't know everything, but then, that is because I was denied getting a decent education anyway.

But I have been trying to do some research, and what I have learned about the DISCOVERY INSTITUTE, which is a Creationist organization, and what I have read about their WEDGE STRATEGY really creeps me out, and as I have said earlier, if they are successful in implementing this strategy, it will not bode well for the USA.

I'm really angry and scared by what is going on in America these days.

Also, we have this Michael Pearl with his No Greater Joy Ministries who wrote a book titled To Train Up A Child in which he advocates beating a child, even an infant only 2 years old, with length or quarter-inch plumbing supply line. Children have died as a result of parents following the teachings of Michael Pearl.

Also, Michael Pearl has made millions of dollars from sales of his book, far more money than Carl Sagan ever made from sales of his book COSMOS and all those video tapes.

I could go on and on and on with even more stuff, but it's getting late now, so it will have to wait until later.

These right-wing religious bastards are making millions of dollars, and I'm living in poverty, and I have been beaten and bullied around and had my head bashed against a brick wall by a teacher who didn't want me checking out Astronomy books from the library.

So, I'm really pissed off and I'm really angry right now!

And, I'm tired.

Well, it's getting late and I need to log some sack time.

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:06 am
by Earl
Fat Man, go ahead and make all the bigoted comments you want. I'm taking a break from all this stuff. I'll avoid reading your posts until I regain a measure of sanity.

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:13 am
by Fat Man
Earl wrote:Fat Man, go ahead and make all the bigoted comments you want. I'm taking a break from all this stuff. I'll avoid reading your posts until I regain a measure of sanity.
What I have said about Michael Pearl and his No Greater Joys Ministries is not a bigoted comment, but a fact. Children have died as a result of his teachings.

Children have been beaten to death by parents who were followers of Michael Pearl's and his ministry.

The DISCOVERY INSTITUTE and their WEDGE STRATEGY, what I have said about them is not merely a bigoted comment, but a fact!

OK, I'm a bigot!

I'm prejudice against people who harm children, and people who threaten my freedom to study science.

Yeah! I'm a bigot! I hate their guts!

I speak for the beaten and the abused and the raped, because I'm one of them.

And when one is beating a child, holding a Bible in one's hand while doing it does not make it OK.

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:12 pm
by Earl
I must confess as a "Creationist" (i.e., someone who believes in the creation account in Genesis as a part of my faith) that lately I've been having this unfortunate tendency to engage in goose-stepping at inopportune moments. It's caused quite an embarrassment at the local grocery store as well as at my health club. I've also lost control at all the sports bars I like to visit and start shouting, "Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!" I've also managed to disrupt worship assemblies at my congregation with such uncontrolled shouting. I have no idea where this abberant behavior comes from, but I hope that with the proper therapy I shall be able to overcome this most unfortunate malady and once again take my place among well-adjusted human beings.

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:07 pm
by Fat Man
Earl wrote:I must confess as a "Creationist" (i.e., someone who believes in the creation account in Genesis as a part of my faith) that lately I've been having this unfortunate tendency to engage in goose-stepping at inopportune moments. It's caused quite an embarrassment at the local grocery store as well as at my health club. I've also lost control at all the sports bars I like to visit and start shouting, "Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!" I've also managed to disrupt worship assemblies at my congregation with such uncontrolled shouting. I have no idea where this abberant behavior comes from, but I hope that with the proper therapy I shall be able to overcome this most unfortunate malady and once again take my place among well-adjusted human beings.
HUH??? :o

Aw, come on Earl!

I never meant to imply that you were any of those things.

I don't know how to respond to this.


OK, I know what more I'm going to say, and it doesn't have anything to do with anybody here on these forums.

I'm not in a very happy mood.

One of my favorite YouTube users, WildwoodClaire1 -AKA - Coffee With Claire, has said that she's thinking of leaving YouTube.

She is a professional geologist, now retired, living out in the country in North Carolina in the Appalachian Mountains, so as a retired professional geologist, she has produced and up-loaded many educational videos on science, especially on geology. She's also an evolutionist.

But, like so many other YouTube users, she has had false DMCA claims filed against her videos, and she has been harassed too many times by (yes I'm going to say it) Creationist Fundamentalists bullies on YouTube.

OK, I really don't care what religion somebody is, as long as they don't force their religious beliefs on other people and especially not on me. People are free to believe as they please.

But unfortunately, many (not all I'm sure) but many of them don't see it that way.

Anything that offends them, they want to see censored, and any YouTube channels featuring videos on Evolution, they want to see those channels taken down, and they don't care if they have to break any laws doing it.

To file a false DMCA claim, you do so under the penalty of perjury, and you can get up to 5 years for it. Oh, but when that happens, those cry baby Creationists can then cry boo hoo that Christians are now being persecuted in America.

No, they are NOT going to persecuted for being Christians, they'll be prosecuted for breaking laws if they choose to embark on a course of filing false DMCA claims.

But every time a videos is flagged and taken down by YouTube, the owner of the videos has to fight like Hell to get it back up again.

That's why, so many of us mirror their videos, and I have also mirrored videos as a special favor to other users, even at risk to my own channel.

And when a channel is taken down, the owner ends up having to fight costly legal battles to get a channel re-instated again.

Unlike many wealthy (I'm going to say it!) Christard Funny-mentalists, most of these users who put up their educational science videos, can't afford to lawyer-up, so they go down. That's because religion in America is backed up by big bucks, while funding for science education in America has been getting slashed and chopped on the butcher's block!

But then, religion does require human sacrifices! Eh?

It's like sports. Both sports and religion make big bucks, while science education goes begging.

Anyway . . . . .

I have been in contact with WildwoodClaire1 a few times through private messages, but here lately, her channel has not shown much new activity, and many of us have been begging her not to leave.

Every Sunday, I always look forward to her latest Coffee With Claire videos, but yesterday, on Sunday, there was no new Coffee With Clarie video.

I'm really depressed right now.

I love Claire. Yeah, she's a bit of a Hillbilly with her down home southern accent when she speaks, and I fell in love with her country style and her great sense of humor. She is very well educated, and I love watching her science videos on geology, and I have learned much that I have never been able to learn in school.

Yeah! I'm getting schooled on YouTube. She has schooled me through her videos.

But now, I fear that her channel may go down, and when that happens, the Playlists on my channel where I have favored her videos, the thumbnail images on those playlists will be replaced with a white camera icon and when I click on those playlists, the videos will be gone.

If and when that happens, I will be really pissed.

Another fine channel will have been taken down by religious bullies!

Yeah! God bless America! La la la la la!!!

Yeah! I feel like I'm getting my head bashed against another brick wall again.

Anyway . . . . .

Here lately, I've been leaning more and more toward being agnostic.

Another words, I'm losing my religion.

And to set the mood that I'm feeling right now, here's a song.

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:30 pm
by Fit Man
First things first: WAY TO GO EARL! I'm glad you stood up for yourself and didn't let the ignorant bafoon known as Fat Shit walk all over you with his beliefs. Also: have you noticed that nowhere in any of his following responses was the word "sorry"? Yup, you have a LOT of patience to deal with Fat Shit the way you do, and to STILL consider him a friend. Friendship is a two way street, and it should be built out of mutual respect for each other. Unfortunately, he doesn't give you any respect at all and you just continue to support him.

Interestingly enough, I believe it is your religious background that allows you to continually forgive him and give him more chances. It's interesting that Fat Man hates religion so much, but he has his only friend BECAUSE said friend is religious.

Fat Man: you contradict yourself. You say that not ALL people who are fond of art are violent. Well the same applies to sports. And that's my point. Correlation doesn't equate to causation. Also, about Chess: Bobby Fischer was a chess champion and was a white supremacist. I guess playing Chess makes people racist too? After all, it IS black pieces against white pieces. I betcha Bobby only played as the white ones.

Also, speaking of chess, I challenge you to a game of Chess, Fat Man. I bet you this "monkey brain" jock can beat you. I haven't even played in 3 or 4 years but I'm convinced I can beat you. I'm sure we can find a place online somewhere.

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:16 pm
by Brigan
Fit Man wrote: Also, speaking of chess, I challenge you to a game of Chess, Fat Man. I bet you this "monkey brain" jock can beat you. I haven't even played in 3 or 4 years but I'm convinced I can beat you. I'm sure we can find a place online somewhere.

oooooooh It's on!

Fight fight fight fight!


Btw Hey everyone.

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:18 pm
by Northern Mike
Back to the Penn State scandal, Bottom line for me is this. If you see a child being molested REPORT IT TO POLICE! Don't report it to your boss, or his boss. As we've seen it's just it's just to damn easy to ignore the problem. We all saw the same thing happen in the Catholic Church where pedophile priests just kept getting shuffled from one parish to another because while someone may have told a superior within the Church, it took to long for someone to tell a LEO.

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:34 am
by recovering_fan
Fit Man wrote:Also, speaking of chess, I challenge you to a game of Chess, Fat Man. I bet you this "monkey brain" jock can beat you. I haven't even played in 3 or 4 years but I'm convinced I can beat you. I'm sure we can find a place online somewhere.
Nowadays all you have to do to win an online game of chess is to cheat by mirroring your game against a computer program. Between friends who trust each other not cheat, victories are meaningful. Between enemies who are trying to show each other up, wins are essentially meaningless.
brigan wrote:Btw Hey everyone.
Olá !
Northern Mike wrote:Back to the Penn State scandal, Bottom line for me is this. If you see a child being molested REPORT IT TO POLICE! Don't report it to your boss, or his boss.

I don't think Joe Paterno is evil, but his actions were those of a weak, indecisive coward. Certainly not those of someone you would want forming the characters of new 20-30 young men each year.

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:50 am
by Fit Man
lol Fat Man isn't worthy of being an enemy of mine. He's just a nuisance. But I don't even know of any programs upon which to cheat anyways.

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:57 pm
by Fit Man
I am eagerly awaiting Fat Man to accept my challenge to play a game of Chess.