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Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:17 pm
by Fit Man
Maybe not any time soon, but I'm convinced that Fat Man's curiosity will eventually get the best of him and he will check out what's going on here.

Fatass: You are so deluded by your past that you can't even read. In my quote, I even said "I'm not an athlete". In your response, you said "You were given extra privileges in school because you were an athlete". See a lack of reading comprehension here? And yes, I really am not an athlete. Cross Country running doesn't make me an athlete, I'm just a runner. Plus XC never got the "prestige" of other sports in HS.

Sure, you pay sales tax. But that's nothing in compared to what you are taking from hard-working Americans. You are stealing more money than you are putting into the system. And no excuses about how you "should have" been making X amount of dollars. You aren't, and you had the opportunity to. You were in college for Christ sake and you completed 3 and a half year. (And no ramblings of me saying the word Christ. Knowing you you would respond with a 1,000 word block of text about religion)

So yeah, you're so delusional it's fucking hilarious. You calling YOURSELF the morally superior person, but you said you'd torture me and kill me, and would be happy if somebody did the same. It's especially funny because you're too weak to even hurt me. You can even use your cane and I'd still whoop your ass. And I'm probably about 1/3rd of your weight. And I'd STILL tear you a new one.

The other things you've said about me, such as saying that I'm a child rapist, equally show how delusional you are. You fail 1000 times over and over to make a single rational argument. You are nothing, because you're not a real man, you're a coward. Monkey-men like you who go around bullying people are not real men! They are sissy men and wimps, pussy men and pine-apple suckers! So be a real man and not a brain-dead bully!

You are also probably light in the loafers.

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:09 pm
by Fat Man
Earl wrote:The reason why I recommended that Fat Man put Fit Man and Brigan on "Ignore" is because these exchanges have degenrated into nothing more than personal attacks and name-calling on both sides without any discussion of issues. Nothing good will come out of them. (Besides, they're downright depressing.) I see no possibility of any reconciliation or understanding or convincing of one side or the other at this point between Fat Man and either Fit Man or Brigan. No one in these exchanges is ever going to change the mind of the other, either for good or for bad. There aren't even any witty comments in all this flaming to add a little humor. Not to mention the fact that this thread is not supposed to be about the feuds of Fit Man versus Fat Man or Brigan versus Fat Man (or vice versa :mrgreen: ). If the new program had allowed me, I would have transferred all of your posts to a separate topic in the "Off-Topic" board. Sheesh! :roll: But Fit Man and Brigan can still post all they want. They can even bash Fat Man. He just won't be reading their comments, anymore. Everyone's freedom is speech is preserved. Like I said, I don't see any good ever coming out the current hate fest. I mean peace and goodwill and to all a good night. :mrgreen: (Good grief! :( :roll: )
Yeah, they're both cowards.

They prefer to attack those who can't defend themselves! It's much easier that way!

But if either Brigoon or Fit Shit ever encountered someone who could fight back, they would beg for mercy, cry like babies, and shit in their diapers.

That's why football players like to rape women who are smaller and weaker, and why coaches are pedophiles who like to fuck little children.

It's because football players are cowards and their coaches can't handle having sex with an adult!

Also, it's a well known fact that rapists and pedophiles score lower on standard IQ tests than the average person, so most of them are at least borderline retarded.

And they demand more and more pay for doing nothing.

Hey Earl!

Do you remember back in the 1960s when 60 MINUTES first came out on TV?

Of course, 60 MINUTES is still on every Sunday, it's been going for over 40 years now.

Then there was another NEWS documentary that came out once each month called FIRST TUESDAY, but it's not on anymore.

You remember that one???

Well, I was thinking how football has become like a sacred cow here in the USA.

I remember seeing one particular episode of FIRST TUESDAY when they were talking about the poverty in India, and about some strange religious cults.

They worship animals. In some cults, cows are sacred, while some worship pigs, and some worship monkeys, but FIRST TUESDAY was covering one particular cult where they worshiped, of all things, RATS!!!

It was disgusting! They showed this temple where their priests or monks, or whatever the fuck you call them, were bowing down, mumbling prayers, and bringing pans of clear cool fresh water for the temple rats.

But in the meantime, in another scene was shown starving people drinking dirty water from a muddy river.

Then, back to the scene in the temple where the temple priests brought some kind of sweet cakes on fancy porcelain plates that were set down on the floor to feed the sacred rats. All the time, in the temple, the priests mumbled prayers and bells were ringing.

Then, back to the scene of the people, starving children without any food.

Well, America is becoming something like that. We are becoming a third world nation.

Football is our sacred cow.

We put football players up on a pedestal, and we worship them like tin gods, and when they commit any crimes, they are either given a light sentence or no punishment at all, like they can do no wrong.

The quality of education continues it's decline, a downward spiral, swirling down the crapper. Many school districts can't afford new equipment for their chemistry or biology labs, yet they can invest lots of money in sports, and in all of our schools, the athletes are given more privileges than the good students who try to study hard to achieve academically.

You know, what happened to me in the fifth grade would have made a good documentary for FIRST TUESDAY. They could show all the scenes of how athletes are praised and given all kinds of special privileges, and then, switch to a gymnasium scene of me doubled over in pain after having been punched in the stomach with a basketball, struggling to breath, and my "crime" was accidentally dropping the ball during the game.

Then back to the scene of football players being given more praise and worship, then switch to a hallway scene of me laying on the floor my hands clasped to my head, laying their in pain, after having my head bashed against the wall by the teacher who would not allow me to check out an Astronomy book from the library.

Then, switch to a scene of a pep rally in the gymnasium, then switch to a scene of grave stones with the names of young people who had committed suicide after having been beaten, bullies around, and raped by the athletes and the coaches.

Yes, this Penn State scandal was over 50 years in the making. What had been happening in our schools is what would eventually lead up to Columbine, the scandal at Notre Dame, and now, Penn State.

America has been on a steady decline, and we have been sacrificing our children on the alter of sports, and all the while, cutting back on education.

We are a third world nation!

It's time we start butchering the sacred cows instead of bowing down to them.
Oh damn! there's that pesky fly again!



Next time I'll get the RAID!!!

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:42 pm
by Earl
Fat Man wrote:Yes, this Penn State scandal was over 50 years in the making.
If you mean the sports culture, I disagree with you. The sports culture has been around a lot longer than that. It was established generations ago. The roots in this country go back centuries.

Well, I guess I need to define a term or two for the reader. As I've said before (to use an example), I have no interest in chest. (Oddly enough, I've never been interested in board and card games. In later years my interest in video games was only to a moderate degree. Thanks to my sister and my daughters, I really got interested in the Sonic the Hedgehog video games because they actually told a story. But I eventually lost interest in them, too.) Anyway, that doesn't mean I hate chess. Just because I have no interest in something doesn't mean that I hate it. I feel the same way about ball games and athletic events. I don't hate them; I'm just not interested in them.

I define "sports culture" as the culture that is associated with (but is not inherently a part of) the most popular of the school sports. What a lot of people do (including some on our side) is to fail to distinguish between the game and the culture associated with it. The two need to be separated. The problem with many sports fans is that they construe any criticism of the sports culture as denigration of the game. Nothing could be farther from the truth. But many sports fans are close-minded, anyway, and aren't willing to reason.

I'm convinced that different sports have different cultures. Incidentally, the sports culture even denigrates certain sports! Tennis and swimming, for example, are considered to be less "manly" than football. "Sissy" sports, if you please! Incidentally, if the allegations of his personally witnessing the ten-year-old boy being anally raped in the Penn State showers by the older coach Sandusky are indeed correct, did Coach McQueary display such "manliness" when he did not intervene, but instead just ran home to tell Daddy what happened? Nonathletic boys who show no interest in sports are considered to be wimps. How about Coach McQueary (not to mention others)?

Despite a controversy about the sport in this forum a while ago, I have no problem with the sport of boxing. I do recognize there are health concerns about concussions, but I'm not willing to favor banning the sport. Guys who want to participate in this sport should be allowed to do so. Besides, it can serve as a means of self-defense. When I was a boy, I would have benefited from boxing lessons not for the purpose of participating in boxing matches, but simply for the purpose of developing self-defense skills. Many (possibly most) school bullies can be discouraged by a simple punch to the nose or perhaps a few other blows as well. As a Christian, I have absolutely no problem with a bullied kid challenging his tormentor to a boxing match after school at an agreed upon location. I don't have a problem with that at all. It's called self-defense, not vengence.

Oops! I'm gonna have to get ready to leave for my workout session at the local health club. You see, I'm one of those "sissies" who's been working on a bodybuilding program and is not determined to ever quit. By the way, were bodybuilding programs and other exercise programs ever provided for nonathletic boys in the "sports only" P.E. classes they were forced to take? No, of course not. (Why nonathletic students were ever forced to take so-called "physical education" classes that were of no benefit to them whatsoever is a mystery to me. Perhaps there was a latent desire to punish nonathletic boys for not being "manly." I call that bigotry myself.) The athletic kids were special; they were the chosen ones. The nonathletic boys were the niggers of the sports crowd and continue to be considered as such to this very day. (Please forgive me for using a racist epithet. I'm using it simply for purpose of producing an effect and making a point.)

I'll have more to say later when I have more time.

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:35 am
by Fat Man
Earl wrote:
Fat Man wrote:Yes, this Penn State scandal was over 50 years in the making.
If you mean the sports culture, I disagree with you. The sports culture has been around a lot longer than that. It was established generations ago. The roots in this country go back centuries.
Yes, I know what you mean, but it has gotten significantly worse over the past 50 years.

OK, my mother was born March 12,1913 and she was 39 years old when I was born September 30,1951, so she went to high school back in the 1930s.

But, back then, a student could not get on the football team or get into basketball unless he was making passing grades in his academic subjects. If he was failing, then he would be taken off the team, then, if he got his grades back up to at least a C average, he could get back on the team on probation until he could get above the C average.

But when I was going to school back in the 1960s that is when they started "dumbing down" the school curriculum to make it easier for the athletic morons to get passing grades.

Unfortunately, the rest of us who were more serious about studying science and math, we had to pay the price for their stupidity.

As I had mentioned so many times before in these forum topics, when I was in high school, my so-called science teacher was also the football coach, and he was too fucking busy coaching his team of pre-frontally lobotomized baboons. So, instead of teaching science in the classroom, he would just set up the movie projector, turn off the lights, go out the door, and leaving us all sitting in the dark watching some stupid cartoons. Yeah! That was my science class.

When my mother went to high school, that sort of thing never happened. The teachers would actually teach!

Also, in my English Literature class, we only played childish games like Charades!

So, basically, the only thing we learned in high school was how to fold paper footballs! My high school was like being back in Kindergarten again!

Then, after I made the stupid mistake of turning in a couple of dope dealers (on advice from my student councilor of course) who had been harassing me, and pressuring me to buy some stuff from them. After that, the harassment became worse. My note books were stolen from me and pages torn out of them. In the art class, some oil paintings I had been working on were destroyed. I began to receive threats against me.

No wonder, I went nuts and had an emotional and mental breakdown, and spent three weeks in the State Mental Hospital back in April 1969, and then having been eaten by the ward attendants, as many patients were, and having been beaten and raped by an older man, and also haven been given all kind of drugs (probably experimental) when I finally came home, I was even more fucked up in the head.

When I came home, I was even more severely depressed, suffered from anxiety, and also, from withdrawal symptoms from all the fucking pills they had shoved down my throat. I stayed in my bedroom most of the time, and I didn't feel like going out.

I was 17 years old at the time, and when I turned 18 my parents filed a claim for disability om my behalf, because mentally and emotionally, I was in no condition to go out living on my own or to hold any kind of job.

So, fuck you Fit Shit because you sports fans owe me for all the beatings I had to endure!

I don't give a flying fucking Hootenanny in Hell that Fit Shit was recently laid off from a job, and I don't give a shit that his tax dollars go to support people on disability pensions!

In fact, because Fit Shit is a spots fan, he owes me double, or triple what he's paying now! I believe that sport fans should register with the state that they are sports fans, and pay extra taxes, and be made to pay a 300% percent "rape tax" on every ticket they buy to watch a game in a stadium, and for every piece of sports equipment they purchase! For example, if you buy a football helmet for $100 dollars, you have to pay an additional $300 dollar "rape tax" on it!

But, if you don't want to pay those extra taxes anymore, then you must renounce your love of sports, register with the state that you are no longer a sports fan, and be on a 5 year probation, during which time, you will not be allowed to have a TV in your home, nor purchase sports equipment, not be allowed to vote, and be required to attend sports anonymous meetings to overcome your addiction for sports.

Then, after you have successfully completed your 5 year probation, your full citizenship rights will be restored, and your taxes will be lowered back down.

But if you go back to being a sports fan again, then you belong in a federal prison and spend the rest of your life in solitary confinement.

And I believe that Fit Shit should not be allowed to live in a neighborhood where their are children. Even if he is not a pedophile, he is a pedophile sympathizer or a pedo-symp!

Also, I believe that people who are physically handicapped should get a FREE education in a university, all textbooks FREE of charge, and tuition FREE of charge, and rape victims should receive extra compensation from the state, and sports fans should pay higher taxes to cover the cost.


Suck on that Fit Shit!!!

And if Fit Shit responds to this, I'll just ignore his response!

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:50 pm
by Fit Man
The problem with your logic, Fat Man, is that I have never raped or bullied anyone. The fact that you threatened to actually KILL me and that I haven't done the same for you just shows how much sports isn't inherently what causes violence. It's just dumbasses such as yourself that are the real problem.

Also, I already found another job almost immediately. I got my severance pay, and STILL found employment in less than a week. So don't feel BAD for me, you should try to be more like me. Learn from me, a "brain-dead jock" on how to become a productive member of society rather than a leech and a drain.

Also, at least in California, you need a 2.0 GPA to participate in sports in public schools. Sure this is the same in other states as well. Learn the facts before you spew shit directly out of your mouth.

So you suggest a "sports tax"? I suggest a "Fat Man" tax. Anybody who is so fat that he can't see his own dick and who is also rude and disrespectful to anybody who disagrees with him in any way, shape, or form should be taxed 100% on every purchase he makes.

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:01 am
by HugeFanOfBadReligion
After I returned to this site, this was the last topic I read while catching up on all the posts during my absence. I was wondering why there were such a little amount of posts in the forum during the time I was gone, but it shouldn't have been a surprise to me that it was because nearly all the posts were in this thread, which I had not yet read. Doesn't surprise me at all that all this arguing between Fit Man and Fat Man hasn't slowed down, and even though Fat Man has Fit Man on ignore, I imagine the arguing will still somehow continue.
Fat Man wrote:Also, I believe that people who are physically handicapped should get a FREE education in a university, all textbooks FREE of charge, and tuition FREE of charge, and rape victims should receive extra compensation from the state, and sports fans should pay higher taxes to cover the cost.
I'd hate to add to more derailment of the original purpose of this thread, but in response to the above quotation, I'll add that I think more taxes really should go toward universities to provide lower tuitions for everyone (not just the handicapped). People go to university thinking they'll be able to get a high paying job once they finish university with a higher education, but they often can't afford to pay for all of the costs associated with going to university and rely heavily on student loans. Then, if they are actually luckily enough to get the good job they hoped for after university (many students are actually left unable to find jobs in their field of education because they lack job experience in that field), they spend all of their earnings in that job repaying their massive student loans.

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:55 am
by Fat Man
HugeFanOfBadReligion wrote:
Fat Man wrote:Also, I believe that people who are physically handicapped should get a FREE education in a university, all textbooks FREE of charge, and tuition FREE of charge, and rape victims should receive extra compensation from the state, and sports fans should pay higher taxes to cover the cost.
I'd hate to add to more derailment of the original purpose of this thread, but in response to the above quotation, I'll add that I think more taxes really should go toward universities to provide lower tuitions for everyone (not just the handicapped). People go to university thinking they'll be able to get a high paying job once they finish university with a higher education, but they often can't afford to pay for all of the costs associated with going to university and rely heavily on student loans.
Yes, you're right.

My proposed "rape tax" on sports fans and sports equipment could also go toward lowering tuition costs for ALL students, who are serious about academics.

I just wanted to get Fit Shit all pissed off by pulling his chain.

. . . . . and . . . . . flushing him down the crapper!

Anyway, I still have Fit Shit on ignore.

Oh well, time to get out my (human?) fly swatter again!



The forum moderators need to call an exterminator!

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 7:44 am
by Earl
I feel like the father of two ill-tempered young boys who keep sniping at each other. But since the PC is not my life, I have neither the time nor the inclination to post pronouncements every single time our two combatants have at it. So, at this time I'll just say what's on my mind. I wish I could see the facial expressions, body posture, etc. of both of our combatants so I could make a judgment as to whether they both are enjoying this flame war or if one or both of them are sincerely indignant. Since I'm an open book (at least to a degree), I could be taken for a fool online. Oh, who cares? I have nothing to hide. I was thinking of telling Fat Man that he should not read this post since I'm going to be addressing at least some of my comments to Fit Man, but on second thought I guess it won't matter.

I'm the only member of this board who knows Fat Man personally. Two years ago after he had started posting here and related what happened to him in the mental institution, I asked him in a PM to give me his telephone number so I could talk to him. I sensed that he needed a friend like me. Although I haven't actually met him face to face, I've called him frequently and have had many conversations with him. I believe that I know him quite well and that I'm therefore in a position to make reliable observations about his character.

Fit Man, I appreciate your concern for the feelings of people whose religious profession is different from yours; but for the record I have to be fair to Fat Man and point out that he has never personally insulted me for not believing in the theory of evolution. He's never ridiculed my choice in spiritual matters. He's never made comments such as "You're engaging in wishful thinking." Fat Man has never been rude to me personally. What I objected to was his attributing religion as the main cause for oppression and other evils in the world. Of course, I recognize that religious persecution has been a recurring theme in human history. (Incidentally, in some countries today the religiously persecuted include people known as Christians.)

I regret that Fat Man did not forgive Fit Man instead of nursing a grudge. I was afraid of what might happen when he said that he had changed his mind and would not forgive him. My fears (too strong of a word here?) were realized. I was right. Now I'm wondering if this second match of Fit Man vs. Fat Man would have commenced if Fat Man had forgiven Fit Man and not resumed insulting him in absentia.

Wishing someone ill (such as not being able to find another job) only stirs up the flaming, and fantasizing about killing someone even more so. This is something I would never do because I know it's wrong. But I also know Fat Man well enough to point out that he has a very gentle side. Yes, he can be quite rude. There's no doubt about that. But I don't believe he could ever kill anyone, unless his life or the life of someone else was being threatened. I think he'd fly into a rage if he saw what allegedly happened in the Penn State showers. I believe Fat Man's murderous fantasies are a release from the reality of helplessness. These are the only weapons he has. Mind you, I'm not condoning; I'm trying to understand.

Fit Man, do you realize just how small a fish Fat Man is when it comes to others "leeching" off hardworking taxpayers? Over the years the Federal government seems to have granted revenues for ridiculous projects, such as studying the gas emitted by cows. I don't know much about politics these days, but I'm sure there are many instances of wasteful spending that make Fat Man's monthly $600 insignificant in comparison. Besides, I believe government should have a role in helping the needy. That affirms our humanity.

What you need to realize is that you're dealing with a broken man. He had a hellish childhood. His stepfather beat him and his mother. The rape he suffered was severe trauma. I hope I'm not going to get into trouble here, but I want to show just how severe the trauma was for him. When the inmate (a muscular man in his 40s) had raped him, he completely lost his sexual drive from then on. He has not been able to get married. Indeed, his sexual drive was destroyed. He's a 60-year-old virgin. There's absolutely nothing funny about this. It's a personal tragedy. He was denied the treatment he so desperately needed. It just wasn't provided at that time. Men weren't supposed to get raped.

The sexual abuse of children is a horrible crime. Their adult lives are often messed up. My best friend's wife, who was a victim of incestuous rape repeatedly as a very young girl, underwent a personality change from being a faithful Christian to being an adulterer who would have sex with men who were complete strangers to her. She actually became mentally ill. I've learned from different sources that many lesbians were sexually abused by men. No wonder they became lesbians! Who knows how many of them would be straight today if they had not been traumatized in that way.

In the last few years, Fat Man was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He has admitted to being mentally ill. I don't believe deep down in his heart he believes he's superior to everyone else. Some mentally ill people are unpleasant. I'm not saying that Fat Man should not be more responsible in his conduct. I disagree with his flaming tactics. But I didn't suffer like he did in my childhood. I don't know how I would have turned out. It makes me shudder. One of my precepts is "Walk a mile in the other guy's shoes," otherwise stated as "There, but by the grace of God, go I."

Frankly, Fat Man and Fit Man, I wish the two of you would stop flaming at each other. Stop with the personal insults. You're really not discussing issues. It's just personal. I understand both of you have legitimate feelings, assuming that neither of you is just trolling for the sport of it. But at this point I'm not going to ban either of you.

Perhaps I've said too much. Perhaps I managed to make a fool of myself. I don't know what else to say ... :|

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:56 am
by Fit Man
Earl, your post was very well articulated and I think it really drives through the point you were trying to make.

To be honest, you were right when you say that by Fat Man not accepting my apology, and by him continuously bad mouthing me, that's what caused me to come around a second time. When I tried to make peace with him, he said something along the lines of "I accept your apology, I guess. Even though he said the I guess, I let it slide and left the forums.

I came back to see how you were all responding to the Penn State scandal. There, I saw Fat Man STILL badmouthing me, MONTHS after the incident where we supposedly buried the hatchet. I am not one to sit there and take abuse, so I decided to let him eat his words. Yes, the way I spoke to him was rude, but it's minuscule in comparison to the way he is to me, such as wishing death upon me.

You seem like a genuine person, Earl, and I will trust you when you say that Fat Man isn't truly a man who may have murderous tendencies. Nevertheless, the things he says is absolutely frightening, and I do not believe that I would want to be near him when he's in a bad mood.

Obviously there is no way for me to reason with Fat Man, due to his tragic past. At this point, I will no longer even talk about him or speak to him. If I decide to stay on the forums, I will simply discuss sports.

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:16 pm
by Earl
Fit Man, sorry I haven't posted sooner. I've not had the time. I'm about to sit down to a Thanksgiving lunch at a family reunion. I'll submit a proper response to your post when I'm through eating. I hope you and the rest of us have a great Turkey Day. :)

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:55 pm
by Earl
I thought it had stopped, but the outrage keeps coming. A total lack of empathy ... how unnatural. This was more than an instance of bullying; this was an instance of revictimizing a victim of childhood trauma ... the ultimate in moral rot. :evil: ... ictim.html
Alleged Jerry Sandusky victim leaves school because of bullying, counselor says

Published: Sunday, November 20, 2011, 7:10 PM Updated: Monday, November 21, 2011, 7:06 AM

By SARA GANIM, The Patriot-News

Victim One, the first known alleged victim of abuse by former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky, had to leave his school in the middle of his senior year because of bullying, his counselor said Sunday.

Officials at Central Mountain High School in Clinton County werenâ??t providing guidance for fellow students, who were reacting badly about Joe Paternoâ??s firing and blaming the 17-year-old, said Mike Gillum, the psychologist helping his family. Those officials were unavailable for comment this weekend.

The name-calling and verbal threats were just too much, he said.

Other alleged victims are turning to each other for support, since they fear others will out them and cause a media swarm. The only encouragement for Victim One, Gillum said, is watching other alleged victims come forward because they felt empowered by his courage.

"He feels good about that," Gillum said. "Thatâ??s the one good thatâ??s come of all this."

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:55 am
by Fat Man
Earl wrote:I thought it had stopped, but the outrage keeps coming. A total lack of empathy ... how unnatural. This was more than an instance of bullying; this was an instance of revictimizing a victim of childhood trauma ... the ultimate in moral rot. :evil: ... ictim.html
Yeah! Penn State is the gift the keeps on giving! :evil:

So now, all the victims who reported being sexually molested by Jerry Sandusky are going to be harassed in their schools by the sports fans and jocks because their favorite coach at Penn State was fired, and they are blaming the victims of Jerry Sandusky and harassing them.

They obviously don't give a damn about the victims.

NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! All they care about is that their dearly beloved Penn State coach got fired. That's all that matters to them.

In the meantime, the victims of this horrible crime will continue to get harassed and bullied around no matter where they go, possible for the rest of their lives.

Yeah, I can imaging what's it's going to be like.

The student who had to leave his school because of the bullying, even if his family moved to anther town and he goes to a new school, some will ask "Hey! Are you the one who's responsible for the Penn State coach getting fired?" or after he graduates high school and goes on to college, he'll probably be asked the same question and get harassed some more until he has to drop out of college.

Then when he looks for a job, he'll probably get told by by his potential employer "Sorry, but we can't hire you, since there is too much controversy surrounding you because of the Sandusky incident and the Penn State coach getting fired." or even if he dose get a job, he'll probably get fired anyway when they find out that he is one of the victims of the Penn State incident.

Then, if he can't get a job anywhere, he'll probably have to go on welfare and get food stamps to stay alive, and then . . . . .

. . . . . some douche-bag like Fit Shit, or some other douche-bag will come along, and probably call him a leech and a parasite on society, and a disgrace to humanity.

You know, once you have been raped, the rape goes on for the rest of your life.

When you have been sexually molested, that's the first rape.

The second rape occurs in the court room when being cross examined by an attorney after you have filed charges against your assailant.

Then, after it is all over, it makes no difference if you assailant gets convicted or not.

In this case, since the victim is blamed for the Penn State coach being fired, the sports fans and the jocks will continue to harass you.

For the rest of your life you'll be harassed when you try to go back to school, or try to go on to college, or try to look for a job.

The rape goes on and on for the rest of your life.

This is why I believe in the death penalty for rapist, and for pedophiles.

Is the death penalty a deterrent to crime?

I don't know. Perhaps not! I will acknowledge this much.

But hey! If the rapist, and the pedophile gets executed, then he wont be able to rape or sexually molest children anymore.

Once your laying six feet under, taking that dirt nap, you can't do shit anymore!

End of story!

Or is it?


It's not the end of the story.

Because, Penn State, is the gift the keeps on giving!

Yeah! Merry Fucking Christmas, America!

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:29 am
by Earl
Fat Man wrote:. . . . . some douche-bag like Fit Shit, or some other douche-bag will come along, and probably call him a leech and a parasite on society, and a disgrace to humanity.
Whoa, Fat Man. Fit Man has agreed to leave you alone. Let's leave him out of this and not start up another flame war.

I do understand your outrage.

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:01 am
by Earl ... f-your-son
Sandusky Victimâ??s Mother Recalls Town Reaction: "Our Football Team Is Going To Lose And Itâ??s All Because Of Your Son"

By Dom Cosentino
Nov 23, 2011 4:20 PM

Two stories have been published today that shed a harrowing light on the awful circumstances faced by the boy identified by the Penn State grand jury summary as Victim 1:

1. The Huffington Post's Ryan D. Buell interviewed the boy's mother several times, and his story summarizing what she had to say includes plenty of details about how badly her son was mistreated at Central Mountain High Schoolâ??by skeptical administrators as well as cruel fellow students and others in the community. The boy withdrew from attending Central Mountain last week.

2. Nate Schweber and Jo Becker of the New York Times do their best to profile Victim 1 by talking to some of those who know him. Two themes are covered: The account of a friend of the boy who went along for an outing that included Sandusky and Victim 1; and the story of a track coach who had carved out a role as the boy's mentor, only to get fired once the boy began tuning him out and the school got wind of the coach's efforts to try to get through to him.

According to the Huffington Post, Victim 1's mother says administrators at Central Mountain were "not helpful." She was incensed to learn Sandusky was frequently able to take her son out of class, and that even after she complained, she was greeted with resistance:

"The principal just waved it off, saying, 'You know, it's Jerry. He's around the school a lot and talks a lot with Second Mile kids. He has a heart of gold.' I was furious. They were defending this guy."

That initial skepticism was perhaps understandable, given what was known about Sandusky to the outside world at the time. But even after the school allowed the boy to speak with a counselor, after which the mother was told to come to the school immediately, that skepticism lingered.

After her son made the allegationâ??but before it was known publiclyâ??the mother says she was confronted by the grandmother of a football player at the school, who began berating her. When the mother asked how the woman knew about her son's allegations against Sandusky, the woman said Steven Turchetta, the Central Mountain football coach, had brought it up at a recent parents' meeting. Turchetta's name is in the grand jury report, which says his testimony corraborated portions of Victim 1's story. Sports Illustrated also spoke with Turchetta for its lengthy cover story about the Penn State scandal and even referred to him as "one of the few good guys in a sordid story." But Victim 1's mother clearly sees him differently:

According to Mother One, the woman added, "Coach Turchetta said these charges are never going to stick and he'll walk away."

"She never asked me if the charges were true. She just finished up with, 'Thanks a lot. Now our football team is going to lose and it's all because of your son.'"

Mother One said that Turchetta found ways to target her son as punishment for getting Sandusky removed from school grounds.

Although Turchetta didn't coach her son directly, his role as assistant principal and his involvement in the sports department gave him influence over other sports programs within the school. Mother One claims her son developed a close bond with a 28-year-old volunteer coach, which Turchetta abruptly ended.

One day, she recalled, her son told her that Turchetta was in his face, yelling at him: "With what you've done already, no 28-year-old man needs to be around you."

"I think he was accusing my son of having some kind of relationship with him," she said. "That's how my son took it, too."

Mother One said it was Turchetta's hostility, coupled with fears for her son's safety, that led her to remove her son from the school last week.


Mother One said she is also troubled by what she believes are inconsistencies with the school officials' testimonies in the grand jury report. She points out that Turchetta claims he became suspicious of Sandusky's behavior and actions around certain students.

"If he suspected something was going on then why didn't he report it?" she asked.

Victim 1's mother says the school continued to show indifference to her fears for her son's safety, that he has nightmares "every night," and that he lives in constant fear of being abused again. Humor, in the form of watching Adam Sandler movies, has helped, as has the knowledge that his coming forward might work to prevent additional victims from being abused.

In the Times's story, Sandusky's lawyer, Joe Amendola, is quoted as saying Sandusky "was always a very physical kind of teddy bear, like an overgrown kid" who "would hug kids, he kissed kids, but it wasn't sexual." In the summer of 2008, a friend of Victim 1 talks about going to dinner with Sandusky and his wife, Dottie. At which point, the Times adds:

Then Sandusky drove everyone home. First, he dropped off his wife and her friend, the friend said. Then the third boy. At the boy's house, the friend was asked to exit the car first. The friend left the vehicle, but glanced back inside and saw Sandusky holding the boy's hand.

The next day, the friend's mother was in tears. She had received a call from the boy's mother, and now she had an urgent question for her own son: "Had Sandusky touched him the day before?"

The friend's mother told her son "stuff was going on that was inappropriate" between the boy and Sandusky. The boy's mother had said she was in the process of reporting it to the authorities.

The friend quickly called the boy. They met and talked, but little explicit was said.

"He had this look on his face like something happened," the friend said. "I thought, â??I'm not going to ask, I'm just going to let it go.' " He added, "There are just some things you don't want to know."

But it was Thom Hunter, a track coach, who developed into "an adult male who would neither abandon nor harm [Victim 1]" by way of his encouragement of the boy's running ability and his unwavering support after the boy was involved in a terrible car accident in October of last year. Hunter appears to be the 28-year-old coach from the HuffPo story who was dissuaded by Turchetta, the Central Mountain football coach, from getting too close to Victim 1.

Hunter says he was not aware until this summer that the by might have been one of Sandusky's alleged victims, though he did recall being told in the spring of 2009 that no adults were permitted to be alone with the boy. The two were close enough that, when the boy began to abandon his track regimen this summer, Hunter sent him an email pleading with the boy not to throw away his ability. And then, the Times says:

The boy was taken aback by the challenging e-mails sent to him by his mentor, Hunter. He didn't want to hear that his coach thought he needed more discipline. Hunter guessed that another coach at the school must have overheard the boy talking about Hunter's guidance and asked to see the e-mail. But Hunter said all he knew for sure was that the boy had turned over the correspondence to a school official.

Hunter had been arrested for public intoxication two years ago, but he says the school never mentioned that when it fired him as a coach in September of this year. The track team rallied in Hunter's defense and even made a trip to Hunter's house, where many of them wept. None more so than Victim 1. From the Times:

"I can't talk about it now, but you'll all find out eventually," the boy said that day, according to two people present.

Indeed, Hunter said that when the boy first walked into his coach's home, he had said, "You're going to hit me, you're going to hate me, this is all my fault."

Hunter said he reassured the boy that would not happen. "You can't build a relationship over three years and have it end like that," he said he told the boy. "You didn't do anything wrong."

Re: the Penn State scandal

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:33 am
by Fat Man
Oh wow!

Now an entire town is coming down on the victim like an ugly ton of shit bricks!

What next?

Are those scumbags in the town going to form a lynch mob?

I think Amnesty International needs to get into this case to protect the victims of this Scumdusky douche-bag, because this whole ugly situation is going to lead to even more human rights violations.

The victims of Scumdusky are political prisoners in a way, because they will become too afraid to venture outside their homes. They'll be under a kind of self-imposed house arrest.

If America loses it's sovereignty because if this, then I say . . . . .


We're already becoming just another third world nation.

I'm getting sick just reading about this Penn State scandal. It's getting worse and worse with each passing second.

This is the eleventh hour!