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Re: Last thing you Watched/Read.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:20 pm
by Safety
Lady Gaga is the voice of our generation.

Ha ha, just kidding. But I still love her.

Re: Last thing you Watched/Read.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 1:38 pm
by i_like_1981
Safety wrote:Lady Gaga is the voice of our generation.

Ha ha, just kidding. But I still love her.
Surely you mean "him"? :lol: Just joking. The media today are always eager to put excessive pressure on and make up unfounded and even crazy rumours about people. This week in Britain our newspapers and the internet has been absolutely invaded by some woman dumping a cat in a wheelie bin. This is news at its most pathetic. How bored must all our reporters and paparazzi be? Dumping a cat in a wheelie bin is definitely not admirable but it's certainly no cause for nationwide coverage and attention, and this woman certainly has not deserved all the shit she's been given this last week. This woman's already been referred to as "worse than Hitler". The media is pathetic nowadays. And our country is full of fucking sheep who'll lap it up. This sordid, embarrassing affair has cost me even more faith in our national media. What has Britain come to?

By the way, Safety, I'm just wondering - what exactly inspired you to join up to this website? I mean, near enough all of the sports fans we've had here have signed up to criticise the website or our attitudes in some way, either in an abusive or civil tone. Some others have just been general pests who have no real opinions on this anti-sports issue but have just come along to waste time and perhaps get the odd agitated response. What would inspire someone like you, a sports fan, to join up here with no real points to make on either side of the issue? Do you find us a rather agreeable bunch? Do you find our forum interesting? Just interested to hear. Not pressurising you or anything.

Best regards,

Re: Last thing you Watched/Read.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:34 pm
by Safety
I'm a very open-minded person, and I enjoy hearing other people's opinions, even if I don't agree with them. This board is full of super intelligent people with very astute opinions. Although sometimes I do disagree with you, I'm not glued to my beliefs like some people are.

Re: Last thing you Watched/Read.

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:34 pm
by Lewis
Grey's Anatomy.

Re: Last thing you Watched/Read.

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:45 am
by HugeFanOfBadReligion
The 1966 Western film "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly". It's a pretty long film, but it is a classic, and I thought it was amazing. I'd recommend it to anyone.

Re: Last thing you Watched/Read.

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:57 am
by Fat Man
HugeFanOfBadReligion wrote:The 1966 Western film "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly". It's a pretty long film, but it is a classic, and I thought it was amazing. I'd recommend it to anyone.
One of my favorites is a Western movie, Once Upon The Time In The West.

It was a very long move and it was a real head trip!!!

And the music in the soundtrack gave me the shivers!

It was one really cool movie!!!

But it's not the last thing I watched. It was several years ago.

Sorry to get off topic, but I would highly recommend it to everyone.

Re: Last thing you Watched/Read.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:54 am
by The Imperialist
The first episode of Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex in a hotel room somewhere on Adult Swm, and found the english dub to be too alien.

Re: Last thing you Watched/Read.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 12:56 pm
by Lewis
Blade Runner.

Re: Last thing you Watched/Read.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:17 pm
by i_like_1981
Terminator 2: Judgment Day. I can remember this one being out in the cinemas in the early 90's even though I was nowhere near old enough to see it at the time.

I'd say it was probably as good as the original. Full of riveting action and looking at the computer effects you wouldn't believe it was nearly 20 years old. As much as I dislike 90's music, plenty of good films came out then, and it was the time when I became old enough to see quite a few of them and when special effects in movies really did start to get bigger and better towards the point they're at today.

For anyone who's interested, here's the classic scene at the start when Arnold Schwarzenegger roughs up some redneck bikers in a bar.

Best regards,

Re: Last thing you Watched/Read.

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 9:06 pm
by HugeFanOfBadReligion
I just watched Magnum Force, a 1973 movie starring Clint Eastwood, a sequel to one of my favourite films.

Re: Last thing you Watched/Read.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:05 pm
by i_like_1981
This is England '86. It finished last night. Quite possibly the best, most powerful show I've seen all year. It's, shall we say, the bad side of the 80's, but told with such brutal realism and raw emotion. Some of those scenes were extremely uncomfortable to watch, but a lot of dramas today just tend to skip over certain themes portrayed to graphic effect in this show. This is England '86 has hit me hard in many ways during its four episode series and I congratulate everyone involved with it for bringing it to the screen. It will stick in my mind. Some scenes will remain crystal clear for years. For anyone who remembers Britain in the mid-80's (I would have been 5 when this was set) and was having a hard time as a youth then (that came for me in the mid-90's), check this out.

Best regards,

Re: Last thing you Watched/Read.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:52 pm
by The Imperialist
I watched like one episode of THe X Files on TV. I was facepalming the whole way through. (I mean, some of the things that appeared were already proven to be a perfectly earthly phenomena...)

Re: Last thing you Watched/Read.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 2:03 pm
by recovering_fan
Wednesday night at the debating club, I watched Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story.

I'm not sure what I made of the movie as a whole--that is, as a coherent political statement about what laws ought to change.

However, one thing that resonated with me was a speech by Jimmy Carter, originally given some time during his Presidency in the late-70s, lamenting the fact that Americans were coming to view themselves on the basis of what they owned rather than on the basis of what they did or what they made.

Today Americans seem to have resigned themselves to the idea that what they own is what matters, and we seem to have forgotten that it was ever any other way. These days, gross income seems to be the only measure of a person. It doesn't matter how you came by the income. It doesn't matter whether you are the one driving success at the company for which you work, or whether you have simply managed to trick the other members of the firm into thinking that you are contributing something. We celebrate professional poker players in our society. In doing so, we pay homage to the ability to lie (i.e. bluff) and to the ability to read people's bluffs. When a poker player wins $5m, he is said to have earned it. If he goes on from that point to do nothing besides (unsuccessfully) playing poker for the rest of his life, then we will call him a success, simply because he has never had to do anything arduous or degrading for money at any point. Yet I predict that at some point--perhaps at the point where all his new cars begin to look alike--he himself will wonder where his life went. He will wonder what it was all for.

People try to fill the void in meaning in their lives with various distractions, one of the most popular being sports.

I was able to draw one conclusion from the movie about policy. I concluded that it ought to be possible for someone with a post-materialistic outlook to live on no more than 25 hours worth of degrading and meaningless work per week, leaving time to pursue his or her passions in the margins of working life. 25 hours' pay should be enough for a single person to live on, although of course there need be no limit on how many hours people could work, like there currently is under French law.

(Warning: the next part is a rant about my own life and may not interest people.)

Today I have a couple career options that each promise a possible six-figure salary within 5 years. The only problem with those jobs is that they eat up your entire life by making you work 60 hours per week, and in return offer little sense that you are making a difference in the world. (They allow you to live but provide you with nothing to live for.) At this point I am leaning towards taking a dead-end job at a bank or a book store for 25 hours per week while I toil for 40 hours per week, after work, in a desperate effort to improve my undergraduate math skills up to where I can score high enough on the Subject GRE to get into graduate school. I am 30 now, and I think I should follow this brutal plan until I turn 40, then reassess things.


Re: Last thing you Watched/Read.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:12 pm
by recovering_fan
recovering_fan wrote:Wednesday night at the debating club, I watched Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story.
Okay, then, let's liberate this thread from the threat of Communism. I sense that the Red Menace has killed all the joy in this thread. :cry:

I watched The Three Faces of Eve (1957) a couple nights ago, and it was incredible. The movie is about someone with multiple personalities, and watching Joanne Woodward was like watching three identical triplets play the role.

Another reason to watch this movie is that Joanne Woodward was 27 at the time. :shock:


Re: Last thing you Watched/Read.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:22 am
by Silence
The last book I remember reading is Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer.

I only remember reading until around page 200-300. I no longer have the patience to read through the rest.