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Am I a hypocrite?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:30 am
by tehinformant
Ok, I found Sports suck because you know why. These guys have my same exact opinion. Those dumbasses screaming at a TV because some guy is passing a ball back and fourth. How stupid is that?

Well, I may be a hypocrite. No I do not watch sports, I don't really play sports, I show no color or insignia of my favorite team.

But here's the thing, I love gaming. I watch people play video games owning other online players? But would that make me a hypocrite. The thing is there is no super popular gaming team like a sports team. Some pro gaming teams may be well known but only in a small loyal cultivated community, not mainstream like sports.

I've been scratching my head on my opinion. Hate professional sports, but a fan of professional gaming? Well at least gaming doesn't really push you like stupid coaches does. Clicking a mouse and keyboard/controller severely is less painful then doing push ups and throwing a ball alot.

Re: Am I a hypocrite?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 7:31 am
by Fat Man
tehinformant wrote:Ok, I found Sports suck because you know why. These guys have my same exact opinion. Those dumbasses screaming at a TV because some guy is passing a ball back and fourth. How stupid is that?

Well, I may be a hypocrite. No I do not watch sports, I don't really play sports, I show no color or insignia of my favorite team.

But here's the thing, I love gaming. I watch people play video games owning other online players? But would that make me a hypocrite. The thing is there is no super popular gaming team like a sports team. Some pro gaming teams may be well known but only in a small loyal cultivated community, not mainstream like sports.

I've been scratching my head on my opinion. Hate professional sports, but a fan of professional gaming? Well at least gaming doesn't really push you like stupid coaches does. Clicking a mouse and keyboard/controller severely is less painful then doing push ups and throwing a ball alot.
Hello, and I bid you welcome!

Nah! You're not a hypocrite just because you like computer games.

I have the Microsoft Train Simulator on my computer. You get to operate a train, and it takes as much skill to operate as the real thing. I have this one rout that takes up to six hours to complete.

And I also have USA railroads, Canadian railroads, Japanese railroads, German railroads, and all kinds of different trains, steam, diesel, and high speed electrics.

I'm more into simulations rather than games.

So, enjoy your computer gaming and have fun!

Re: Am I a hypocrite?

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:27 pm
by DanTran
(I'm new here, btw)

This is my opinion, yes.

I stopped playing video games many years ago for this same reason. Both sports and gaming brings out fierce competitiveness, vindictiveness, vulgarity, and violence. I've heard more homophobic and racial remarks playing Halo on xbox live, than I ever did at the one sporting event I was forced to go to ( :x

Gaming is also incredibly addictive and harmful, there are even support groups now for people who are addicted to video games (much like alcoholics anonymous). Maybe I take it too personally, a cousin of mine was so addicted to World of Warcraft that he would play for 10-15 hours straight. He eventually collapsed and died in front of his computer from lack of sleep, and poor diet. He weighed 324 pounds, doctors say his heart eventually just gave up.

It's hard, especially if it is something you have fun doing, but you have to realize that it is hardly different than playing (or rooting for) a sport team. It doesn't matter if it is mainstream or not, it's still just as incredibly harmful (in my opinion even more so).

Re: Am I a hypocrite?

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 8:20 pm
by wibberley
thats great.i think thats so funny

Re: Am I a hypocrite?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:27 pm
by Millhouse
tehinformant wrote:Ok, I found Sports suck because you know why. These guys have my same exact opinion. Those dumbasses screaming at a TV because some guy is passing a ball back and fourth. How stupid is that?

Well, I may be a hypocrite. No I do not watch sports, I don't really play sports, I show no color or insignia of my favorite team.

But here's the thing, I love gaming. I watch people play video games owning other online players? But would that make me a hypocrite. The thing is there is no super popular gaming team like a sports team. Some pro gaming teams may be well known but only in a small loyal cultivated community, not mainstream like sports.

I've been scratching my head on my opinion. Hate professional sports, but a fan of professional gaming? Well at least gaming doesn't really push you like stupid coaches does. Clicking a mouse and keyboard/controller severely is less painful then doing push ups and throwing a ball alot.
I know this post is a few months out of date, but I feel compelled to respond to it. I have said before and will say again - in enforcement of the front page of this site - I do not hate sports. I hate competitive minded morons who enjoy sports a little too much and ruin the entire idea of them for everybody else. This is the heart of what makes non sports fans hate sports.

This attitude can infect online gaming as well, particularly in games like Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Games (MMORPGs) like WoW, Everquest, the Old Republic. I avoid people like this in video games. I call them gearheads. They obsess about running raids and what the boss on said raid is going to drop. They constantly organize raids on a daily basis, they demand you use voice chat programs, they're fiercely competitive, and yell at people during raids that might have trouble keeping up with their obsessed eliteist asses. And of course, when they lose the roll on an item, or don't get the item they were trying to raid for, they go on the passive-aggressive attack and make everyone else miserable with their shit.

They're the type of people that cause the normal, friendly people in an otherwise good guild to begin quitting the guild en masse. Being competitive is one thing, I love a good round of player vs. player, but I don't lose my mind if my character gets killed. Just like in sports, this seemingly almost 'disease-like' state of mind, this fierce megalomanaical competitiveness some have ruins the game for everyone else.

I expect to win some days, and I expect to lose some days. That's how life is. And that's a realistic way to look at things. As long as I had fun overall, winning or losing, I'm good with the way my day turned out. But that isn't enough for the sports fan. Or the gearhead. They come from extremely similar temperaments. Egos so big that every day is a struggle to justify "why my schlong isn't as big as the other guy's schlong yet, and by God I'm going to make the rest of the world as angry as I am in the process".