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Re: Do you support this website? Why don't you like sports?

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 3:04 pm
by recovering_fan
Earl wrote:The title Iâ??ve chosen to use for my latest topic actually is an abridged expression of the following six questions: Do you support this website? If so, why? Does this website disturb or upset you? If so, why? Speaking to those who support this website, why donâ??t you like sports? How did you come to dislike sports?
I just read this from the beginning. Here are my answers:

Yes, I support the site. It gives sanctuary to those of us of the heretical view that athletes aren't gods.

No, the site does not upset me. Nothing about the site upsets me, and if any jock finds the site disturbing, it's probably due to certain ... insecurities.

I hate sports because I got addicted to them as a kid and they ate up tons of my time. (I'm still addicted, but they don't eat up as much of my time as they used to. :mrgreen: )

Re: Do you support this website? Why don't you like sports?

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 3:33 pm
by Fat Man
recovering_fan wrote:
Earl wrote:The title Iâ??ve chosen to use for my latest topic actually is an abridged expression of the following six questions: Do you support this website? If so, why? Does this website disturb or upset you? If so, why? Speaking to those who support this website, why donâ??t you like sports? How did you come to dislike sports?
I just read this from the beginning. Here are my answers:

Yes, I support the site. It gives sanctuary to those of us of the heretical view that athletes aren't gods.

No, the site does not upset me. Nothing about the site upsets me, and if any jock finds the site disturbing, it's probably due to certain ... insecurities.

I hate sports because I got addicted to them as a kid and they ate up tons of my time. (I'm still addicted, but they don't eat up as much of my time as they used to. :mrgreen: )
Yes, addictions are often very difficult to overcome.

And it's not always an addiction to a substance, like drugs or alcohol. Sometimes it can be an addiction to a thing or an activity.

Some people are addicted to gambling or video games.

I think I'm addicted to my computer and the Internet, being as how my computer is always on when I'm home and the only time it's off is when I have to go out to do my shopping.

Yeah, I even leave it on when I'm sleeping.

Re: Do you support this website? Why don't you like sports?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:35 pm
by Millhouse
Fitman's Brother wrote:I do not support this site, nor do I understand why anybody would support a site "dedicated to the eradication of sports". To be clear, I came here because my brother used to post here, and he too was perplexed on why people would want to eradicate something that people enjoy.

And that's where my opposition to the site is: how can people want to take away something that others enjoy? It makes as much sense as somebody wanting to ban gay marriage because they aren't gay themselves. If you don't like sports, then don't play it. But to actually try and "eradicate" sports simply because you do not like them yourself seems absolutely selfish to me.
Of course you support this site. This site, its message and its participants quite obviously entertain you on multiple levels, or you wouldn't be here. Being here IS supporting it, afaic. And nobody's taking anything away from you, Sunshine...nobody's made any real strides since you made this post, I'm sure. I also think the word 'eradication' should be taken very tongue-in-cheek. You're just interpreting the message on the front page to suit your agenda. You don't bother reading nor commenting on any of the rest of it.

Aside from your recent and constant shadowing and trolling of Fatman, I don't think you're really here to 'defend' sports that much. Polite24 was a major bore and he put far more effort into actually defending it (and like an adult) than you seem to want to do. So, the fact that people are reacting to you the way they are honestly shouldn't be much of a surprise for you. In fact, I'm willing to bet that it isn't.

Re: Do you support this website? Why don't you like sports?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:14 pm
by Fat Man
Yes, I do believe that all sports fans and jocks actually, unknowingly, support this web site by coming here to harass us.

They're actually glad that web sites like this exist for trolling purposes.


Yeah, Fitman's Brother, and Fit Man are members of the Official Sports Patroll.