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My ideas to help ease the war between jocks and "nerds"

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:43 pm
by sportslover
Alright, I see alot of talk around here about the jock priviliage, which dispite my being a sports fan I am against. Yea amazing a sports fan against that eh?

Anyways, maybe we should get the football and basketball players out of our colleges. Stop offering scholarships, force the NBA and NFL to use somewhere else as a "developemental" League instead of wasting space in our colleges. The problem is these so called student athletes don't always go to class or are only passed because of their ability on the field, court etc.

Dunno what to do about our high schools cause there are no scholarships or anything that really causes trouble OTHER then the bullying, which is wrong and I have touched in my other thread.

BUllying is wrong, sports aren't.

Check it out and then see if you still have a problem with me, eh?

Re: My ideas to help ease the war between jocks and "nerds"

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:32 pm
by Fat Man
sportslover wrote:Anyways, maybe we should get the football and basketball players out of our colleges. Stop offering scholarships, force the NBA and NFL to use somewhere else as a "developemental" League instead of wasting space in our colleges. The problem is these so called student athletes don't always go to class or are only passed because of their ability on the field, court etc.


Give the man a cigar!

Uh, but BOTH sports AND bullying is wrong.

Sorry 'bout that!

But, enjoy your cigar anyway!

Re: My ideas to help ease the war between jocks and "nerds"

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:35 pm
by sportslover
Funny cause I am sure in that thread you finally agreed on me about my view of bullying.

Whatever though, thanks for agreeing with this at least...

Re: My ideas to help ease the war between jocks and "nerds"

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:56 pm
by Fat Man
sportslover wrote:Funny cause I am sure in that thread you finally agreed on me about my view of bullying.

Whatever though, thanks for agreeing with this at least...
Yeah! I agree that sports should be removed from colleges and universities, but also from high schools as well.

Sports are not just games anymore, but has become a religion.

And just like all the attempts by right-wing Christian Fundamentalists trying to insert Creationism into school science textbooks, having sports in our schools also violates the separation of church and state, because, sports is now a religion.

It's a cult.

Re: My ideas to help ease the war between jocks and "nerds"

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:01 pm
by sportslover
Well we half agree then at least. Cause I don't think it's a cult or a problem it's just something that entertains people. Like you guys and your chess, classical music and art.

But I don't know what can be done about high school sports cause it seems to be a part of the schools. But I think something can be done about bullying and stuff like that. Maybe we should split up high schools, make a special school for the athletes, a special school for the handy people and ones that like to work on cars, and a specialized school for the science and art people.... I dunno

Re: My ideas to help ease the war between jocks and "nerds"

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:40 pm
by Fat Man
sportslover wrote:Well we half agree then at least. Cause I don't think it's a cult or a problem it's just something that entertains people. Like you guys and your chess, classical music and art.

But I don't know what can be done about high school sports cause it seems to be a part of the schools. But I think something can be done about bullying and stuff like that. Maybe we should split up high schools, make a special school for the athletes, a special school for the handy people and ones that like to work on cars, and a specialized school for the science and art people.... I dunno
Well, I see one problem with this.

Suppose we have a situation where, a kid likes science, so naturally he'll want to go to a high school that specializes in science education.

The mother supports her son wanting to study science.

But the father is Gung Ho about sports, and want his kid to go to a school that specializes in sports.

And of course, the kid being under 18, maybe legally he has no choice, that the parents decision one way or the other is final.

But, what happens if the father wins and the mother loses in the dispute.

The case goes to juvenile court, and the judge rules the kid is not old enough to decide, the father wins in the dispute, and the judge says to the kid "tuff shit" you'll go to sports school.

I see a future situation where it will be much easier for girls, but much harder for boys to get a science education.

Yeah, a kid won't be able to get a science education if the kid has a penis!

Well, if I were a kid in that situation, I would go into the garage, grab a hammer, and bust both of my knee caps and cripple myself so I can't do sports, or maybe even go into the kitchen, grab a butcher knife and whack off my penis and testicles!

But, as it was, having a crippled up left knee once got me suspended because I failed to climb a rope anyway.

Yeah! That's how much I HATE sports!

In fact, I wish I had done that when I was 13 years old!

If I had been a girl, it would have been much easier for me to get a decent science education.

Yeah, I would rather be a fat little eunuch with a science degree than a regular guy who was denied a decent education.

Anyway . . . . .

Your above suggestion is like segregation.

No, sports corrupts young minds and has no place in an educational setting.

Sorry about that!

Re: My ideas to help ease the war between jocks and "nerds"

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 7:18 am
by Fitman's Brother
You have to understand that colleges are still businesses. And because of that, and because we live in a free market, they get to decide where to give their scholarships. The fact of the matter is that sports are a huge source of revenue for universities, and in the end they beneficial to the entire university as a whole.

Fat Man: before you begin, be respectful with your response to me. Nothing inflammatory at all. Prove to me that you are able to maintain an intelligent and respectful conversation. If you can truly prove me wrong, you can prove me wrong with actual subject matter rather than going the downward spiral of calling jocks "monkey boy" and stuff like that, like you usually do. When you do this, you effectively lose the debate because you do not contribute to the subject matter.

Re: My ideas to help ease the war between jocks and "nerds"

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 8:17 am
by Earl
Fat Man wasn't talking about colleges; he was talking about high schools.

Re: My ideas to help ease the war between jocks and "nerds"

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 1:28 pm
by sportslover
So you would take away the freedom for a young man to chose sports for himself? That's not really fair to those of us that WANT to do sports. You don't see anyone trying to take away science education from children, other then your school which was quite extreme.

Here I was coming with ideas to make it fair to both sides but apparently you don't want fairness you want sports gone totally.

How exactly do sports corrupt young men? As I've said before it's not the sports that creates bullies these kids are going to be bullies no matter what. Sports are fine, bullying is not, as I've said before.

Re: My ideas to help ease the war between jocks and "nerds"

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 1:32 pm
by sportslover
Fitman's Brother wrote:You have to understand that colleges are still businesses. And because of that, and because we live in a free market, they get to decide where to give their scholarships. The fact of the matter is that sports are a huge source of revenue for universities, and in the end they beneficial to the entire university as a whole.

Fat Man: before you begin, be respectful with your response to me. Nothing inflammatory at all. Prove to me that you are able to maintain an intelligent and respectful conversation. If you can truly prove me wrong, you can prove me wrong with actual subject matter rather than going the downward spiral of calling jocks "monkey boy" and stuff like that, like you usually do. When you do this, you effectively lose the debate because you do not contribute to the subject matter.

Yes but then these so called "Student atheletes" should HAVE to go to class and keep up a certain gpa to keep their scholarship just like everyone else. Why should they get special privalige in college cause they can throw and catch a ball? See I do like sports, I really do, but when they get special treatment like they do in every college across the US it pisses me off to no end.

No special treatment for jocks in college AT ALL!!

Re: My ideas to help ease the war between jocks and "nerds"

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 2:07 pm
by ChrisOH
Hello sportslover!
sportslover wrote:Well we half agree then at least. Cause I don't think it's a cult or a problem it's just something that entertains people. Like you guys and your chess, classical music and art.

But I don't know what can be done about high school sports cause it seems to be a part of the schools. But I think something can be done about bullying and stuff like that. Maybe we should split up high schools, make a special school for the athletes, a special school for the handy people and ones that like to work on cars, and a specialized school for the science and art people.... I dunno
This kind of thing probably wouldn't fly in most places -- it's usually hard enough to get school levies passed for basic school facilities and functions. Of course, there are some private schools that focus on a certain "track" -- emphasizing engineering, arts, etc. -- but many (or perhaps, most) parents can't afford to send their children to private school, so not every student has an opportunity to attend a school such as this.

Re: My ideas to help ease the war between jocks and "nerds"

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 12:40 am
by Fitman's Brother
sportslover: You are wrong. All Student Athletes DO have to keep up their GPA if they wish to continue playing. All the High Schools I have been in contact with has it at a lowly 2.0 that anybody can achieve, but it's at least a standard they have in place.

For college, there really isn't favoritism. If you don't pass, you don't graduate. It's not like the professors automatically pass you just because you're an athlete, contrary to what happens in the movies. In real life, it simply doesn't happen.