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I'm back...again...

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:47 pm
by Millhouse
Been working a nightshift, just really out of it all the time, I keep forgetting to log in and say hi.

But to keep this post on topic for the forum it is being posted within, I'll start with a coworker who got online this morning to ask me how the support call volume was last night, I talked to him about technical support stats and numbers, and he of course interjects into the conversation, without solicitation...

"I woke to a surpise this morning. fell asleep last night during the football game. score was dal 17 sd 0. woke up, we lost 28-20"

Um, I don't give two fiddle f*cks? But no, because I respect this guy as a coworker, and respect his knowledge of the job that he does, I have to sit there and act like I care long enough to pretend to make him feel heard, so that I can direct the conversation back to work.

This is part of the problem with the sports attitude, is that you may actually otherwise respect a person you're around enough to try to humor things they say that are uninteresting. But no other topic of conversation is so expected of you to become immediately engaged in, without question, as sports is.

It's never socially acceptable to say "I'm not into sports", because that immediately categorizes you as some sort of disturbed social weirdo, unworthy of being spoken to. Oh, and crabby, the type that surely musn't like to have fun since he isn't 'into sports'.

Re: I'm back...again...

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:28 pm
by Fat Man
Good afternoon Millhouse!!!

It's good to see you again!

There has been a lot of new developments on these forums during your long absence.

I guess You have noticed my new avatar.

If you go to this topic titled Photos Of Me Observing Transit Of Venus At Starbucks ... =7&t=15518

I had my Galileo telescope set up on the patio at a Starbucks observing the June 5,2012 transit of the planet Venus across the face of the sun.

So, I got to share my observations of the Venus transit with the customers coming in and going out of Starbucks.

Yes, I now have to get around in a JAZZY 614 HD power chair because of the arthritis in my knees and ankles.

Anyway . . . . .

There won't be another transit of Venus until December 11,2117 about 105 years from now

Also, I have added more Playlists to my YouTube channel. I now have 200 Playlists!

Big Fat Heretic
EVOLUTION! Doing My Part To Piss Off The Religious Right!

I have become more and more agnostic.

Yeah, we had some new forum members who registered just to come in here to harass me!

Well, I suppose I should be flattered.

Anyway, it's good to see you again.

Don't be a stranger now!


Re: I'm back...again...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:12 am
by Earl
Welcome back, Millhouse! :) Sorry I haven't responded sooner. Yesterday afternoon was busy for me.

Sorry you're having to work night shift. I hope your body will be able to adjust to the change soon.

Yes, I have noticed that more than a few people assume that virtually everyone else is a sports fan, too. Hey, it could be worse (I suppose); you could be living in Penn State territory.