Well, here we go again!
More of the usual right-wing moronic fuck-tardery from our esteemed Republican party here in the good ol' US of A! Gotta love 'em!!!
Yeah! This it real good!
It's doesn't get much better than this!
Yeah! This is as good as it gets!
OK, this article was originally titled the 6 worse things, but it's been updated and retitled, the 8 worse things!
So, it gets even better!
Anyway . . . . .
Here we go again!!!
http://www.alternet.org/8-worst-things- ... paging=off
Well, apparently, the Republicans are sooooooooo fucking stuuuuuuuuuuuuupid, they can't tell the difference between a female human and a female duck!!!AlterNet / By Sarah Seltzer, Lauren Kelley
The 8 Worst Things Republicans Have Said
About Rape, Sex and Women's Bodies
It's not just GOP Senate candidate Todd Akin.
It's practically a party tradition.
August 21, 2012 | By now youâ??ve likely heard -- and perhaps felt your jaw drop open over -- Todd Akinâ??s recent interview, in which the Republican Senate candidate from Missouri admitted that he believes abortion should be illegal even in cases of rape, because â??if itâ??s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.â? If you follow that logic to its end, Akin means: Ladies, if you say you got pregnant after being raped, youâ??re probably lying about the rape part.
A sign at a NYC rally for Planned Parenthood.
Photo Credit: Sarah Seltzer
Of course the scientific facts are far from on Akinâ??s side, which should be embarrassing for a member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. While it may be true that female ducks have evolved in such a way that they now have a biological anti-pregnancy response to forced sex, human beings most definitely have not. As the Washington Postâ??s Sarah Kliff notes, many scientific studies have proven that the you-only-conceive-if-aroused theory is complete bunk. In fact, one study from 2003 even showed that rape victims may be more likely to get pregnant than individuals on the whole.
Akinâ??s assertion doesnâ??t make sense in other ways, either. For instance, thereâ??s no sensible reason for the vast majority of mentally stable women to ever â??cry rape.â? As Amanda Marcotte notes at the American Prospect, â??Why would a woman trying to put a one-night stand behind her invite grilling by detectives and defense attorneys? Why would someone so concerned about maintaining the illusion of purity subject her sex life to examination by a crowd of jurors?â?
Akin responded to the firestorm over his comments by claiming he â??misspoke,â? while plenty of members of the media have characterized the incident as a gaffe. But harmless gaffe it is not. As heartening as it is to see pressure for Akin to withdraw his Senate bid, there is a real concern that the situation will be forgotten when the news cycle eventually moves on. Because the reality is that this story is not merely about one inept Republican putting his foot in his mouth. Rather, Akinâ??s statement fits into the framework of the ongoing Republican assault on reproductive rights and, more broadly, our societyâ??s pernicious rape culture (which is perpetuated not just by Republicans, but some self-identified progressives as well). Akin doesnâ??t stand alone.
The mistaken notion that oneâ??s body can somehow elude pregnancy when not aroused dates back centuries and is still a popular sentiment -- though one rarely shared in public -- among some anti-choicers today.
Within hours of Akinâ??s remark, journalists were producing detailed accounts of similarly absurd comments on abortion, rape and birth control from GOP officials and pundits, all of which showed a complete callousness towards science and towards womenâ??s autonomy. To put Akin-gate in context, here are seven of the worst that we at AlterNet could find, past and present -- but the full gamut of this sort of talk goes far, far beyond the following short list.
1. Other absurd Republican contributions to the â??rape doesnâ??t lead to babiesâ? myth.
As Anna North reported earlier this year, other Republicans paved the way for Akinâ??s recent statements. In 1995, Republican Henry Aldridge stated that when a woman is raped, â??the juices donâ??t flow,â? and in 1988 another Republican congressman stated that women emit â??a certain secretion,â? which stops pregnancy, when they are raped. (Which has led many of us to ask: which is it, guys? Do these mythical â??juicesâ? flow, or do they stop flowing, when a woman is raped? Or maybe you just know jack about the reproductive system?)
2. Then thereâ??s the daddy of all these rape theories:
The National Right to Life Committeeâ??s John C. Willkeâ??s claims in an article that the â??traumaâ? of rape prevents pregnancy -- i.e., he â??basically just makes shit up,â? writes Katie J. M. Baker at Jezebel.
3. Want contraception? Put an aspirin between your knees.
This line, now a total cultural punchline, comes from Foster Friess, who was a big donor to Rick Santorum before moving on to supporting Romney. The video clip featuring Friessâ??s comments and Andrea Mitchellâ??s flummoxed response went viral this spring.
Friess: This contraceptive thing, my gosh it's such inexpensive, back in my days we used Bayer aspirin for contraception, the gals put it between their knees and it wasn't that costly.
Mitchell: Um, excuse me, I'm trying to catch my breath from that Mr. Friess, frankly . . .
4. Seeking to legally redefine rape as â??forcible rapeâ? so fewer women will qualify as victims.
Remember the media firestorm around the â??war on womenâ?? One of its major fronts consisted of Congressional shenanigans around the definition of rape in the noxious H.R. 3 â??No Taxpayer Funding for Abortionâ? bill. These efforts included Akin and VP candidate Paul Ryan and were aimed at siphoning off the number of abortion-funding exemptions so that only the rarest few qualified. What offended women most -- and eventually scuttled the bill -- was the idea that the government could weigh whether your rape â??countedâ? or not.
Garance Franke-Ruta explains:
According to the bill, there would be exemptions only for something called "forcible rape." (Presumably, this is the same thing Willke called "assault rape" and Akin called "legitimate rape," as opposed to what Willke called "consensual" "statutory" rape.) After a public outcry, Smith retreated from his first draft of the bill and reinstituted the Hyde language, though an additional provision was added later to clarify that the bill will "not allow the Federal Government to subsidize abortions in cases of statutory rape." Akin and Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan were co-sponsors of the bill, along with 225 others.
Since Sunday, the Romney camp has been trying quite furiously to distance itself from Akin, but these two names together as cosponsors of this bill may come back to haunt Paul Ryan.
5. Another GOP lawmaker (surprise, surprise) worries that women will claim rape just to get abortions.
This March, Iowa Senator Chuck Winder, who had already proposed that women go through two forced ultrasounds, including one at a right-wing â??crisis pregnancy center,â? went a step further by voicing his concern that women might use the â??rape issueâ? to go abortion-crazy. Quoth Chuck: â??Rape and incest was used as a reason to oppose this. I would hope that when a woman goes in to a physician with a rape issue, that physician will indeed ask her about perhaps her marriage, was this pregnancy caused by normal relations in a marriage or was it truly caused by a rape.â?
6. Pundits and lawmakers: Forced ultrasounds are okay because women already consented to be penetrated when they got pregnant.
Remember the bill in Virginia that would have mandated certain kinds of invasive ultrasounds for women seeking abortions (the kind that already exist in other states?). Well, ultraconservative pundit Dana Loesch, who has already come to Todd Akinâ??s defense in this round, was hostile to the basic concept that every time a person's body is penetrated, itâ??s mandatory to ask for consent. "They had no problem having similar to a trans-vaginal procedure when they engaged in the act that resulted in their pregnancy," she said. Sadly, Loeschâ??s idea was not so far out of the norm: several Virginia lawmakers basically said the same thing.
7. When women sign up for the military to hang out with aggressive dudes, they are asking to get raped.
Notoriously anti-woman FOX NEWS talking-head Liz Trotta wondered of women who enlisted and were assaulted, â??What did they expect?â? She also blasted feminist calls for infrastructure and support to help the increasing number of women in this position. And refused to apologize.
8. Santorum and Huckabee are all about rape victims taking one for team "Life."
Let's not forget our Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee, respectively, think rape victims should "make the best" of it and see the unwanted child as a gift and sometimes cool people are conceived in rape.
Some rape victims unsurprisingly see this idea as torture.
Okay, so these are all pretty heinous things to say. But letâ??s take a deep breath and remember that rape culture doesnâ??t just live on the extreme right wing. From left-wing pundits who are convinced that the rape charges against Julian Assange must be trumped up, or that sex with a sleeping woman doesnâ??t constitute rape, to the mainstream pop culture writers who have long sought to minimize or dismiss acquaintance rape as â??grey rapeâ? or not real rape, to local and national law enforcement that don't know how to handle victims properly, thereâ??s a long continuum of thought that creates rape culture. Rape culture posits sex as a transaction with womenâ??s sexuality as a passive object either given or taken, rather than a consensual exchange. Most importantly, rape culture puts the onus on victims to prevent rape rather than on potential perpetrators not to do it. Rape culture produces comments like Todd Akin's, and then seeks to sweep them under the rug once the news cycle is over.
(This post has been updated)
Sarah Seltzer is an associate editor at AlterNet and a freelance writer based in New York City. Her work has been published at the Nation, the Christian Science Monitor, Jezebel and the Washington Post. Follow her on Twitter at sarahmseltzer@sarahmseltzer and find her work at sarahmseltzer.com
Lauren Kelley is the activism and gender editor at AlterNet and a freelance journalist based in New York City. Her work has appeared in Salon, Time Out New York, the L Magazine, and other publications. Follow her on Twitter.
Either that, or else, they (think?) that a woman has a duck's vagina!!!
OK, I must confess . . . . .While it may be true that female ducks have evolved in such a way that they now have a biological anti-pregnancy response to forced sex, human beings most definitely have not.
I really can't tell the difference between a Republican and a duck!
That's because they're all a bunch of quacks!!!
Anyway . . .
I do have to give this article credit for being unbiased because it also mentions, that not only those on the extreme right, and even some on the left have also said some stupid things.
So, to anyone here, who thinks that I only post articles with a "left-wing bias" please bare in mind, that this article also calls out BOTH the right AND the left on their bullshit!!!But letâ??s take a deep breath and remember that rape culture doesnâ??t just live on the extreme right wing. From left-wing pundits who are convinced that the rape charges against Julian Assange must be trumped up, or that sex with a sleeping woman doesnâ??t constitute rape, to the mainstream pop culture writers who have . . . etc. etc.
Of course, the Republican are the worst offenders, with their anti-science attitude and their moronic childish fairy tales in which they all believe, while those of us on the left are more supportive of scientific evidence, and we support a woman's right to have an abortion in the case of rape, and even a female child's right in the case of rape and/or incest, and especially, in the case where a woman's life is in danger from carrying a pregnancy to full term. If the woman dies, the baby within her is going to die anyway.
OK. Why is it that so many Republicans have no sympathy for the rape victim?
They want to redefine rape!
Also, some Republicans even like to joke about rape!
For example:
I remember many years ago, some Republican fuck-tard compared rape to a rain storm! I couldn't remember exactly when this was, and who it was that made the comparison, so I did a Google search for rape is like rain and came up with this incredible ASSHAT!
It was back in 1990 during the Texas gubernatorial race, and there was a heavy rain storm, and it was Clayton Williams who made the following comment:
"Well, bad weather is like rape: if it's inevitable, you might as well relax and enjoy it!"

Clayton Wheat "Claytie" Williams, Jr. was a businessman from Midland, Texas, an unsuccessful Republican gubernatorial nominee in 1990 against the Democratic State Treasurer Ann Richards even though, Williams initially led in opinion polls by twenty points.
Gee! I wonder why he lost!
Could it have something to do with that moronic comment he made?
You know, like, comparing rape to a rain storm, and saying you should just relax and enjoy it!
Nah! That couldn't be it!
Ah! But I digress, so back on topic again . . . . .
Oh, it get even better!
Please to check out this article at:
http://jezebel.com/5934975/paul-ryan-sp ... m-aborting
So, lets see if I understand this correctly . . . . .JEZEBEL
Paul Ryan Sponsored a Bill that Would Allow
Rapists to Stop their Victims from Aborting
To most women, Paul Ryan's ideas are pretty much the political equivalent of menstruating forever. But it seems like some new analysis of legislation he wrote really takes the cake: if Paul Ryan had his way, theoretically, a rapist would be able to sue his victim in order to prevent her from having an abortion. Hey girl, no means baby.
Since Ryan received the nod from Romney, abortion rights supporters have brought up the little, teensy point that although Paul Ryan likes to make it out like Paul Ryan is all about budgets and dollars and deficits and stuff, he's also all about the highly fiscally irresponsible practice of advocating against birth control and the legality of abortion (unplanned pregnancies cost US taxpayers about $11 billion a year). And remember that forced pre-abortion trans-vaginal ultrasound bill in Virginia that was received so poorly that it caused the state's staunchly anti-abortion governor to back off? Paul Ryan supported the national version of that. Penalty dicks for everyone!
And while right wing pundits helpfully point out that Paul Ryan doesn't want to make abortion illegal (which: hahahahahahah), he just wants to give states the right to make abortion illegal, Mother Jones' Kevin Drum notes that Ryan's Sanctity of Human Life Act states,
(1) the life of each human being begins with fertilization, cloning, or its functional equivalent, irrespective of sex, health, function or disability, defect, stage of biological development, or condition of dependency, at which time every human being shall have all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood; and
(2) the Congress affirms that the Congress, each State, the District of Columbia, and all United States territories have the authority to protect the lives of all human beings residing in its respective jurisdictions.
Which actually means that states would have the right to ban all abortions with no exception for rape, incest, or the life of the mother. Further, in those states, if a woman was raped and wanted to have an abortion in another state, her rapist could theoretically sue her to stop the abortion, and Drum suspects that he'd probably win.
Further, yesterday another Mother Jones columnist pointed out that if the Sanctity of Human Life Act had become law, it likely would have made many forms of IVF illegal, and since Mitt Romney's two newest adorable grandbabies are the product of IVF and a surrogate mother, Ryan's big idea would turn Romney's kids into criminals. Most awkward political bromance ever.
A woman gets beaten and raped by some low-life scum-bag piece of dog-shit! She becomes pregnant as a result of getting raped.
I believe she should be allowed to have an abortion to terminate the pregnancy because she should not be forced to carry the child of a rapist.
So, she makes arrangements to have an abortion.
Ah! But thanks to Paul Ryan, nominee of the Republican Party for Vice President of the United States, another low-life scum-bag piece of dog-shit, because of this moronic fuck-tard, her rapist will be able to go to court to sue her, to stop her from having the abortion, and lay claim to the child!
Yeah! The rapist will be granted more legal rights than the victim!
Is this correct?
Gee! Did I just get off the wrong train in the wrong town, or something, or what???
What planet am I on???
Oh! I know! I'm living right here in the good ol' US of A on the planet Earth!
Like, beam me up Scotty! This planet sucks!