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Nerds? I don't THINK SO!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:55 am
by Ray

Re: Nerds? I don't THINK SO!

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 8:12 am
by Earl
Were you referring to the dumb "Nerds are gay" slur? These people demand that others respect them, but they don't recognize that respect goes both ways. Haven't these people ever heard of Esera Tuaolo or Brian Sims? What about all the male bodybuilders in gay porn? My wife taught math classes (ranging from Basics of Math to calculus) for 11 years and observed many "nerds." She told me that none of them were effeminate.

Re: Nerds? I don't THINK SO!

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 8:45 pm
by Earl
There have been objections to negative stereotyping of athletes at our website. First of all, not a single member of this forum who supports this website speaks for all of us. No one is the dictator of this website who enforces a party line. No one should run this website like that. Each one of us speaks for himself. I don't agree with all the aspects of negatively stereotyping athletes, and I think that those who disagree with such stereotyping should be allowed to post their objections at this website. But is the same courtesy extended at sports websites? I notice in this website that Ray has called to our attention that nerds are negatively stereotyped as effeminate fags. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if that stupid photo was deliberately posed. In fact, I think it was. I notice that the member who attached the photo gave absolutely no information as to where and when the photo was taken and who the two boys are. So, where's the objection to the negative stereotyping of nerds? I don't see any. Does anyone at that sports website object to the negative stereotyping of nerds? I don't think so. I guess what only matters is whose ox gets gored. Incidentally, regarding the "jocks versus nerds" war, who started it?

Re: Nerds? I don't THINK SO!

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 5:56 am
by blackdog4444
What the h... [not only for the following but I just saw a ghost - literally]:
The thing is... I know I am just a sad kunt for revolving my life around sport... when Carlton losing or winning equates to how my week is gonna pan out... I don't think anything bad of people who don't follow sport... but for me, it's an addiction...

I always turn to the back page of the paper before the front... i only ever really read sports mags or sites... when ever video games come out, my favourites are sports games... any sport...

When I'm awake at 3am and all the commercial fta channels have infomertials and i change the channel to ABC and the is lawn bawls... i'm in love... i know it's sad... but i'm actually addicted to "following" sports...

#1 Jenna of Beauty & the Geek Australia fan
Sad? She could say that again... omg not the cold breeze!...
Deep down most of us want to hear about a war story, but don't want to actually see any killing in real life. Sport is the best substitute for war there is.
Pfft... What the hell!? Some of these guys scare me!

Re: Nerds? I don't THINK SO!

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 12:27 am
by Earl
blackdog4444 wrote:
Deep down most of us want to hear about a war story, but don't want to actually see any killing in real life. Sport is the best substitute for war there is.
Pfft... What the hell!? Some of these guys scare me!
They scare me too. And they seem to fear/hate nerds for some reason.

Re: Nerds? I don't THINK SO!

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 1:35 am
by Skul
Deep down most of us want to hear about a war story, but don't want to actually see any killing in real life. Sport is the best substitute for war there is.
Seriously, what the hell? There shouldn't be war and there shouldn't be substitutes for war.

Hell, sports will probably lead to war.

Re: Nerds? I don't THINK SO!

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 1:38 am
by blackdog4444
Yea, if they lead to riots come loss or victory, then I can not imagine what a loss in the supposed "game/face-off" of the century would bring.
Popcorn, bullet-proof vests, and guns anyone?

Re: Nerds? I don't THINK SO!

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 2:47 am
by Earl
Skul wrote:
Deep down most of us want to hear about a war story, but don't want to actually see any killing in real life. Sport is the best substitute for war there is.
Seriously, what the hell? There shouldn't be war and there shouldn't be substitutes for war.

Hell, sports will probably lead to war.
In 1971 there actually was such a war between Honduras and Guatemala over the outcome of a soccer game.

Re: Nerds? I don't THINK SO!

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 6:22 pm
by sparkle
¡Viva, fútbol de guatemalteco! :roll: White boys don't have nothing on Hispanic men in that department. :mrgreen: In honesty, I don't think white guys get the extreme way Hispanics are about that, especially in the working class. I have a friend who thinks he is going to a match in Brazil. It's not fun. Just dangerous.

Re: Nerds? I don't THINK SO!

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 3:36 pm
by SmartSportsPerson
In 1971 there actually was such a war between Honduras and Guatemala over the outcome of a soccer game.
Even I have to admit that is a little extreme. I mean, I'm sure anyone would laugh nowadays if two countries went to war over their team losing a game. I can understand the fans going mad but war is just... pretty stupid over some game. Perhaps if you raised more points like this instead of "Oh football is stupid! It's just a bunch of sweaty ape-men in tights running around!" then you'd have a more solid argument against the excessive fuss over sports.

Re: Nerds? I don't THINK SO!

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 4:02 am
by irishhighlander
Wow it is amazing how a thread can really go off target.
I suppose I'm a nerd. I wear glasses, plaid shirts, hate sports, am into intellectual stuff, but I don't believe I am one.

Re: Nerds? I don't THINK SO!

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:06 am
by recovering_fan
Honestly, I'm a little sick of the stupid word. There's so much doubt that hovers around it. Sometimes it is used as a slur that equates to homosexuality or effeminacy ... for no particularly good reason. At other times, it behaves like a reclaimed word and equates to scholastic aptitude or handiness at computer assembly. Between the various uses, it groups together a ton of people who have nothing in common with each other.

Here is the definition from "":

â?? â??/nÉ?rd/ Show Spelled[nurd] Show IPA
â??noun Slang .
a stupid, irritating, ineffectual, or unattractive person.
an intelligent but single-minded person obsessed with a nonsocial hobby or pursuit: a computer nerd.

Now here's how the idiot bullies of the world use this word against intellectuals: they look at a whole bunch of brilliant individuals like ourselves with eclectic interests who have no real interest in what the rest of the conformist herd enjoy, and they identify us as nerds based on Definition #2. Then, when jealousy over the fact that our lives are more complicated and interesting than theirs overwhelms them, they ridicule us as the "nerds" of Defintion #1. It is the coexistence of the two definitions that dooms "an intelligent but single-minded person" to the reputation of being "stupid, irritating, ineffectual, or unattractive."


Re: Nerds? I don't THINK SO!

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 4:04 pm
by HugeFanOfBadReligion
I actually take pride in being a nerd. I am a self proclaimed nerd. To me, the term defines a person who has an interest in academia that is greater than most people's interest in it. I don't view it as a negative term.

Here's an interesting video on the subject:

Re: Nerds? I don't THINK SO!

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:34 pm
by recovering_fan

...and you are right to do so, as I see it. You are using Definition #2, and that's fine. :)

I think everyone should be forced to use the term "nerd" in the way suggested by Definition #2, and they should be prohibited from using it as suggested by Definition #1. Definition #2 should appear first in the dictionary and be classified as "proper English", while Definition #1 should appear after it and be classified as "archaic" and "derogatory". I don't agree with policing language in general, but there are exceptions. :)

(For someone reading just this post, the definitions I'm talking about refer to the term "nerd" and can be found by scrolling two posts up from here, or by following this link: ... 418#p20418 )

Re: Nerds? I don't THINK SO!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:12 pm
by i_like_1981
Well, to these stupid jocks and bullies who seem to dominate every school environment, anyone who is clever enough to not involve themselves with their idiotic, brain-dead gang of thugs is deserving of harassment and even violence. You can tell by the way a person uses the word "nerd" whether it has a complimentary or offensive intent. Many schoolkids today are just morons who would make a keen interest in areas which require intelligence and understanding to appreciate seem like a bad thing, whereas throwing around balls, acting like idiots at parties and constantly trying to affirm a "badass" status is something admirable. The word "nerd" is definitely not an offensive term, but when it's used by dumbasses against people who aren't dumbasses, it gains an offensive intent, because dumbasses can't understand the fact that some people enjoy using their brains outside of school lessons (and inside, for that matter).

Best regards,