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Fat Man
The Fat Man Judgeth
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Post by Fat Man »

Here are some YouTube videos that are made by one who goes by the user name of th3w01fv2.

You never see his real face. It a computer generated talking mask with an electronic robotic sounding voice.

It's kind of creepy, but you really should listen to what he has to say, because he knows what he's talknig about.

Perhaps he knows "too much" and must conceal his face and true identity for his own safety.

Of course, I'm merely speculating.

But I hope you enjoy these very interesting (yet kind of creepy) videos as much as I have.

Venomfangx - What church pushed him?

th3w01fv2 | January 12, 2010

Fellow youtubers,

While many of us look at Shawn's behavior and concentrate on what is a psychological issue, there is something that has been gnawing at me.

Something that we should ask ourselves. What church has pushed him over the edge?

For you see, A man doesn't wake up one morning and say "I will throw away 400 years of scientific discoveries" and become a creationist and more importantly one who gets snagged in false DMCA's and the law.

No, Shawn had a little bit of help I am afraid.

I will voice this clearly however before we get into this. I am NOT an expert in the field of psychology. However, my own experiences in the past with various religious groups does tell me that we are dealing with what is known to some as "cult behavior".

And if that is the case, then Shawn is indeed not just a problem, but a symptom of a much larger problem.

We are dealing with an Abusive Church. Only a religious group that systematically targets the naive can create an individual that will disregard the law and other human beings as they think they have some divine right.

The bottom line? For every religious nut, there is a church behind it. The question remains, what church was responsible for this?

VenomfangX the Church-bum!

th3w01fv2 | April 01, 2009

Venomfangx, again you show your inability to cope with the modern world with your attitude towards the workplace.

The truth is, you fail at understanding a basic principle. That principle is that you do not have the workplace adapt to you, YOU adapt yourself to the workplace. I know the reason why you got fired from that video store. It's not because you showed Ben Stein's bullshit fest that dares to call itself a documentary, it's more the fact that you probably shoved your religious bullshit in everyone's face.

A little something for you to consider, unless you work in a Christian bookstore, you don't talk religion in the workplace, you're there to work. Don't be an asshole about it, and you won't get fired!!

And now, you want to say "fuck the rat race" by becoming a full time snake-oil salesman. Let me tell you something, you man-child, I predicted this in a previous video
( )
that you would have a hard time getting ahead in life with your
attitude, and so far you've proven me to be right!!

If you keep this up, all you will ever amount to, is being nothing more but a church-bum!! I predict that if you keep this shit up, by the time you are 40 years old, the only thing that will have changed, is the world around you, and the only way you will be able to do a living, is by pan-handling money from people on Sunday.

As for the suckers who are giving away money to this twit, if you are going to give money away like that, I got some real-estate in Florida I can sell you...

The truth isn't pretty, and I will show you the ugly.

VenomfangX? Dishonest little fuck.

th3w01fv2 | September 22, 2008

Your apology is so cheap, that not even a dollar store would carry it!! is a big joke.

th3w01fv2 | January 10, 2009

Venom fang X, you have now a web site where you will host your narcissistic descent into your psychological nightmare that you call a life.

I need to warn people about what that entails.

The first issue I have with this, is the fact that since you have so many critics on Youtube and you're trying to save what's left of your face, you are trying to change the terrain.

That means, your site, is nothing more a way to gain more control over what is said. The thing is, on Youtube, you got a taste of what happens when you use underhand tactics. You got a taste of legal retribution because neither Atheist or Christians have control of Youtube. it's impartial.

On your site, If you have any critics, and judging by your past reactions, you will use the civility that you want to keep as an excuse to ban and stifle all opposition.

Make no mistake folks. On his site, while he claims to have Atheist moderators, that means nothing. He has sovereignty over the site, and that regardless of their presence, he control his little dominion. The use of Atheist moderators, is merely a Public Relations tactic.

And I am sure if the Atheist moderators were to question him, they will suffer the same fate as anyone who questions the will of Shawn. They are merely token atheists and that is all.

Nope, let's face it fellow youtubers this site of his, is merely a way for him to cling onto the fantasy world he's cooked up for himself. You partake in his site, that makes you part of that problem he's got. You are just feeding the beast so to speak.

The solution to force Venom fang X on Youtube, on terrain where he doesn't exert any control. This will force him to face reality. And that reality, is the fact he's the king of nothing.

VenomFangX is butt-hurt? Too Bad.

th3w01fv2 | February 04, 2009

O.K. Enough of this emo shit.

Venom fang X, your latest video shows that you just are just a whiney little bitch who thinks he can dish it out, but sure as shit can't take it.

For fuck's sakes, you come on you tube and you start getting all self-righteous and now you wonder why you are hated?

Quit playing the victim here, I swear a little more, we'd hear Chris Cocker tell us to leave you alone! You're pathetic Shawn. Just when you think you can't possibly go any lower, you sink to a new fucking low.

You start out as this delusional creationist whack job, and then to this DMCA abusing prick, to having a website for e-begging and now a emotional basket case. I mean Shawn, really, who the fuck are you kidding?

Love? You LOVE us? Yeah right, that and monkeys come flying out of my ass. The only thing you are doing by crying like a schoolgirl on youtube is showing us that your balls haven't dropped yet and that you need to manipulate people by using emotional appeals.

You say that we hate you? You are the one who hates himself. You put yourself in a situation where everyone can pity you. You're not fooling anyone except yourself.

Why I believe that VFX wasn't threatened.

th3w01fv2 | May 09, 2009

Well all know now that VenomFangX is off youtube. However some claim it was done because of death threats.

I believe it is a lie. Here are my reason to believe this: No news of it. None. Nada. If Muslims had been threatening a business owner, it would have created such a stink that many local news would have picked it up.

So far, I have scoured the newspapers in the Greater Toronto Area and found nothing. The same can be said of Local T.V. stations.

Think of how many times you hear of such things and how it bursts into mainstream media and that because of the police requesting for information. So why are there no news?

Because it never happened.

What I believe happened is that VenomfangX has been caught and the whole "Muslim death threats" is a way to cover up the idea that yes, the "Atheists were right". It's all about saving face. Guys like Jezuzfreak and others who support VFX are just trying to turn him into a martyr as to distract us from the fact that, yes, there was justice and that the Atheists did win this round and that we won by playing by the book.

His parents shut down his site. That we know. The whole Muslim Death Threat business, for all we know, is phony. Let us not be distracted by their wild claims that have not been substantiated.

List of newspapers in the Greater Toronto Area: ... ewspapers/

Toronto TV stations:

That votebot saga...

th3w01fv2 | March 29, 2009

I have recently heard of the latest news from the vote-bots saga. This is irritating. Small channels are being targeted, due to the notion that they wouldn't say anything if they got hit.

Of course, those behind these attacks are not too swift. They forget that youtube is a component of the social web and the social web is quite responsive to childish attacks.

Also, I will point out that those who are behind these attacks, are setting themselves up for a world of hurt. After all they are abusing their privileges in a way that is criminal.

Oh and if the one causing these vote-bots is watching this video, make no mistake. You can be traced and you can be found. Each vote from your vote-bot, leaves an entry in the server's logs. It points to the accounts that you made, and these accounts in turn can be traced to your ip and these ips can in some cases, lead to the ones behind this.

So I am confident that when the people in youtube's IT departement gets tired of these vote-bots, they will do something about it and they will shut the ones responsible down.

In the meantime, make plenty of videos and if you find out who it is behind this, please, point the authorities in the right direction.

Concerning PredatorCTRL

th3w01fv2 | March 24, 2009

This video is not aimed directly to the user known as PredatorCTRL but at those who have to deal with him on their videos and the videos of others.

I will say this loud and clear. DO NOT ENGAGE. He is using a form of evangelism known as "Confrontational Evangelism".

To get a clearer idea of his modus operandi, consult the Encyclopedia Dramatica entry on Trolls and Chronic Troll Syndrome.

Such tactics are used by the opposition as a distraction device, as to disrupt any form of actual discussion. I cannot stress it enough, do not engage PredatorCTRL, merely ignore him and if need be, ban him from your channels.

This is not an assault on his free speech. This is removing unwanted spam.

One word can only be used in his case. That word is "KILLFILE"


th3w01fv2 | March 22, 2009

On a rare occasion, there will be a Christian who actually OPPOSES Way of the master.

Their reasons will differ from Atheists, that goes without saying, but we shouldn't deny them a voice at all.

If there are dissidents among their ranks, we should encourage it. It is refreshing to see those who still can think for themselves instead of gobbling down the crap that Ray Comfort has written.

And so I wish to point out the channel of the user known as muddmonkeys777. His hilarious videos critique way of the master from an angle I had not really approached, mostly due to the fact that I am an Atheist and he is a Christian.

And his attacks on the questionable motives of way of the master make his channel worth supporting. I highly recommend the "Soldiers for Christ" video as it uses clips from the movie "full metal jacket".

So to you muddmonkeys777, I say good show, and keep up the good work.


So, even though th3w01fv2 is and atheist, he supports muddmonkeys777, a Christian, because he has not been brainwashed by the extreme Fundamentalists like Ray Comfort and his phony Way Of The Master. It's good to know that there are some Christians who can still think for themselves.

Yes, sometimes both atheists AND Christians can agree on some matters.

Praising the shoe tosser!!

th3w01fv2 | December 15, 2008

This video is dedicated to praising the action of Muntadar al-Zeidi, who did today what many of us all wished we could do.

This individual who tossed not one but two shoes at the most powerful imbecile on the planet. Causing people to rejoice not only in the middle-east, but also across the world who think that George W. Bush, is nothing more but a certifiable jack-ass who actually deserved to get a size ten shoe bouncing off his skull.

And while it is considered the greatest insult in the middle east to have shoes thrown at you, across the planet, this insult, this defiance, perhaps has all united us for a brief instant, into realizing that the war in Iraq, was perhaps one of the greatest military blunders in American history.

Muntadar al-Zeidi, I hope you are well, and know that this Canadian, salutes your gesture! I hope they do not prosecute you. Seven years for insulting a head of state is not freedom. It's ridiculous.

Why I don't debate Evangelicals

th3w01fv2 | December 13, 2008

Why I don't debate with Evangelists.

Many Born again Christians are offended at the idea of me not wanting to debate. And many others who are fellow atheists wonder why I wouldn't even bother to engage them, to crush them with facts and figures.

I have three reasons and here they are.

Reason number 1 is that the arguments that they bring, have been debunked to death. The dead horses that are their thoughts and words, has been so beaten, that to add myself to such a pointless task would undermine my position. That position is that I do not believe and that's that.

Reason number 2 is that evangelicals have been trained to use what would seem as a intelligent argument as a Trojan horse for evangelism. I have been sensitized to such strategies, and refuse to be used as an instrument as such. You arguing with them is WHAT THEY WANT BECAUSE IT SERVES THEM!!

Reason number 3 Is that I don't owe them a thing. They think they have this divine right to obtain any information or to push any information on me. Such concept is akin to a pushy salesmen trying to sell me a car with square wheels. You wouldn't consider a salesman's pitch for a car with square wheels, and why would anyone bother with someone using just as ridiculous a claim?

Ray Comfort is in it for the money REMADE!!

th3w01fv2 | March 30, 2008

I had to remake this, it was not up to par.

Alright Some people have been accusing me of being a liar when it comes to Ray Comfort being only into the pastoring to make money.

Here are the links that helped provide some of the evidence to my claims.

Here's the site where I found out how much rent LWM pays for their office: ... t006a00001

The truth isn't pretty, I have shown you the ugly.

Creationism as pseudo-history

th3w01fv2 | November 24, 2008

READ: Creationism as pseudo-history.

Over the course of the past few years, we have noticed that creationism has been pushed as pseudo-science, but few people consider it's danger as pseudo-history.

You see history of any kind defines a people, gives them an origin. It is the study of the past, focused on human activity and leading up to the present day. More precisely, history is the continuous, systematic narrative and research of past events as relating to the human race.

For people like the creationist, people who have history and more importantly links to a past in which Christianity wasn't in charge, is rather inconvenient, as it raises many questions about the past and the true origins of man.

According to scientists, our humble beginnings as homo sapien, started around 200,000 BP in the Paleolithic era. According to the creationist who believes that the earth is only 6,000 years old, it's claim denies the history of thousands of cultures that came and went, for example, England's beaker people, or even the migrations of the First People from Asia to the new world.

It denies the Greeks and Roman empire, the Aztec, the Incas, the Hindu culture and Chinese cultures. It denies many people their history and what shaped them as a race, a creed right down to the individual.

You really want to stop someone in their tracks, you deny them their identity as a Human being. And that starts back in denying them their cultural identity. Why do you think dying cultures on this planet fight tooth and nail to preserve their roots?

It shapes them, it defines them, and makes them who they are. History takes a great part in it.

And so, for the Evangelical movement, known for their aggressive proselytizing, part of their success is by denying the identity of a person and slowly attempting to replace it with the Evangelical Christian world-view.

And Creationism, is a nice way to do it. Only acknowledge the Judeo-Christian pantheon and "history". Bring the "Scientific" evidence, in a Orwellian Ingsoc fashion, rewriting history when needed or denying past transgressions in the course of history (crusades anyone?) as "True Christians do not do that" (another convenient form of historical revisionism).

Such revisions are meant to make it seem that they are indeed "Good people", while encouraging the evangelical double-think, loving thy neighbor while hating their differences, claiming the truth all the while they lie consistently in order to maintain the existence of a myth, and claiming to serve a prince of peace, while getting in conflict with right about anyone who's not one of their own.

Canada to be hit with Creationist GARBAGE!!

th3w01fv2 | September 20, 2009

Ray comfort, being non-content of just hitting 50 universities in the United States, decided to hit also 50 more.

I have found 21 of these other 50 universities. They are Canadian universities. How I found out about it, is by looking up the Canadian branch of Living Waters Ministries.

And of course, being the idiots that they are, they left the list in plain view for everyone to see. Even with a date of release, November 24th.

Mind you, here in Canada, with the quality of our education, it is laughable to think that Mr.Comfort will actually be stupid enough to try to push his doctored version of Charles Darwin's origins of the species on the unsuspecting Canadian student.

While he is getting support in the United States for this endeavor of lies, In Canada, we know for sure that the numbers of evangelicals who actually support his lies, are pretty slim.

Still, just to be on the safe side, I offer links to the respective universities. We pay taxes for our universities and we should not tolerate idiots trying to undermine our educational system. If you go to ANY of these universities, please warn your local student council of this disgusting attempt at undermining science.

Ottawa University -
Carleton University -
Queen's University -
University of Toronto -
York University -
McMaster University -
Guelph University -
Brock University -
U of Western Ontario -
Concordia University -
McGill University -
U of New Brunswick -
Memorial U of Newfoundland -
Dalhousie University -
University of Manitoba -
U of Saskatchewan -
University of Alberta -
University of Calgary -
Simon Fraser University -
U of British Columbia -
University of Victoria -

The cowardice of pastor Mike.

th3w01fv2 | June 16, 2009

The cowardice of Pastor Mike.

Just recently, Pastor mike has deleted four of his recent videos. Two of them dealt with his views on the killing of medical personnel, justified by his religious ideology. The other two, he deleted due to the heat that was pressed on by the attention he got.

Pastor mike, don't you dare think you are getting away with this blatant act of cowardice unscathed. Youtube has some rules of engagement that you're obviously not aware.

One of them, is that if you run like you did, you lose face utterly. Especially when I know that you have a second account, where you have the same video "The Death of George Tiller".

That account's name is kryptologos. What's the matter? Did you honestly think that people wouldn't notice?

Here's the location:

compare to his other channel:

In that other account of yours, we see other videos of pastor mike's with the same pattern of behavior. Posting the outrageous, and denying critics a chance to respond.

And so, I will point out where that video is. Oh, and before you get the urge to get smug and thank me for promoting your sorry ass, consider that there is a right kind of attention, and there is a wrong kind of attention.

And take a wild guess what your recent actions have taken you?

Report this creep to the authorities!!

th3w01fv2 | June 07, 2009

Pastor Mike Michael Salman, is a creep. This man, who is located in Phoenix Arizona, advocates the killing of medical personnel. I will thank user eimajuno for making a video on that piece of shit.

This pastor, is a threat to public safety. Just like the pastor that poisoned Paul hill's mind, and had him kill medical personnel, this pastor, may screw enough minds up to, unfortunately, cause more attacks on women's clinics. If you don't know who Paul Hill is, look him up on wiki. You will find it VERY EDUCATIONAL!!

If Pastor mike was a loner, He wouldn't be much of a threat, but as a pastor, there is potential for a small terrorist cell, much like the Army of God years ago.

I will link you to the offending video and I will provide links to the Phoenix Police department and the local office of the FBI.

The Creep's video:


Just to educate yourselves:

Local law enforcement:

Honor killing is just glamorized domestic violence.

th3w01fv2 | July 24, 2009

I am just infuriated at this event happening in my back-yard. The recent killing of innocent women in Kingston, done by Afghani immigrants shows that it is high time that we all speak out against honor killings.

For those not to familiar with honor killings, it is a misogynistic practice that involves the killing of young women who have in some respect disrespected the family. And of course, for religious motives.

Mohammad Shafia, you disgraceful dog. You have no shadow. You have no countenance, you have no human emotions, your worth is less than pig shit!

Honor? You know NOTHING OF HONOR YOU INFANTICIDAL SWINE!! Honor killings are just domestic violence that is glamorized by a culture that has obviously oppressed women for far too long.

How many times was this clown reported to Child protective services? Too many times. They did their best and after this event, they will be twice as vicious as before. Good going.

I hope the judge who will try these scumbags is a woman. May they rot in our Canadian judicial system. I hope they end up in Kingston's maximum security and that word gets spread among the general population about what they have done.

A fitting end to those responsible for that heinous act.

OK, I will eventually be adding more of these (somewhat creepy) but very honest and truthful videos by th3w01fv2 as time goes by.

In the meantime, enjoy!!!
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
Heah comes da judge! Heah comes da judge! Order in da court 'cuz heah comes da judge!

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