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Re: Female Athletes

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:20 am
by Jerry McGuire
Fat Man wrote:
Jerry McGuire wrote:
Fat Man wrote: But jocks get away with it. Jocks go unpunished.
As do actors and actresses, musicians, CEOs, even politicians.
Yeah, I guess any rich bitch or son-of-a-rich-bitch can just about get away with murder!

Liberty and justice for those who can afford to pay for it!
*cough cough* OJ Simpson *cough cough*

It's a sad state of affairs, but yes, it's true. Probably due to our idolizing nature. An average joe is severely punished for a crime, while someone who entertains is simply slapped on the wrist.

Re: Female Athletes

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:27 am
by Fat Man
Jerry McGuire wrote:*cough cough* OJ Simpson *cough cough*

It's a sad state of affairs, but yes, it's true. Probably due to our idolizing nature. An average joe is severely punished for a crime, while someone who entertains is simply slapped on the wrist.
More like . . . . . *gag barf puke* OJ Simpson *gag barf puke* with a bad case of diarrhea to boot!!!

Not to mention, severe abdominal cramps, botulism, a brain hemorrhage, a stroke, and a heart attack!

Yeah! I think that just about covers it!

Anyone is welcome to add more symptoms if they please.

Re: Female Athletes

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:39 pm
by The Imperialist
Spontaneous combustion of the body.

Re: Female Athletes

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:22 am
by Fat Man
The Imperialist wrote:Spontaneous combustion of the body.
Yeah! That's the kicker right there!

That finishes it!


Anybody ever read 1984 by George Orwell?

Re: Female Athletes

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:32 pm
by i_like_1981
Fat Man wrote:HEY! THIS IS MY POST # 1984!

Anybody ever read 1984 by George Orwell?
Yes, several times. Probably my favourite book. And once again, congratulations on getting into the 1980s post range. I sure can't wait until I'm there, but I've got a lot to post yet until I get there! The more members this forum gets, the quicker I will be able to reach my favourite decade in post count!

Unlike most other stories I've read and enjoyed, 1984 was one I desperately did not want to come true and was grateful that I wasn't a character in that book! I can only hope that this book does not become an accurate prediction of an unpleasant future, and I fear that's the way we're going - with the technology nowadays, it's hard to do anything that can't be traced back to you in some way. The name of the game is keeping it out of the wrong hands.

Best regards,

Re: Female Athletes

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:19 pm
by The Imperialist
The antithesis of 1984 will be A Brave New World by Huxley. And that is probably the only world which I will despise more than 1984.

Re: Female Athletes

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:18 pm
by Ex fan
I can relate to these stories about sportsmen getting preferential treatment at school. Two people decided to skip school when I was in the third form- one was on the rugby team, another a punk rock type who had little interest in sport. Guess what, the rugby player only got one detention( corporal punishment had just been phased out then), the punk got ten and a letter sent home. Also this rugby guy was thick in with the housemaster, who often overlooked his aggressive behaviour, and when I was attacked by him once for nothing, the housemaster shrugged it off and said he didn't believe me. Mind you, saying that, rugby boy did apologise and realised he was getting out of control and calmed down in his last year at school- apparently his father was a rugby nut and forced it on to his son.

Re: Female Athletes

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:22 pm
by i_like_1981
Getting back to the original subject of the topic, this is probably the reason why I have less contempt for female athletes than I do for male athletes, the jocks. I never constantly have to hear about females in sports receiving preferential treatment in the media. Yes, the professional players' wives are often mentioned in the news for doing nothing but it's only because everyone seems to be so eager to kiss the feet of their exceedingly wealthy jock husbands why they should be included in there as well. Bottom line is, there isn't that general stereotype of brutality and boorish behaviour among female sports players than there is among males, and although some of the girls the jocks go out with can be bullies as well, I never heard about any female athletes going round beating up other less-athletic girls in my school or getting involved in criminal acts. It's a thuggish gene that exists in us males; it makes some of us feel the constant need to assert superiority by means of brute force. I'm sure there are some women out there who are similarly violent but it's definitely a more common trait in blokes. Particularly those who participate in rough contact sports. Needless to say, the stories of male athletes going round terrorising their less-athletic ilk are far more easier to come across than those of females doing that sort of stuff.

Best regards,