Good evening guys!

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Good evening guys!

Post by Andy »

Hey guys,
Earl emailed me today and I decided to stop by and say hello and give my best. This last semester was a busy one, full of ups and downs but everything works out in the end. I am not going to tell you about football, as I know that is the opposite of what you want to hear. Hell I'm sure a few don't wish to hear from me at all. I just thought I would give an update. My girlfriend and I broke up at the beginning of the semester when she continuously lied to me. It hurt me pretty good and I was depressed for a while before my friends lifted me up and brought my spirits back up. I finished out the semester strong academically, struggling in some areas but excelling in others. I am actually sad to be back in my home town now as I miss my "family" back at college. I am working for my dad as well as doing some work for the bicycle organization I explained in my earlier posts. I leave somewhere around July 7th to head to Africa for three weeks and I'm very excited.

Enough of me, how are you guys? I was informed about the 4chan issue that went down here and I'm sorry that it happened, no one deserves to be treated like that. Other than that I hope all of you guys are doing well and the website thriving.

Take care,

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Re: Good evening guys!

Post by Earl »

Welcome back, Andy! I must say that I was quite surprised (in the positive sense of the word) when I saw that you had posted again. Amazed, actually. After what happened in January, I would not have blamed you if you had chosen to never post in this forum again.

Iâ??m very sorry to hear about your girlfriend. I hope you will find a new girlfriend soon. Since my wife was my first and only steady girlfriend, I never had that experience. But I did have the experience of losing my best friend, who became a jerk and a coward and was even jealous of me (which is ridiculous since we all have problems). Sometimes someone who is particularly close turns out to be a bitter disappointment. A common experience that most of us share. Iâ??m glad you got your spirits up. Friends can be very helpful in that regard.

Congratulations on how well youâ??re doing academically. I know you work hard. I realize that you have had a heavy schedule at Montana State. Keep up the good work.

Before the /sp/artan troll raid :roll: , I had never even heard of 4chan. Of course, thatâ??s because Iâ??m an old fogy (well, not too old) who doesnâ??t keep up with anything. Now I know more about 4chan than I ever cared to know. I know the true meaning of the word â??pest.â? We did get a little bit paranoid, but it did have its humorous aspects occasionally. Well, I must say only occasionally.

Andy, I have to ask you this question: Do the Montana Bobcats ever play the University of Sioux Falls? The reason I ask is because I have strong reason to believe that the notorious Samdaman :x , the well-known arch nemesis of this website whose cutting rhetoric is unsurpassed, will be a freshman at that university as a member of their football team. You possibly could be encountering this personage on the gridiron someday. I actually find this to be rather amusing and quite humorous. Nah, I certainly donâ??t hate the kid. Seriously, I hope no one gets hurt. That goes without saying.

Iâ??ve really gotten into bodybuilding, and Iâ??ve even encouraged I_like_1981 to start working out at a local gym.

Please keep us posted about your preparations for your journey to Africa. In the summer of 1968 (ancient history, I know) when I was still in high school, I participated in a voluntary charitable organization that provided free shots in rural villages in Honduras and Guatemala where medical facilities were absent. I know what you have to do before you can visit â??Third Worldâ? countries. I assume youâ??ve already received those wonderfully painful shots. A year later I could still feel the sensation of my gamma globulin injection in my rear from time to time. I kid you not.

Thanks for the friendly message. Best wishes to you for the future.
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Re: Good evening guys!

Post by HugeFanOfBadReligion »

Hello Andy. I wasn't around when you first joined this site, however I did read through the topic you started. I was a bit disappointed at the end result of the conversation and how some people viewed you as one of the brainless jocks. I definitely respect your charitable work, and I encourage you to carry on with it. Good luck with your career whether it is an academic or athletic career.
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Re: Good evening guys!

Post by Agent 47 »

Hi Andy. You mentioned you are leaving for Africa around the 7th of July for the bicycle thing. But I have been wondering if you have already been O.S. elsewhere doing that?

It's just that there was one of those 'feel good' pieces at the end of the TV news here on the 25th of March 2010, that said that Dan ****** , (I won't mention last name), and BROTHER, were delivering bikes to Cambodian orphans, and I have just been wondering if you were the brother mentioned?

Do you have a brother called Dan? Was that you in Cambodia, in March?

Hey, it's no biggie. I've just been wondering, that's all.

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Re: Good evening guys!

Post by sparkle »

Hi, Andy. I'm sorry to hear about your break-up, but it is probably easier to get through university that way. You'll find another. :D
* I always had hopes of being a big star. But as you get older, you aim a little lower. Everybody wants to make an impression, some mark upon the world. Then you think, you've made a mark on the world if you just get through it, and a few people remember your name. Then you've left a mark. You don't have to bend the whole world. I think it's better to just enjoy it. Pay your dues, and just enjoy it. If you shoot an arrow and it goes real high, hooray for you.*
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Re: Good evening guys!

Post by Andy »

Thank you for all the kind words, I am actually surprised, yet thankful, to receive such a warm welcome back.

Earl, We do not play USF as they are about two divisions below us in NAIA, while I play Division 1 NCAA football, which is the division that is always one tv. I find it interesting that Samdaman is going to USF seeing as how thats a private religious college, and an arrogant person doesn't seem to fit with a college like that. I guess we do live in a world of hypocrisy. I'm glad to hear you are still going strong with your workouts and I wish you the best of luck in the future! Luckily I'm not afraid of needles because I do know what you are talking about with the constant shots in preparation.

Interesting coincidence, my father's name is Dan and he leads the way in this project. However, it is not the same person, we are going to Namibia and are working on sending more bikes to Uganda here soon! There are many chapters of our organization, Bicycles for Humanity, and each chapter goes to different portions of Africa.

Thank you to the rest of you for all of your well wishes, and I wish all of you the best as well. Hopefully I can still stop by from time to time now that it is summer.

Best wishes,
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Re: Good evening guys!

Post by greencom »

It's really nice to hear from you again.
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Re: Good evening guys!

Post by i_like_1981 »

Hello there Andy. It has been a while since you were last here. Back when you signed up for the website I had not registered for an account and my involvement with the site was the odd haunting of the Guestbook. Still, I have to say, it was good of you to try your hardest in reasoning with some rather fierce opposition on here. I played a part in your unfair treatment with my Guestbook comment slandering you and your gridiron palace forums so I'm sorry about that. However, the message I put on the Gridiron Palace was directed towards a certain other poster on that thread who had come and left a harassing message on our Letters section last year, so I felt the need to return and even things out with him. (The poster I speak of is CincisUKFan who attacked our website under the name of "Harold".) Yet you took my comment as an insult to you and the entire site and I don't quite understand how you could have insinuated that with my post very clearly addressed to a certain user. Still, I'm sorry if I appeared unreasonable and aggressive then. Since posting on the forums I have come to realise the difference a lot clearer between the good and the bad critics of this website. I was one of the 4channers' main targets during their raid on this website and from perusing their threads on 4chan about our website, I was pretty appalled at how they would patronise and demean any honest efforts from our forum for rational debate. They were the lowest form of opponents we could ever have had. Most of them weren't even honest in what they said. They just wanted to cause damage, waste time and get a laugh out of their deception. That whole experience and the trash we had to deal with on here has encouraged me to appreciate our more civil and honest critics, like yourself, as at least we'll have chance to have a decent discussion where we can both arrive at an understanding. What is the point in talking with spammers? All they want to do is irritate people. So, it is good to see you back. Let's try and put what happened back then behind us and start again. I now understand the importance of distinguishing between the decent and just obnoxious critics.

It's also good to hear about the charitable work you're going to be doing in Africa. Very thoughtful and open-minded of you; I'm sure a lot of people out there would be impressed by that. Sadly many people nowadays don't think of the less fortunate of this earth; they're only interested in their own personal gain. I regularly give to charity whenever I see collections on streets but what you're doing is on a completely different level and I wish you best of luck with it. Bad mistake I made, stereotyping you. You're probably a lot more thoughtful and generous than many other jocks in your area. With so many giving the "jock" group a bad name it is good to know at least one person who is doing all he can to prove that wrong. So, best of luck with your charitable efforts and I'm sure it will be a very beneficial experience for you. As for your girlfriend, I wouldn't be able to give any advice with that. I'm 29 on Saturday and I've only had one girlfriend in my life, who left me because she did not feel the motivation to enter into something more serious with a slightly, erm, "different" character like myself who is quite passionate about the past. I did love her but alas, if she did not want to make our relationship a life-long one then I have to respect that fact and just move on. To force her to stay with me would have opened the door for further conflicts and reluctant partnership. Since then, I have not entered into serious relationships anymore and that ended nearly a decade ago. I have tried a few times, asking women out or offering a drink as a symbol of goodwill, but I think I am hindered by my real-life appearance or the fact that the women I talk to may be a bit on the shallow or vacuous side. I wouldn't be the best person to turn to for advice but I'm damn sure you'll find another girlfriend. I'm certain that the girls love not only a top sports player but one who is also a charity worker. You've got far more of a chance than I have. :D

Anyways, that seems to be somewhat of a long post I've done there. Still, we did have our disagreements back in January so I thought it was good to even them out and try to move on. The best way of doing so was always to write a long post! I have drawn a lot of bad attention from the 4channers because of my tendency to produce extremely long posts in response to meaningless troll messages (go and check the "I hate all of you" thread - the abusive poster "john" was only just some blocks of text and pictures copied from another website with the odd word changed here and now to make it seem more relevant to the discussion, yet I was fully convinced he was real and produced some hugely long and emotional responses in a hope of forcing him into a difficult place - obviously my efforts only resulted in my own shaming, so I shouldn't have bothered). But I'm sure you appreciate the need to be verbose in posting sometimes, Andy. When there's a lot of stuff to be said then it needs to be explained fully to further solidify your own position. Single-sentence posts will not cut the cheese all of the time. So, it was nice talking to you. All the best with your plans in life and I'm sure you'll go very far. And sorry for stereotyping you as just being another arrogant jock - it was a bad mistake. Don't worry - now I know who deserves my reasonable side and who should either just be ignored or given a nasty response back. Yes, I do believe in nasty responses every now and again but only to people who fully deserve this. Give respect, get respect. Give abuse, get abuse. Lie to a person, they can lie to you. Be honest with them and they'll be honest with you. As I always say, an eye for an eye! I see no unfairness in going by that. So, Andy, see you again sometime.

Best regards,

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Re: Good evening guys!

Post by Earl »

Andy wrote:I find it interesting that Samdaman is going to USF seeing as how thats a private religious college, and an arrogant person doesn't seem to fit with a college like that. I guess we do live in a world of hypocrisy.
Andy, I know what you're talking about. I saw that sort of hypocrisy when I was a teenager. But even though I have not mentioned this football recruit by name, I need to avoid possibly creating a false impression of him. As I have said before, I believe that I may (actually, quite likely) have discovered Samdaman's identity; but there is still a slight possibility that I could be wrong. Thanks to a tip provided by abitagirl in one her posts last year, I followed Samdaman to, where he continued to use the same username and conveniently provided several bits of info in his profile (including his e-mail address). I'll spare the reader all the details of my detective work, which involved making a logical assumption or two and several Google searches. There are three high schools in Samdaman's home town. The rosters of two of the three high school's football teams were available online, and only one of the players had "Sam" as his first name. The roster of the remaining high school's football team was not available. There is the possibility that Samdaman could have been on that high school's football team, which would mean that my conclusion is wrong. I found a website that could have matched Samdaman's
e-mail address with his mailing address. I could have gotten this information by paying a small fee online, which I was not willing to do (for more than one reason). So, I cannot make any ironclad assumptions about this unnamed USF recruit's character. I don't want to inadvertently smear someone I don't even know. And even if he is Samdaman, the possibility exists (remote though it may be) that he could have grown up since the time he was banned from the website in 2007. After all, a lot can happen in a person's life in three years. Anyway, the detective work was fun. 8)
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Re: Good evening guys!

Post by Earl »

By the way, Andy, I'm quite impressed that you play in the division that is shown on TV. 8)
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Re: Good evening guys!

Post by i_like_1981 »

Andy wrote:I find it interesting that Samdaman is going to USF seeing as how thats a private religious college, and an arrogant person doesn't seem to fit with a college like that. I guess we do live in a world of hypocrisy.
Perhaps Earl got the wrong guy. Samdaman's posts on this website didn't exactly resemble the character of a good Christian. Or maybe he has turned over a new leaf. Maybe he has seen the light. Maybe he has stopped having rabid fits whenever he comes across people who have different opinions to him. There's no way to know, so I suppose we have to use our own brains on this.

Best regards,

Bernie Rhodes knows don't argue.
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