You people disgust me

Welcome, Mates! Post here for General Discussions on how thoroughly sports suck. In general.
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Post by Canadian_Hockey_Hater »

WOO! you go NotaFan! damn straight! :D
Sports contribute nothing to society. They are a waste of time, money, effort and TV channels! It's just a bunch of buffed up, fat headed, idiotic jocks chasing a ball around.

If cheerleading were any easier... It would be called football!
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Post by Jakehorror »

NotaFan wrote:So because we don't like sports we are gay and weak? Sorry but I just don't like sports just like a husband might not like Soap Operas. I'm tired of my husband sitting on his ass watching tv. I'm tired of the WE crap like he is part of every damn sports team. He brings it up over dinner like a wife brings up what happen to Luke and Laura on General Hospital. If you step in between him and a tv he freaks like he missed the most important play of the year!
I hate the fact that while I am watching my son play t-ball I am hoping he is not planning a future in it because I don't want him to be some money hungry player who refuses to play because he can't get $325,000 a year for playing!
It ticks me off that because I don't care for sports and you do I HAVE to be gay and weak! I am neither, I just hate F-ing sports in general. I do enjoy going to a Hockey game or a Football game once a year maybe. But why must my life be sports, why do I have to eat while listening to ESPN? I would much rather hear CNN than some damn ex-player talk to yet another ex-player about why he thinks a certain team will win. Who gives a crap! Let them play the danm game and look up the score later!
werd sistah 8)
I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I have family and co-workers who are infactuated with games. You know that look someone has in their eyes as they talk to you, like that look of superiority? That gleam of how they think you are wierd, or lower than them? Yeah well I get that look alot. I also get called a fag alot. My wife is really REALLY good at making THEM feel like dumbasses. There will NEVER be a game on in our home. Hell, the TV only gets turned on once a month because it's all crap, DVD's, now thats the way to go. Dont let the media control YOU- YOU control the media.

I have a cousin, he's 20. He was so mad last year that Notre Dame lost some big game that he smashed his room up. He and his family are catholics and he even went as far as to say he dont believe in god anymore. He cried, seriously HE CRIED for hours I heard and wouldnt leave his room. I think theres a psychological attachment to sports with some people.
I think they feel so helpless in their own life (for whatever reasons) that they can only feel good by seeing something they "believe" in win. They feel they are losing and have lost drive so they rely on a team to make them feel superior/good about themselves.

*Disclaimer: My cousin is catholic, I am athiest, he looks at me sometimes like I'm some kind of devil because I dont buy the bullshit. Man, it's sad when your own family wont be cool to you because you have a separate set of beliefs/disbeliefs*<<different topic, sorry.
Jocks are stupid. Sports suck. Deal with it.
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Post by Canadian_Hockey_Hater »

Jakehorror wrote:I have a cousin, he's 20. He was so mad last year that Notre Dame lost some big game that he smashed his room up. He and his family are catholics and he even went as far as to say he dont believe in god anymore. He cried, seriously HE CRIED for hours I heard and wouldnt leave his room. I think theres a psychological attachment to sports with some people.
I think they feel so helpless in their own life (for whatever reasons) that they can only feel good by seeing something they "believe" in win. They feel they are losing and have lost drive so they rely on a team to make them feel superior/good about themselves.

*Disclaimer: My cousin is catholic, I am athiest, he looks at me sometimes like I'm some kind of devil because I dont buy the bullshit. Man, it's sad when your own family wont be cool to you because you have a separate set of beliefs/disbeliefs*<<different topic, sorry.
wow thats pretty pathetic... he actually cryed? wow... so sad... seriously, my family gets pissed when their team losses and they throw stuff, but i've never seen them cry...

btw on the catholic thing, i get the same damn thing, i'm an atheist too and i've gotten into the habit of keeping it to myself... my really good really christian friend actually became less of my friend when she found out about my beliefs... i was like... wtf? personally i think shes kinda close minded cause she believes everything this bible says, includeing apparently one part that says the earth is only a few millions years old or something? lmao even though their is proof its over 4.3 billion... and she doesn't believe in evolution...... even though there is fossils, evidence, proof of this, she denys it, someone told me the pope even said it was true? i dunno, lol off topic but had to say it, and no offence to anyone whos religious and such, its just what i think.
Sports contribute nothing to society. They are a waste of time, money, effort and TV channels! It's just a bunch of buffed up, fat headed, idiotic jocks chasing a ball around.

If cheerleading were any easier... It would be called football!
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Post by Jakehorror »

I agree totally CHH :wink:

Isn't it funny how you find out who your friends really are? I've had similar things happen to me.
Jocks are stupid. Sports suck. Deal with it.
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Post by Agent 47 »

Hey, captain america, are you still looking for an opposing viewpoints on sport? - well here's my theory - "sport brings out the WORST of human behaviour".

Evidence for this theory can be found in the bulk of YOUR ORIGINAL POSTING on this subject.

You seem to think that loving sport gives you a license to abuse other people.
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Post by ProSportsHater »

What I have found here for the most part disgusts me and I pray to God that you are not Americans and if you are that you remain an overwhelming minority.


Because it sucks !
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Hey what's up

Post by todman »

Im american and I hate sports but I don't want my country to get nuked someday. I like playing sports and occasionally watching a high school football game or a couple of dudes beating the hell outta each other on UFC but I hate the way there's a sports "channel" and sports "bars" every where you turn. When you sit down to have a beer you have the choice of watching football,, basketball. I have friends whose whole day is ruined because "their" team didn't win. (As if they own the team) I used to be that way when I was 5. I guess they never grew up. Most pro players here are gangstas, overpayed and ungrateful. They dance in the endzone: "Look at me! I'm so great! Im so much better than you!! Im so fu*kin rich!"
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Re: Hey what's up

Post by Canadian_Hockey_Hater »

todman wrote:I have friends whose whole day is ruined because "their" team didn't win. (As if they own the team) I used to be that way when I was 5. I guess they never grew up.
I totally agree, very good point. maybe all sports fans and sports players are just 5 year olds on the inside... that would explain a lot...
Sports contribute nothing to society. They are a waste of time, money, effort and TV channels! It's just a bunch of buffed up, fat headed, idiotic jocks chasing a ball around.

If cheerleading were any easier... It would be called football!
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Re: You people disgust me

Post by techiehost »

Too bad you missed the whole point. The people that annoy me are the losers who think they accomplish something by watching "their" team play. And yell and shourt when they see both things they like and don't like happen in the game. It is retarded, I don't watch people play anything I either play it or I have no interest in it.
Mad as Hell in NC
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Re: You people disgust me

Post by Mad as Hell in NC »

[quote="Captain America"]I am a college football player and I was just writing a paper on opposing viewpoints of sports in schools.

Lets see..., Discipline and teamwork. I learned a lot about those in the United States Navy. Dedication and hard work..., I have 37 years experience as a diesel engine and AC power generation technician specializing in computer and electronic engine controls.
American..., You better believe it !!
Sports as educational tools..., Perhaps, but many of our greatest minds and leaders never threw a ball.
Teaching you to be a man..., my father, a WW2 vet, showed me all about how to be a man. (he does not like sports either)
As for the remainder of your comments..., just idiotic ranting !!
Its not the sports that I hate so much..., Its the attitudes of people like you who have taken a few too many hits in the head.

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Re: You people disgust me

Post by Meme »

My lord, what has America come to? :(
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Re: You people disgust me

Post by resolvent »

I don't know WHERE the hell to begin
annihilating your bullshit. :roll:

Paradoxically, I'll begin by being nice - by saying that I have been lucky
and that I've had almost NO run-ins with sports jocks in my life.
So, I have really no bad memories about conflicts with jocks.
Bullies - yes - in 6th and 7th grades - who may have been good at sports,
but their physical assaults had nothing to do with me being bad at sports.

By the way - for the curious - played PAL (Police Athletic League) soccer for
two years, back when I was 10 or 11. My father sneaked me into the older team league.
I was technically "too young" for that team. But, that was my last competitive sports.
In college, I was an avid swimmer and jogger. To keep myself in shape.
But, at no time did I give a damn about watching others.

Now for the annihilation: (prepare to go home crying to mama)
I always knew - floating around "out there" - in the bullshit of sports' crazies' minds -
that somehow THEIR wonderful experience of learning "skills, relationships, teamwork"
blah blah blah applies to everyone in the world.

And now the BULLSHIT comes SPEWING out of Captain Loser here.

You want to talk about GAMES? REAL PRACTICAL GAMES?!
I will ANNIHILATE you with abstract game theory - Nash equilibrium, Arrow's paradox,
cores of games, group rankings. I haven't just studied and researched other people's stuff - I COME UP WITH MY OWN MODELS! Then apply those ideas to games such as politics, conflict, war.

MY world views - far more important than my physically dragging my ass to some distant land or my jogging and swimming - have been shaped MOSTLY from the MATHEMATICAL MODELLING TRAINING I RECEIVED IN ENGINEERING CLASSES. Yes - doing the mindless monkeywork in the world IS necessary. However, there would be a LOT less of it if people did what engineers do - and what mathematicians should do, if some don't - LOGICALLY CONSISTENTLY calculate the consequences of their actions - IN PARTICULAR,

That engineering math-modelling training inspired CREATIVITY - and NOT just brainlessly parroting back OTHER people's ways of thinking. THAT has been MY experience.

But sports had NOTHING to do with ANY of this!

You tell me HOW your precious football will end FACTORY FARMING OF ANIMALS in this country (the United States)? How will it end TRILLION-DOLLAR CORPORATE WELFARE in this country? Will your precious football teach you to vote for a candidate based upon THE ONLY thing that MATTERS: what LAWS they support or oppose?! HUH?!


Will your football teamwork make you think to examine the ACTUAL voting records of political candidates, their PAC records, to see who gets money from where?

Hell - if you like NOBODY on the ballot, have you ever considered writing-in the name of the ONE person whose political views most CLOSELY match your own? YOURSELF!

Although I HIGHLY urge YOU, Captain Intolerant, not to vote for yourself - ever -
at least if you DID, it would show SOME signs of inventiveness.

Oh, sure. I SUPPOSE you could CLAIM that the exercise invigorated you and "caused"
you to think clearly, better, on homework, outside the classroom, etc. There IS some truth in that. Exercise HAS made me feel better, too, and thought clearly for a short period of time afterwards.

But that ain't the same as sports. That's got nothing to do with sports fans!
I don't have a fan base watching me exercise - and I don't need to!

But - in the end - the hard thinking - the hard creativity - getting an idea into one's head
that one had never considered before - requires mental concentration and looking into oneself for long periods of time, no matter how "ridiculous" and "time-wasting" it may seem to the stupid outside world.

To be honest - the more I learn about individual people,
the more I grow to hate them, because the more I see how stupid and inconsistent they are.
True, if x = the good things about them or their hardships they've overcome that I learn about them varies as
x= 5*t with time t
then y = their stupidities that I learn about them goes as
Well, not for ALL individuals. But, I believe others on this forum get the gist.

And yes - I AM a proud American! This spring I got to meet, in person, one of the greatest living American heroes of all time and presidential candidate. (Captain wins a stuffed toy if he can figure out who that is. Hint - I mentioned his name already in this message.)

Now PAY me million bucks, like many of those sports stars make.
*I* am the greatest thing in your life, Captain, but you're too stupid not to know it.
Not football, not your family, nor your friends, and certainly not (if you're a religionist -
I won't pre-judge you on that) your "god". *I* am. Because, unlike athletes in sports - who are there MERELY TO ENTERTAIN YOU - *I* MAKE YOU THINK!!
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Post by Agent 47 »

NotaFan wrote:Who gives a crap! Let them play the danm game and look up the score later!
Yes, yes, exactly! Watching sport is like watching paint dry - such a pointless waste of time!
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Re: You people disgust me

Post by natmanhan »

Um..defending the freedoms we take for granted? I didn't know that being in sports had anything to do with defending your country but okay. I am sure, and have already seen sports haters on here that have done more to defend this country than you ever probably will, and the freedoms you have. Apparently your not American either, you seem to come from an alternate universe where sports are everything. I could do more to refute what you said but it appears everyone else has already done a fine job of it.
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