Banning PE

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Re: Banning PE

Post by Fat Man »

Fat Man wrote: When I was in high school, I wanted to study science.

But the high school's science teacher was also the school's football coach.

During football season, he was to fucking busy coaching his team of pre-frontally lobotomized baboons to be teaching my science class!

So, instead, he set up a film projector and turned off the lights, walked out of the classroom, leaving us all to sit in the dark, watching a bunch of stupid cartoons.

I was lousy at sports. At the age of 4, I was in a car accident and my left knee was injured. So, as a kid, I walked with a limp, and I was unable to run like the other kids.

I was once suspended from school after I failed to climb a stupid rope in a gymnasium. Never mind that I was unable to climb the rope because of my crippled left knee, I was still suspended.

In the 5th grade, my teacher was really Gung Ho when it came to sports and teaching PE, and one day, while he was teaching us basketball, I mad a mistake, I can't recall what it was because I don't know jack-shit about basketball. He grabbed the basketball away from me, and punched me in the stomach with it as hard as he could, and it seem like forever before I could catch my breath again. He always liked to humiliate me in front of the other students.

Then one day, our class went to the school library, and all the other kids were allowed to check out any book they wanted. Well, I saw this one Astronomy book that I wanted to check out, and he would no allow me to have it.

When I asked him why the other kids were allowed to check out any book they wanted, and why I was not, he dragged me out into the hallway, grabbed me by the shoulders, pushed me backwards, bashing me head up against the corner of the concrete block wall.

For years afterward, during my teen ages years, I had dizzy spells and headaches. The following year, that teacher was fired, and was unable to get a teaching job anywhere else.

My mother taught me how to read and write before I started school, and by the time I was only in the 3rd grade, I was already reading at adult level. When I was 13, I scored 150 points on a standard IQ test.

You say, that in America, we are free to choose what we want to do with our lives?


I was denied a decent education in school, because all they care about was sports.

Football, and all sports is nothing but Fascism, pure and simple!

Where is my freedom???

I certainly didn't have to freedom to choose what I wanted to do with my life!

Now, tell me another fairy tale!!!
Detroitsportsfan08 wrote: You should let go of some of your anger. All of your posts are just long drawn out rants about essentially nothing. One isolated situation doesn't mean anything.
Fat Man wrote: NOTHING??? Did you say NOTHING???

Getting my head bashed against a concrete block wall! You call that NOTHING???

After that, I had dizzy spells and headaches during my teen age years, and it was to due a severe concussion. I could have easily died from it, mother-fucker!!!

Getting punched in the stomach with a basketball! You call the NOTHING???

Getting suspended because I failed to climb a rope in a gymnasium! You call the NOTHING???

Being denied a decent education! You call the NOTHING???

It wasn't just one isolated incident, but an ongoing menagerie of zoo tramps posing as teachers!


How would you like to come to where I live so I can give you NOTHING across the teeth with my cane! You will be sucking NOTHING but mush through a straw for the rest of you life!

And you can take that to the fucking bank!
Detroitsportsfan08 wrote:
since im young and athletic and you're old and fat, i'm willing to bet if we came across each other in person that's not how things would go.
Yeah, it's quite possible that you might be able to kick my fat ass around the block just for drill.

But, I'm very handy with my cane when it comes to defending myself. It is made of red cherry wood with an ivory handle, and yes, you will be able to chase me down and beat the crap out of me!

But your lower jaw would be missing while you're chasing me.

And you will still spend the rest of your life sucking mush through a straw!

However, in a battle of wits, I'm sorry to inform you, but you have come unarmed!

And you can take that to the bank!
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
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Re: Banning PE

Post by Earl »

Actually (for what it's worth), Fat Man is middle-aged (as I am), not old (yet). Not meaning to be disrespectful to anyone.
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Re: Banning PE

Post by Fat Man »

Earl wrote:Actually (for what it's worth), Fat Man is middle-aged (as I am), not old (yet). Not meaning to be disrespectful to anyone.
Thank you very much!

And although I'm 57 years old, I don't feel that old. I feel pretty much as I did when I was in my early 30s. Better in fact, because I'm even fatter and happier now than I was back then, despite all the bull-crap I had to put up with in my life.

I will probably outlive most of these jocks! That is because I like to keep my mind active, reading books and working on art projects, and even if someday, if I get so fat that I might need a wheelchair to get around, it still won't get me down, because I will find ways to keep my mind occupied and challenged. I will still be able to work on oil paintings, or build radio controlled flying model planes, doing all sorts of things to keep my mind young and active despite any physical handicaps I might have.

Most jocks can't read or write beyond the third grade level, and when they become too old and broken down to play sports anymore, they go down hill really fast! They'll just spend their declining years, sitting on a plastic covered couch, pissing in their pants, drooling from the corners of their mouths, watching video tapes of their former glory days on their big screen TVs, but their minds will be gone, and they won't even be consciously aware of what they are looking at.

Yeah, 57 years is not old!

But most jocks are old by the time they reach 40!

They are so pathetic!
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
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Re: Banning PE

Post by Earl »

You're welcome, Fat Man. You're wise to have so many hobbies. As we've all heard, keeping mentally active can possibly help prevent Alzheimer's. As far as yours truly is concerned as another middle-aged man (two years older than you), I'm now physically stronger and more muscular than I ever was when I was a teenager and a young man. (Of course, to be honest, I wasn't persistently physically active then.) Several physical trainers and a nurse have all told me that it is not too late for a guy like me to begin a bodybuilding program (which I've been on for one and a half years). Aside from that project (if you could call it that), I've been writing a lengthy short story. No, I don't think I'll try to get it published. It's probably too wierd for most people.
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Re: Banning PE

Post by Fat Man »

Earl wrote:You're welcome, Fat Man. You're wise to have so many hobbies. As we've all heard, keeping mentally active can possibly help prevent Alzheimer's. As far as yours truly is concerned as another middle-aged man (two years older than you), I'm now physically stronger and more muscular than I ever was when I was a teenager and a young man. (Of course, to be honest, I wasn't persistently physically active then.) Several physical trainers and a nurse have all told me that it is not too late for a guy like me to begin a bodybuilding program (which I've been on for one and a half years). Aside from that project (if you could call it that), I've been writing a lengthy short story. No, I don't think I'll try to get it published. It's probably too wierd for most people.
Hey! I like weird stories! I'm a Stephen King fan! Could you PM a sample of one of your stories to me? I won't reveal it to anyone, to protect your privacy.

You know, I would like to get back to pumping iron again. There is a gym at Las Palmas Medical center, but I have to save up enough money for membership. But, I do go out every other day walking around down town to get some exercise. I understand that the heavier a person is, the more exercise one can get just from walking.

Because of my Endomorphic body type, I should be able pack on some more muscle really easy, even at my age. Even now, my short fat legs are still pretty strong. I could probably kick a door off of it's hinges and send it flying across the room. I would probably be really good during a DEA drug bust of a crack house working as a human battering ram!

Also, it would be fun to bust down the door of some Macho jocko monkey-boy's home during an arrest after monkey-boy had raped somebody's sister or daughter.

Yeah! We fat guys can really kick ass!!!
ImageI'm fat and sassy! I love to sing & dance & stomp my feet & really rock your world!

All I want to hear from an ex-jock is "Will that be paper or plastic?" After that he can shut the fuck up!
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Re: Banning PE

Post by Detroitsportsfan08 »

first off, please cite 3 to 5 examples of athletes raping women.

secondly, you're not smarter than me because you post these long rants that are all a matter of opinion, and also exaggerated. There is no point in responding to the things you say. Just know you look like an idiot, and you sensationalize absolutely everything.
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Re: Banning PE

Post by Earl »

Dsf08, you asked Fat Man to "please cite 3 to 5 examples of athletes raping women." I'm not ganging up on you with Fat Man. I'm responding by myself; and I'm addressing you RESPECTFULLY, believe me. You raise a serious isssue. There is plenty of research that you can do. Just do a Google search with "athletes rape," "football players rape," or some variation; and check the pages listing all the websites. Yes, some of them are repetitive; but you will have plenty of references. I would also recommend that you check out, the website of the National Coalition Against Violent Athletes, which was founded by Kathy Redmond, who claims that she was raped by the football player Christian Peter at the University of Nebraska. You might also do a Google search for websites about her and her organization. Finally, three books written by Jeff Benedict are available: Athletes and Acquaintance Rape; Out of Bounds: Inside the NBA's Culture of Rape, Violence and Crime; and Pros and Cons: The Criminals Who Play in the NFL. Yes, false accusations are made; but they can't ALL be false.

Hey, gang, we sure have strayed way off the topic of this forum! Oh, well, at least you can say this forum isn't boring! As the hippies of the late 1960s would say (and I think their movement had a totally pernicious impact on this country), Peace, man!
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Re: Banning PE

Post by Detroitsportsfan08 »

Yes, there have been athletes who have done some bad things, and should be punished to the fullest, regardless of who they are.

With that said, it seems a bit unfair and obnoxious to stereotype and generalize a very large group of people as "raping our sister's and daughter's".
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Re: Banning PE

Post by Earl »

Hi, Dsf08. It's me again. Thank you for responding to my post in a respectful manner. You have not responded in the vulgar, hateful way that Harold did to me in the "Letters 2009" when I reacted to his first letter. (Not to mention Samdaman and SpeedofLeight, who posted a link displaying the vilest porn film footage I've ever seen. Actually, it was so vile that I had to avert my eyes as I clicked the X button; so I didn't get a good look at it, thankfully.) Fatman said "raped somebody's sister or daughter." I think he was referring to individuals. I think that if the two of you actually met and got to know each other that the two of you might understand each other. (But I could be wrong!) I don't think he was exaggerating about what happened to him when he was in school. We don't all have the same experiences. I admit that his style is not like mine, though. I do appreciate your sensitivity about negative stereotyping. Seriously. We should all be judged as individuals. I was subjected to negative stereotyping myself for being a scrawny nonathlete when I was a boy and a teenager. There was a time in this country when any boy who had no interest in sports was routinely accused of having homosexual tendencies. Fat Man really has no power over you anymore than you have any power over him. This website is for people who need to rant, and I understand that too. It poses no threat to anyone. I hope my note has made you feel a little bit better. (But sometimes I can be a real dope.) Gotta go to bed now. To interject a little humor (hopefully) by quoting Rodney King: Can't we just get along?
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Re: Banning PE

Post by Fat Man »

Earl wrote:Dsf08, you asked Fat Man to "please cite 3 to 5 examples of athletes raping women." I'm not ganging up on you with Fat Man. I'm responding by myself; and I'm addressing you RESPECTFULLY, believe me. You raise a serious isssue. There is plenty of research that you can do. Just do a Google search with "athletes rape," "football players rape," or some variation; and check the pages listing all the websites. Yes, some of them are repetitive; but you will have plenty of references. I would also recommend that you check out, the website of the National Coalition Against Violent Athletes, which was founded by Kathy Redmond, who claims that she was raped by the football player Christian Peter at the University of Nebraska. You might also do a Google search for websites about her and her organization. Finally, three books written by Jeff Benedict are available: Athletes and Acquaintance Rape; Out of Bounds: Inside the NBA's Culture of Rape, Violence and Crime; and Pros and Cons: The Criminals Who Play in the NFL. Yes, false accusations are made; but they can't ALL be false.

Hey, gang, we sure have strayed way off the topic of this forum! Oh, well, at least you can say this forum isn't boring! As the hippies of the late 1960s would say (and I think their movement had a totally pernicious impact on this country), Peace, man!
Good evening Earl.

Thanks for that web site link to the NCAVA, National Coalition Against Violent Athletes.

Yeah, here are some statistics.

Game Stats

* A 3 year study shows that while male student-athletes comprise 3.3% of the population, they represent 19% of sexual assault perpetrators and 35% of domestic violence perpetrators. (Benedict/Crosset Study)

* One in three college sexual assaults are committed by athletes. (Benedict/Crosset Study)

* In the three years before 1998, an average of 1000 charges were brought against athletes each year. (Benedict/Crosset Study)

* In 1995, while only 8.5% of the general population was charged with assault, 36.8% of athletes were charged with assault. (Benedict/Crosset Study)

* The general population has a conviction rate of 80%. The conviction rate of an athlete is 38%. (Benedict/Crosset Study)

* A new incident of athlete crime emerges once every two days - that does NOT include crimes that were unreported in the media. (NCAVA)

* 84% of the public believes colleges should revoke the scholarship of a player convicted of a crime. (ESPN SportsZone Poll)

* 83% of the public believes that college and pro athletes are committing more criminal acts now compared to 25 years ago. (ESPN SportsZone Poll)

And here is more about a recent incident in a small New Mexico town.

Horrific High School Football Hazing Case Shakes New Mexico Town

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

LAS VEGAS, N.M. â?? It was shocking enough when six high school football players were accused of sodomizing six younger teammates with a broomstick during training camp. But the scandal was raised to a whole new level when the coaches were accused of turning a blind eye to the hazing.

Since then, Robertson High's head football coach and all five assistants have resigned, and prosecutors are considering charges against adults and youngsters alike.

The incident has turned student against student in the town of 14,000, and subjected some of the school's athletes to lewd taunts from spectators.

"I'm very sad, so very sad for these young men," said Veronica Sanchez, a retiree who knows one of the victims and one of the accused. Her friends and family, she said, are split "kind of 50-50" on whether to blame the coaching staff or the older players.

The scandal unfolded at a four-day, mid-August preseason training camp in the mountains west of Las Vegas, a predominantly Hispanic, once-booming Old West town 60 miles from Santa Fe, now known for its stately Victorian homes.

According to state police reports, a group of juniors assaulted several younger teammates over two days, holding the victims down while a broomstick was forced into their rectums over their athletic shorts.

Police did not find out about it from school officials; instead, a state police officer whose son is on the team learned of the allegations through his wife, a camp volunteer.

The alleged ringleader was expelled from school. The others â?? some of them veteran members of the highly successful team â?? were suspended through the end of the school year. The six victims returned to the team.

Several residents declined to give their names but expressed disbelief, frustration and embarrassment over the case, along with anger â?? some directed at the coaches, some at the media inquiring about the scandal.

On the field, the Cardinals â?? who played in the state championship game in each of the past three years, winning the title in 2005 and 2006 â?? have struggled, losing their first three contests by lopsided scores of 51-7, 34-6 and 35-13.

"These are young kids in a difficult, difficult environment," said Bob Rothstein, an attorney for several victims' families. "They have to go to school every day and they're still trying to play football on the team. They certainly didn't want to be exposed in this way."

School Superintendent Rick Romero said spectators at some opposing schools have taunted the Robertson girls' soccer team and a middle school girls' volleyball team with "references to broomsticks and other very inappropriate sexual innuendoes."

A school district investigation released earlier this month accused the coaching staff of not adequately supervising the players and failing to look into the initial reports of hazing. District Attorney Henry Valdez in Santa Fe said coaches and school administrators could face charges of failing to report child sexual abuse.

According to a state police report, an assistant coach told the other coaches during training camp "that some sort of hazing incident involving broomsticks was happening." Another coach walked into a cabin to see "a player on his stomach on the ground, with his legs spread open," while a teammate held a broomstick, the police report said. The coach told the players to "cut it out" and the group broke up.

Romero said the coaches believed they had intervened in time to stop a hazing incident. But "as our investigation has unfolded, we learned that it had already happened," the superintendent said.

That afternoon, according to the police report, head coach Ray Woods called the players together and told them that if any hazing was going on, it needed to stop.

When Woods asked if anyone had been violated, one 15-year-old player raised his hand. But before the boy could elaborate, other players began making jokes, the report said. Several coaches told investigators that because of the laughter from the players, they didn't believe the allegations were serious and took no further action.

On Day 4 of what was supposed to be a five-day camp, Woods was approached by concerned parents. He gathered the boys again, insisting they identify those involved. Woods immediately kicked several players off the team, training camp was cut short, and the squad was put on a bus and taken back to the school.

There they were met by a group of parents, four state police cars and at least eight uniformed officers, plus Capt. Toby Dolan, who had learned of the allegations through his wife.

In an interview, Romero said school officials did not immediately notify authorities because they were not sure exactly what had happened.

"We were doing things based on the best information we had," he said. "At that time, neither I nor the athletic director, nor, I believe, the head coach knew the degree of the severity of the actions."

Romero said lessons about bullying â?? already a regular part of the elementary school curriculum â?? are planned with students at all grades. High school students will also learn about sexual harassment.

"This was a very violent, very serious form of bullying," the superintendent said. "Until we do a better job of identifying and dealing with it, this is not going to be the last time we hear about it."
Yeah! These monkey-boys just can't keep their rockets in their pockets!

Once again, I think this says it all!


I rest my case!
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Re: Banning PE

Post by Lewis »

That is wrong that all of them were not expelled, that is just special treatment to the football players. It is odd how they don't help the victims.
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Re: Banning PE

Post by Earl »

A word of explanation concerning my last post: I got the impression from Dsf08's last post that he was taking this personally, so I felt sorry for him. I wanted to make him feel better; but all I succeeded in doing was to produce a dopey, slightly rambling post. The comments I made were sincere, but somehow it all just came out weak. Oh, well. This forum scene is wierd for this middle-aged guy. (That's me, yours truly.) The exchanges often make me laugh, but sometimes the name-calling (on both sides) gets to be a little bit too much. (I'm not complaining. I'm just making an observation.) Given their rabid hatred of nerds, I'm concerned that Samdaman and Harold (not the same person?) might be bullying other kids at school. I'd be very surprised if they weren't, actually. Perhaps this post is not as dopey as the last one was. Carry on.
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Re: Banning PE

Post by Detroitsportsfan08 »

you are at least logical, and not over the top like FatMan, and many others here.
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Re: Banning PE

Post by Earl »

Thanks, Dsf08. I appreciate your compliment. Perhaps in a way my feet are in both camps. I'm not interested in spectator sports, but I work out at a health club.
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Re: Banning PE

Post by Ray »

Earl and Fatman, thank you for those well researched and informative statistics on Jock crime. I had no idea the problem was so severe. I mean I knew jocks, in general, were abusive jerks who got away with muder but holy cow!

You certainly gave the information and examples that Detroit asked for. Too bad it didn't alter his position one bit. I don't know why he asked unless it was to merely challenge your position. If that was the case, then you won that argument hands down.

I'll add a link to the National Coalition Against Violent Athletes foundation you referenced. Thanks again.

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